On January 17th 2014 my daughter Kara was attacked and brutally mauled to death on her 4th birthday by the very dog we purchased for her at x-mas the year before.
She thought that dog hung the moon, she had tea parties with him, he would sleep at the foot of the couch when she napped, laid his head on her lap for endless petting, she would sing songs to him, demanded he be bought special toys to play with, special pooper scooper so she could clean up after him, cushions for him to lay, she helped walk him with her daddy at night, cried when he wasn’t feeling well as her little heart felt so badly for him, her face lit up from ear to ear when she’d talk about him.
We watched your show (Pit Bulls & Parolees) faithfully, had it DVR’d as a matter of fact, we hung to your every word, admired you for fighting for the respect of the breed, and educating new owners and potential adopters, we clung to your words and followed them like a bible. You are the biggest reason why I allowed that dog into my home. I bought into your theory of poor misunderstood dog, gentle giant, loving family pet, great with children, loyal, snuggly. Our dogs were every one of those things—until the day something snapped in him and he wasn’t.
He attacked my daughter with no warning, no growl, no sneer, no previous anger, no signs whatsoever. You are wrong in what you say, you are wrong in what you preach, you are preaching untruths and many many more children will die because of you. These dogs are unpredictable at best, ticking time bombs that do not care that you have loved them as family and had done all the right things, exercised, fed well, the right fences, vetted, loved beyond measure.
I left for work on January 17th 2014 at 10:15, kissed my daughter goodbye, sang happy birthday Kara-Kara bo bara for the last time, I never saw her alive again. I visit her daily at her grave, her baby sister was also there during the attack, she remembers the sounds of the dog attacking, her sisters screams, she will replay that day for the rest of her life as will my whole family. My little one had just recently turned two the day she lost her big sister. She asks god every day to give her back to her. She doesn’t understand, and well Tia , neither do I , but what I do know is I hope you feel responsible in some small part, as you should. You are publicly endangering millions of peoples lives with your lies, your show should not be on TV. People look to you for direction and for guidance, and you spew lies and deceit. These animals have no business being brought home by families, they have no business around the defenseless, the elderly, children, they are killing people in masses and I for one won’t stop until they don’t exist.
Roxanne Hartrich
Click here to read the full story about Kara Hartrich
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Before all you pit bull advocates make a comment, we want you to READ this comment posted below:
1.) They will attack due to the triggering of the pleasure center in the amygdala during an attack. This was bred into them through genetic selection to create a fighting breed that will engage in a fight to the death for the pleasure of the fight itself. This is not a natural characteristic of any dog breed.
2.) They will give no signals as normal dogs will prior to an attack. For a pit bull type the fight is for sport so often other dogs, and even people that are very conversant with normal dog behavioral and commuication will think the dog wants to play. The pit bull will then go for the throat.
3.) Pit bulls are bred to continue an attack until death, they are in an almost constant state of the equivalent of an orgasm during the actual attack and that makes them impervious to pain and external influence. It is a myth that their jaws lock but at approximately 250 ft.Lbs of pressure their bite is extremely difficult to break.
Tia purports herself as an expert on pit bulls and indeed has been noted on her TV series to observe that a pit bull may not be the optimum pet for families with children or for adults not willing to invest in the intense physical stimulation required in order to maintain a decent level of physical and mental health within the dog. The problem is these messages are not consistent, she has permitted the ‘nanny dog myth’ to appear in a show and while later retracting the comment it was done in such a way as to minimize exposure to criticism. The facts that I have listed in this response, and many, many more are well-documented, peer-reviewed research from many various sources. They have been successfully employed repeatedly to keep pit bull bans in place in military housing and a variety of cities, states and even entire countries. By failing to understand and explain these issues to the public through her show she does, indeed, share the responsibility for this attack. That family relied upon Tia for what they assumed was the advice of a professional expert. This particular expert willfully left out critical information that may have influenced the family into a more appropriate breed of dog and that resulted in a death. While you may be unaware of it, people have actually been convicted in civil court for just such omissions.”
American Pit Bull Terrier
The ‘bull and terrier’ type was originally developed in England in the early 19thcentury. The lineage goes back to the mastiff / molosser types, including what we now call the Olde English Bulldogge, that were used for bear-, bull- and horse-baiting from the 12th through the 18th century. This isn’t the bear-baiting we think of today, when hunters feed bears in order to bring them out in the open to shoot them. Rather, the bear, bull or horse was confined in a public arena where the mastiff ‘bulldogs’ would slowly tear them apart alive for the public’s amusement1,2,3,4,5.
