Raleigh, TN – Betty Brandon’s Pomeranian killed by neighbor’s pit bulls/German Shepherds that made headlines before (4/14/15)

More concerns about Raleigh neighborhood dogs: woman’s dog killed

2015-04-15_13h41_31POSTED 6:10 PM, APRIL 14, 2015, BY

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Raleigh woman told police vicious neighborhood dogs attacked her Pomeranian and killed it.

This was the second time in a month WREG has responded to a complaint about the dogs on Canyon Road.

“I’ve had this baby since he was five weeks old. He is my baby,” said dog owner Betty Brandon.

That is how she remembered her six-year-old Pomeranian, Shadow.

He was the first dog she ever owned.

She told WREG vicious neighborhood dogs tore him apart when she let Shadow outside to go to the bathroom Monday.

2015-04-15_13h41_19“I get out here, and they’re on top of him, and they’ve ripped him open,” Brandon recalled.

Brandon filed a police report.

She said the dogs who attacked Shadow have made headlines before.

WREG reported about the dogs last month after neighbors complained that they were roaming the neighborhood.

“My dogs are not vicious,” said the dogs’ owner, who only wanted to be identified as Irma.

Irma said she has four dogs now of the German Shepherd and Pitbull breeds.

She said a man who used to stay at her home let the dogs outside while she was out yesterday.

She claimed he broke in.

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APBTPit Bull Terriers need regular vigorous physical activity. They crave mental and physical stimulation. Regular long walks and plenty of play time can be ideal ways to burn energy. If their exercise needs are not met, they can develop destructive behaviors. They can often excel at physical activities, such as jogging and weight pulling. Some clubs admit them to agility and fly ball; others don’t because it is dangerous to have APBTs off leash near other dogs and the clubs don’t want to bear the liability in the event of an attack.

The American Pit Bull Terrier needs early socialization and training. Since they are active dogs, they can become unmanageable quickly. They need a firm and consistent handler that can maintain control at all times. They are eager to please and can learn tricks if trained patiently. They are very active both indoors and outdoors. Despite proper training and socialization, many dogs may be hard to manage and can still have unwanted behaviors.

The American Pit Bull Terrier has a history and bloodline deep rooted in the blood sports of animal baiting and dogfighting. As with all breeds, they retain their original traits. They often to do not accept other animals, especially dogs, and can be extremely aggressive towards them. They may accept animals they are raised with, but have been known to kill other family pets even after years of living together happily.

Most APBT puppies get along fantastically with other animals, including dogs. Puppies often love to play with and have companionship with other animals. This often gives owners a false sense of security. As the APBT matures, their relationship with other animals can change drastically. Often dog aggression issues emerge from 1-3 years in age, but some dog’s exhibit aggression as early as 6 months of age. They often will actively seek out other dogs to engage in fighting with and have broken their collars, crashed through windows, and torn through fences to do so, and one recently leaped from an apartment 2nd story balcony, to get to a dog. They can get along with other dogs at times, but things can escalate quickly and they can attack suddenly and for no apparent reason. They often redirect onto humans who try to break up the fight14. Extreme caution should be used with all animal interactions and owners should never be completely comfortable. They can be unpredictable and a dog that plays nicely with dogs for years can suddenly change. Many owners have been shocked to see their beloved pet’s fighting instincts suddenly surface. It is highly recommended that the APBT is separated from other animals in the household when they cannot be supervised15. This is not a breed that is suitable for interactions at off leash dog parks16.

Click here to read more about the American Pit Bull Terrier

German Shep 2The German Shepherd Dog is intelligent and versatile. They are courageous, intuitive, confident, and eager to learn their jobs. The German Shepherd is often used by police departments because the traits they possess make them favorably suited for public service. The German Shepherd is completely devoted to his owner and family.  With proper socialization and understanding of the breed they can interact and get along easily with other pets. They require daily exercise that is rigorous and expends their boundless energy.

German Shepherds need mental challenges and thrive on cognitive stimulation and problem solving. Attention to mental stimulation is highly recommended for owners of GSDs. Daily outings or walks would are critical to their health and well being. Proper socialization in addition to basic obedience beginning with puppyhood is important. They can be cautious with strangers and they will likely bark assertively if they sense danger.

The German Shepherd’s history as a farm dog disposes them to be very protective of their territory or yard. They are guardians by nature and this may cause them to behave in a confrontational manner. It is wise to exercise extreme caution when approaching or visiting homes with a German Shepherd. They have been known to act aggressively in order to protect.

Because they are so often used for police work, some lines of GSDs have developed behavior that makes them unsuitable as household pets. Police lines often suffer an ADHD-like excitability and lack of impulse control. Some have developed what looks like ‘impulsive aggression’ – sudden, unprovoked, disproportionately savage attacks on another dog or on a human. If you are considering a German Shepherd Dog as a household companion, it is important to be sure you choose a dog from a working guide dog line or a companion dog line, and avoid breeders who supply police trainers and/or shutzhund clubs. This is particularly important if you expect the dog to interact safely with children and with other animals.

Click here to read more about the German Shepherd


This is a list of dog breeds that have a history of being potentially dangerous to people, especially children. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness understands that any dog has the ability to bite or inflict serious harm to humans. This list consists of several dog breeds that have a higher than average number of recorded human fatalities. Please use extreme caution if you choose to bring one of these breeds into your home. Rental communities and homeowners insurance may restrict many of the dog breeds on this list due to the likelihood of a serious incident.

Pit Bulls, Mastiff, and Rottweiler lead in fatalities and are listed first. The rest of the breeds are listed in alphabetical order:

potentially-dangerous-dog-300x300Pit Bull Terrier Family





Alaskan Malamute

Chow Chow

Doberman Pinscher

German Shepherd

Shar Pei

Siberian Husky

Wolf Hybrid

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