Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education & Awareness has the goal of providing assistance to the many victims of dog attacks and maulings that include people and animals. Some victims are capable of lending support to other victims and can be contacted through Daxton’s Friends. Currently, the assistance offered is a support network. Victims are in contact with each other through meetings, phone calls, and e-mails. In the future, Daxton’s Friends would like to offer counseling services to victims. Many victims suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome and families of victims can suffer from overwhelming emotions, such as anger and grief. Professional counseling is often the best option to help victims cope. Until counseling can be set up directly through Daxton’s Friends, we will assist in finding counseling and support services in your area. If you are a victim and require our services please e-mail [email protected].
Daxton’s Friends is a voice for victims and will speak openly about victim experiences and needs.
Please accept my sincere sympathies, and empathies for these dog attatcks. I, too, was attacked by a Pit Bull, while on a leisurely walk, when the dog ran from it’s yard, attacking me.
I am working to send letters to all in Georgia that could, hopefully, make a difference…but, it seems so many are in denial of this growing epidemic.
I am working on an online Petition that must have 1000 signatures before I can send it to Law Makers. Also, in support of Victims, I have a FB Page in honor of all Victims, past, present, future and those demised.
Solely, due to the present Georgia Dog Bite Laws, I received nothing to compensate me for this attack…nothing at all. In fact, the owner received no responsibility for their dog, nor the injuries, and disabilities it inflicted upon me.
I am interested in knowing what I can do, how I can make the public aware, and actions needed to be taken to change these laws. I need all the help I can get…at this time I am working alone. It is extremely difficult getting others involved, nor interested in this growing epidemic.
I pray your efforts reach massive numbers in public awareness, and changes.