The popularity of this ‘sport’ declined as education became more emphasized in urban society of the Industrial Revolution and literacy among the population grew (from about 30% in the 17th century to 62% by 1800)6. The ‘sport’ was banned altogether by Act of Parliament in 1835.
The lovers of blood ‘sports’ turned to dogfighting to satisfy their fancy, breeding the large, mastiff-type bulldogs to smaller working terriers to get dogs both smaller and more agile, easier to keep and to hide, but just as willing to attack and fight to the death. With the rise of the kennel clubs and the desire to distinguish dogs by looks and pedigree as well as by performance, this ‘bull and terrier’ type eventually divided into many official breeds. They all share the same ancestry and function, distinguishing themselves mostly by slight differences in appearance.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is, like all the ‘bully’ breeds, one of this group of descendants of the British ‘bull and terrier’ type fighting bulldogs. Once imported into the United States, it was bred up to be bigger again, and again used in baiting animals and in dogfighting. The American Kennel Club (founded 1884) was unwilling to register these fighting dogs, so in 1898 the United Kennel Club was founded specifically to register working pit-fighting dogs and to promote dogfighting. In order to be registered, a dog had to first win three pit fights7,8,9. The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) became a ‘breed’. As dogfighting declined in popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, Colby (the most famous and prolific breeder of these dogs) began to search for a new market and began promoting the APBT as family pets10,11. This despite the fact that his breeding lines included child killers12.
The APBT is of medium intelligence, and it is athletic. They have plenty of energy and exuberance for life. They are affectionate companions are often referred to as a “nanny dog”, which leads many families to believe that they are suitable companions for children. Many can live happily with children and never have an issue, but there are many cases of the family pit bull suddenly attacking or killing a child in the household. The Pit Bull advocacy group BADRAP recently retracted their original “nanny dog” statements (https://www.facebook.com/BADRAP.org/posts/10151460774472399)13. In 2013 and 2014, in the United States, 27 children were killed by Pit Bulls and their mixes. Most of these children were killed by family pet pit bulls that had never been neglected or abused and had always loved the child. As with all breeds, the traits needed for their original tasks remain in the dogs – in this case, the sudden explosive aggression that was necessary to survive in the fighting pit. An APBT may never show this aggression, but if it does there will be no warning and the attack will not be easy to stop. Extreme caution should always be taken when this breed interacts with children. They are fun loving dogs that have “clownish” behaviors. Despite, their many positive qualities, this breed may not be suitable for everyone. Their high energy requires a family that can accommodate and appreciate this aspect of their personality. They usually do best with active families. Many American Pit Bull Terriers get calmer as they age and an older dog may work for a more reserved family.
Click here to learn more about the American Pit Bull Terrier
The Pit Bull lobby – Jane Berkey, Animal Farm Foundation, Karen Delise, The National Canine Research Council, Indeterminate Breeds
If you are reading this, you probably used the NCRC (National Canine Research Council) as your “credible” source of information regarding the pit bull issue.
I’ve wanted to blog about this for a long time now. I must give credit where credit is due. Much of the content of this blog post was gathered or provided by fellow advocates of the Victims Of Dangerous Dogs Advocacy Network. It was my undertaking to pull it all together. If you are an elected official and are about to vote on Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), I wrote this blog for you. You need to read this blog in its entirety.
I am the owner of a pit bull mastiff mix that is used to socialize aggressive dogs, He is incredibly loving and obedient because I have worked with him A LOT! Every dog was bred for a purpose and you have to take that into consideration; Most people have no business owning a power breed: mastiff, pit, Rottweiler …etc. I try to impress upon the owners of these type of dog that they were designed to kill and it takes a special kind of owner to properly handle them. I’m not vilifying them you just have to be pragmatic. Tia Torres is an idiot but the same can be said for anyone who watches someone on tv and lives ther life by what they say. I come across people all the time who parrot the ignorance from pitbulls and parolees ( trying to reassure me they don’t have a problem with my dog) and I tell them he along with all bully breeds are dyed in the wool killers. I don’twant another idiot to be lulled into a false spence of security by a pitbull advocate. I know how my dog will respond to a given situation because I’ve put in the work. Just because you watch life in the ER doesn’t make you a doctor so watching a dog show doesn’t make you a knowledge dog owner. I’m sorry about the loss of that girl and the rest of the dog attack victims but it isn’t Tia’s fault. Every dog behavior problem like every child’s behavior problem (excluding medically pertinent ones) is the fault of the owner even the most well meaning. Ignorance is no excuse.
