Isaiah Ray Aguilar – Killed by the neighbor’s pit bull while chasing a balloon out of his yard 7

10555219_713364915414420_1195969887_nIsaiah’s Story – as told by Lisa Gonzales, his mother.

Hi my name is Isaiah and I will forever be 2 yrs old. You see, I was murdered!! But before I explain to you what happened let me tell you a little bit about my short life.

My name is Isaiah Ray Aguilar and my birthday is Oct 27 2010. I was born in Corpus Christi Texas. My mom’s name is Lisa and my dad’s name is Richard. Mom usually didn’t work she was always too busy with us kids haha. I have 6 brothers and sisters (and I will tell u about them in a bit). My dad is a welder and he is always working to provide for us. We are a big family! My parents wouldn’t have it any other way. Mom and Dad have been together for 18 yrs and they have a love for each other that is unconditional. They have gone through a lot together good and bad. My oldest brother’s name is Ricardo Aguilar III. He’s fifteen and an amazing brother. We would always go around the house finding ways to pick on the other kids haha. I remember we would sneak homemade tortillas out of the kitchen! My mom couldn’t figure out who was eating them we would grab two and run away fast so she didn’t see us! Wheee! I miss my brother but I’m watching over him

Like he did me so I know he will be OK. Kristian is thirteen. I remember when I would sleep with him he always made sure I had a warm blanket so I wouldn’t get cold at night. I felt so safe with him and he never got mad when I would kick him in my sleep. We finally figured out who was drinking all my milk haha, But, I didn’t mind sharing cuz he always shared with me. He’s a good brother.

Savannah is 12 she’s my “nany”. There’s no words to describe my sister. She loves me like a mommy loves a child. From the day I was born she was mommy’s helper. She changed my diapers and she made me bottles. She played with me a LOT! Savannah was always there when I needed help. I remember standing at the living room window everyday waiting for the bus to pull up. When I would see it I would start screaming nany, nany, nany! I know she’s taking it hard that she can’t see me anymore but I’m watching over her the way she did for me 10563614_713364835414428_433282901_nbut from heaven. I miss my nany and I know she misses me. We had a bond that can never be broken!

Then there’s Candice she’s 11 she’s the sister that instead of playing with cars with me she would pull out the silly dolls, yuck. I always got my way by the end of our playing session. I had taken off at least two heads from her dolls haha. She never got mad at me she would just pick them up and put them back together. She was always gentle and calm and I know she’s changed since I’ve been gone. She will be OK. I remember she was playing with me and the balloon when I was killed chasing it into the neighbor’s yard where the mean dog was. We were always playing together. I miss my “Candy”!

Then there’s Dolores she’s ten. I called her “Boa” cause I couldn’t say her name!!! Boa is different than the other kids. She didn’t care how muddy it was or how dirty she was gonna get haha. She never said she wouldn’t play with me or of she was watching something on TV and I wanted to watch sponge Bob (that was my favorite) she never said no. she would sit there and enjoy it with me. I love my boa.

Then there’s Fabian he was my partner in crime, no kidding! He would run all over the house and get into whatever we could to drive momma crazy. We played cars, we played hide and seek and we played ball. That was my favorite! He would start at one end of the hall and me the other and we would roll it back and forth having so much fun! I know Fabian misses me a lot because I see him from heaven crying all the time. We were always together and I miss him too. I’m watching over him and I will make sure he is safe. Mommy and Daddy ask me to. I wish I could see them again and tell them I’m ok and I will see them again.

On Feb 16, 2013 it was a Saturday and it felt like any regular day. We were all at home. My dad had brought pizza the day before and my brother heated up a piece and left it on the table. Of course me being silly. I grabbed it and ran off and my brother was chasing me around the house. I couldn’t stop laughing I had stolen the last piece of pizza haha! My parents were cleaning and unloading a trailer of boxes and furniture when all of our lives changed forever. My sister Candice had blown up some balloons and we 10563552_713364688747776_1875125971_nwere throwing them back and forth to each other and we decided to go play in the yard. We had a clothes line and we were tossing the balloon over it. Well my sister hit it to me but Instead of me catching it the air blew it across the fence. My sister took me inside and said we could get another. I remember that she had locked the screen door but I had it down pat on how to open it. She went to go tinkle and she told me not to go outside. But, I always did what I wanted and what I wanted was MY BALLOON! When she went to the restroom I unlocked that screen door and ran as fast as I could to go get my balloon back. Little did I know that what was on the other side of that fence was gonna kill me. As I ran to grab my balloon this horrible monster came out of nowhere and attacked me. It was a pit bull and my little body didn’t stand a chance. I was gone in an instant, my little body torn apart in the jaws of that mean dog. I quickly lost too much blood to survive. My family’s was changed forever that day. I am telling my story is to help save lives. ..