This is your own fault. One, you left your very young child ALONE with a dog and with or without a bad reputation, children should never be left alone with any and I mean ANY dog. Now it is not my right to judge, but my question is, “Is the dog a shelter dog or was the dog ever presented any violence?” Now I aks because counting on how the dog is raised can lead to behaviors like this. On the show “Pitbulls and Parolees” there have been dogs that have attacked with no warning, so really Tia isn’t lying, she was just saying what you should look for and that you should always be cautious around dogs because they are always unpredictable.
Again not my right to judge, but next time be careful and do your homework.
People kill more people than any dog, so kill all people? I’m so sorry for your loss, but you can’t blame one dog’s actions on the entire breed.
People kill more people than any dog, so kill all people? I’m so sorry for your loss, but you can’t blame one dog’s actions on the entire breed. I agree with a previous comment children should never be left alone with dogs or any animal for that matter.
I would also like to understand why your story about how this happened was different in your I terrier and in the letter on this page? You state the dog came after your mother and your daughter in the interview… But in the written out blog post on this site, you state that your husband was the one covered in blood not your mother? Also stating that your mother watched your daughter but your husband was home? This makes no sense. Also the details given during the interview are not details someone would know if they were not there, clearly recited story from someone given to you. I’d double check of you should be blaming whoever left your daughter alone with the dog…
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. How are you going to hold her accountable for a pet that she and her rescue had absolutely NOTHING to do with? I think you need to get in touch with whomever sold you the dog, don’t just go around and try to throw blame in someone’s face, who has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR SITUATION. It’s not fair that you have had to walk through this experience, but that doesn’t make it ok for you to just go around and slander a respectable, intelligent professional. If you allowed a pit bull in your home based on what this woman has to say in her tv show that airs once a week, THAT’S ON YOU! Clearly you didn’t do any research to educate yourself on what it takes to own a pit bull. Unless you personally picked out this dog with Tia from HER rescue, you have no right to say the things you are saying. Educate yourself, you sound like an arrogant asshole.
All I know is how precious my 5 children, 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren are to me. My heart bleeds for you in your loss. My prayers are with you! I lost a grandson in in a senseless joyriding accident. I know your heartache. It will never abate. Turning to God is the only way I cope. Please seek Him.
Pit bull advocates, need to stop avoiding this issue. They would gain so much more respect if they just admit that a pit bull can be lethal and sometimes, it’s just not the fault of the victims. For a family dog to maul a little girl to death is very telling. I feel so badly that a person put so much faith in someone like Tia on TV and the ultimate horrific tragedy happens to them.
Dogs of any kind should not be left alone with small children. Children do not understand what a dog considers a threat or challenge. The size of a large dog can cause it to knock small children down. Small dogs bite out of fear. Any dog will chase children running and screaming and waving their arms as if the children were prey. A serious bite can happen in a second. It’s best to train, explain, and supervise. For the least risk, choose a breed meant to retrieve.
My parents, brothers and I all have pitbulls and they are the most gentle loving dogs we ever had they love kids from newborn to teen like most people say its how they are raised its not its how u train them their like any other dog they need to be trained before u have them around kids that are to little to defend themselfs
I am a big dog lover! I own three long coated German Shepherds. I read meters for a year and got involved with many different dogs. I am proud of my ability to read dogs. If a dog is protecting his family or property, I totally get it and leave them alone. I don’t present myself as an expert, but just an oberserver of canines and people.
So what are my pit conclusions? I am not comfortable with them. I would not own one. Most people should not own a pit because of the challenge. This woman’s tragic story is horrible. But I believe in Tina Torres. What happened is not her fault.
I am a big dog lover! I own three long coated German Shepherds. I read meters for a year and got involved with many different dogs. I am proud of my ability to read dogs. If a dog is protecting his family or property, I totally get it and leave them alone. I don’t present myself as an expert, but just an oberserver of canines and people.
So what are my pit conclusions? I am not comfortable with them. I would not own one. I believe the breed can be dangerous. I also believe most people should not own a pit. Pit bulls can be good family pets, but I believe there is a larger margin of error.
It is so disturbing to read this one sided blog. There are many many dogs that can be pushed to injure humans and especially children. All sorts of things can take place to make a dog feel threatened. The beginning letter by a mother clearly in pain and looking to transfer blame to someone other than herself is just sad. She is the mother of a child and it is her responsibility to be present with her child and supervise at all times.
As there are many reports of injury to humans by dogs there are several times more stories of loving caring dogs that never injure or become aggressive IN ALL BREEDS!!!
It is your fault as a parent for not supervising your child!!!! A dog cannot possibly understand or be responsible. You as a parent of both child and dog are the only one at fault here.
You people should not be pet owners. Period!!!
Stop blaming other people for your problems. You are the adult. Deal
As I was reading the comments, it is just like my story, only with different circumstances…My only daughter and my only grandchild, the three year old love of my life were shot by the baby’s father. I am sick to death of hearing “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. Yes, guns DO kill people, including my babies. It seems nobody “gets it” and do not care, until it happens to them. Gun lovers probably never seen their babies with bullets in their head and eye, as I have. People who are leaving hurtful and insinuating remarks to and about Beautiful Kara’s Mommy, have most probably never seen their baby mauled to death by an animal that can hang by his locked jaws on a tire, for hours. Just like me arguing about guns with gun nuts, arguing with hard core pit bull lovers are both like arguing with a drunk. You can argue until you are blue in the face but it doesn’t get you anywhere. Kara’s Mommy….I know what you are going through. I am SO SORRY. Don’t let some of the asinine comments get to you. They don’t have a clue and NEVER will until they walk a mile in our shoes.
I have been in this woman’s shoes, my 3 year old was mauled by a German Shepherd, however my little girl was supervised my husband was 2 feet away when it happened but an attack that’s feels like it’s never ending in reality only lasts 2 minutes. My husband and I are lucky to still have our daughter but life will never be the same, we watched our little girl go through hell as the doctors pieced back together what was left of her precious little face with reconstructions, more stitches then I’ll ever know, months and months of physical therapy and what felt like an eternity of pain.
All that being said the dog that did this to my little girl was a dog that we had known its entire life he was never aggressive never growled, to this day we still don’t know what happened and why he did what he did but I do know one thing I will never publicly attack and bad mouth somebody that I’ve never met in my life and downright Blame that person for what was perhaps nobody’s fault. Horrible things happen every day in this world and there isn’t always a reason for it, some things just happen.
My heart breaks for Kara’s mom and entire family and will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
You really blame a woman on tv? She has nothing to do with you or your child’s death. I’m looking at my staffordshire pit bull terrier right now crying because she’s scared on my chihuahua. She’s scared of anything with wheels, dogs of any shape or size, and basically any other thing you can think of my Yayo is scared of it. She is the smartest dog I have ever had the pleasure of raising. She’s so hyper but as soon as she sees a baby it’s over. All she wants to do is cuddle up next to it and sleep. Matter of fact all she does is sleep really. I know my dog well enough to say that she’ll never attack someone because she knows better. Don’t blame the breed. Blame the owner.
Why is it always the dogs falt? No one has the right to condemn every pit bull for the action of a few bad apples.As we cannot with humans.second chances are part of life. We are why the dogs are the way they are,they should get a second chance also. Not every dog can be saved . But they deserve a chance to show they can be trusted .Sorry for your loss.
Wow ok point number 1 you made about the amygdala is false. 2 I have owned dogs my entire life of many breeds as well as worked in shelters and volunteered. Dog attacks and aggressive dogs can be blamed on one of two things. Poor breeding and poor raising. Any dog that has poor genetics can become aggressive and attack and any animal that is abused or trained to be aggressive can attack. I’VE worked with hundreds of pit bulls in my life and of the four dogs bites I’ve had none ever came from a pit bull. 2 were from Chihuahuas, unprovoked vicious bites requiring stitches, 1 was from a Golden Retriever, and the last from a poodle. Yes something horrible happened to you, but it’s not an entire breed. I’ve owned my own pit bull for 11 years and he lucks people to death, but my Shepard chow mix who’s 5 is unable to live with anyone but me as he can be fearful and aggressive with strangers. I’ve had him since someone threw him out of a car window on my road when he was 4 weeks old. He loves me and my fiance but is terrified of small dogs and strangers and especially children. So no its not a breed. It’s over breeding, poor breeding, and how it’s raised. No one should ever buy a pure bred dog because they are more likely to be aggressive and have behavioral problems. Especially if bought from a pet store because most of those puppy’s come from puppy mills which only cares about quantity for profit not the health and quality of the puppies.