A message from Lisa Gonzales:

Parents do not take a chance with your children. You could be the next victim, your lives could change as mine did leaving you with a heartbreak like ours. Isaiah was only two. He was just a baby he didn’t deserve to die such a horrible death. I live with the pain every day and night. I’m his mother I should have been able to protect him I shouldn’t have been mopping at the instant he was attacked. I hate myself every day for it. Our lives will never ever be the same. Isaiah was with us for two years and he brought so much love into our family. I know we are all put on this earth to serve a purpose and maybe his was to show us what love is and save the lives of other children from these monsters. If you read Isaiah’s story and it changes your mind about pit bulls then his purpose was served and my baby did what he was supposed to do. Every 11 10540545_713371002080478_1817456828_ndays, on average, an innocent person is losing their life to a pit bull or fighting breed dog…. Don’t allow your lives one to become another victim do something now before it’s too late….I’m memory of Isaiah Ray!!!! God bless…

I am fighting for this cause in honor of my son, Isaiah. His life was cruelly and savagely taken from us by our neighbor’s pit bull. This tragedy could have been avoided if I had known the dangers of these monsters. This was a horrible wake up call for our family. We as victims stand together to spread awareness and to try and stop innocent people and children from losing their lives….. We aren’t here to hurt anyone or their dogs. We have, ourselves, been hurt enough. Just because we are spreading awareness about pit bulls that doesn’t mean we hate animals, we just love our children and families.




American Pit Bull Terrier

The ‘bull and terrier’ type was originally developed in England in the early 19th century. The lineage goes back to the mastiff / molosser types, including what we now call the Olde English Bulldogge, that were used for bear-, bull- and horse-baiting from the 12th through the 18th century. This isn’t the bear-baiting we think of today, when hunters feed bears in order to bring them out in the open to shoot them. Rather, the bear, bull or horse was confined in a public arena where the mastiff ‘bulldogs’ would slowly tear them apart alive for the public’s amusement1,2,3,4,5.

The popularity of this ‘sport’ declined as education became more emphasized in urban society of the Industrial Revolution and literacy among the population grew (from about 30% in the 17th century to 62% by 1800)6.  The ‘sport’ was banned altogether by Act of Parliament in 1835.

The lovers of blood ‘sports’ turned to dogfighting to satisfy their fancy, breeding the large, mastiff-type bulldogs to smaller working terriers to get dogs both smaller and more agile, easier to keep and to hide, but just as willing to attack and fight to the death. With the rise of the kennel clubs and the desire to distinguish dogs by looks and pedigree as well as by performance, this ‘bull and terrier’ type eventually divided into many official breeds. They all share the same ancestry and function, distinguishing themselves mostly by slight differences in appearance.

Click here to learn more about the American Pit Bull Terrier


Pit Bull Terrier Family

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7 thoughts on “Isaiah Ray Aguilar – Killed by the neighbor’s pit bull while chasing a balloon out of his yard

  • Amie

    Tonight another little baby was horribly murdered by a pit bull. I have been in this site before. But took the time tonight to show my teen daughter after seeing the news. I am so sorry. Please know as I cry for your baby, he did exactly what you hoped. Help me show my daughter that I’m not making it up when I explain they kill babies. She knows now that my concerns are real after seeing your babies story. Just know peopleare still thinking of Isaiah

  • Landon Jackson

    My Lord , I am soo sorry that that happened to your precious little boy . I pray for you all of your family and friends that love Isaiah. God Bless you

  • Lorie May

    My heart goes out to you and your family. I know the pain you feel. We too lost our child to a senseless dog attack only 6 weeks ago. She was my stepdaughter Kiyana McNeal. I loved her with all my heart and I watch her Daddy agonize each day. Kiyana was killed by a dog that her mother purchased. The dog was in the home less than an hour and she was gone. That day will forever be in my mind. The day we received a phone call that changed our lives. The only way I can cope is through writing in my blog. I hope that her story will impact other parents enough to make them take extra precautions to protect their babies. It was not a pit bull that attacked her but she experience the extreme vicious attack as your Isaiah. Our children should never have to experience such violence. I too will stand up and bring awareness to others. Rest in peace Isaiah.

  • Julie

    The story of a child chasing a balloon to meet such a savage dog, haunts me. I was inspired to create a collection of Haikus about this and other stories like it, which is now a story that is being told too often. My condolences, we will not forget Isaiah.

    Isaiah chased a balloon the wind blew, to a hole in the fence
    Met a dog that “ate most of her litter, killed their sire.”