I for one believe that a pit bull should never be around small children for that matter no large dog should be left around a small child no matter the bread. We have to remember that they may never have been mistreated or hurt and the fact that any breed can go crazy and attack is the simple truth. Although I’m sure pit bulls are more prone to it dobie’s are also a breed that is less than good to leave around a small child. I see small children laying next to a family pet and think how cute it is but lets face it if that child startles a dog with a sudden movement and he is freightened when he attack, one never knows so why take the chance and leave a dog around a child that is big enough to hurt and even kill a child no matter the breed. I personally am scared of pit bulls but I don’t want to see them mistreated either and it the families responsibility to watch the animal around there child. People who have Boas which to me are a wild animal and should not be kept as a pet should no better not to leave them around small children but they do and the fact is they can squeeze a child or a grown adult so why keep something that is unpredictable. As far as the comment on the tiger its a wild animal and should never be kept as a pet or for that matter used in shows its an accident waiting to happen and when they kills whose fault is it the big cat or the human Id have to say the human the big cat just did there instinctual habit and that is hunt and to them you are a prey animal they don’t know any difference
I am so sorry for loss of your precious child. Everyone and anyone that owns ANY animal needs to understand that they are wild. They cannot talk so we can never truly know what they are thinking.
If you check fatal dog attacks, yes there are pit bulls. There are also german shepherds, rotties, chows, great danes and even labs. Due to size, any large dog attack can be fatal.
I do not think it fair to blame Tia or any pit bull advocate. Many, many people have owned pit bulls with no attacks. The fact that some attack is the same as humans. Not all humans are bad and attack people, but some do.
IT all depends on owner on ANY DOG..Not all dogs are bad..not all dogs are good…but you still have ankle biters that go for the face, or whatever…
ANIMALS sense things GOOD and BAD in people..
I own 4 Rottweilers and i tell you what, i TRUST MY DOGS more than I TRUST HUMANS..
They are LOVING, FUNNY, HAPPY, MANNERS beyond Respect for their owners, and property…
THERE are people OUT there Do not deserve an animal, much less a child…Proven facts..
Before rottweilers there were pitbulls…
I find your presentation of “pit bull breeds” as excessively violent to be nothing less than deplorable.
That being said, I am very very sorry to hear of your loss. I know the loss of a loved one is devastating, I cannot even begin to fathom the pain you endure daily.
My issue is the blaming of all Bully Breeds. Following someones advice to a T, doesnt mean there arent margins for dire mistakes.
I don’t blame you for wanting to “protect other families”. The only thing that bithers me (on the side of the K9) is blaming a “generalized” breed.
I have had my mastiff for approximately 5 years now. She came out of a BAD AREA, but is very sweet. I have yet to have any issue with her, other than pest control. (She’s great at raccoon dispatch) She went after my kitty once.
She and her Pit beagle mix sister live outside (day) and sleep inside at night.
No problems with either dog. I do however, still play very cautious when in public with my mastiff. She’s large, and (capable, as are all large breeds) I dont want to take chances that my mistake could cost lives, both human and k9.
If you ever get another dog after this, I think going small would be best.
[Really hard to be ranting advocate as normal. This is not a normal situation] Please don’t blame Tia, she can only pass on what she knows and has experienced. The choice of pet and breed are ultimately the owners.
Much love to you and your family. Peace be with you, and may your healing be swift.
fly high little one,
the best of worlds is ahead
Where were the adults while this attack happened?
Sorry for your loss Roxanne but stop looking for someone to blame. It certainly isn’t Tia’s fault for your dog mauling your child anymore then it is the NRA’s fault for crime’s with firearms. You said you went to work and that was the last time you saw your daughter so you weren’t there, you don’t know what may have triggered your dog to attack. Maybe you need put down and with it goes your ignorance and blame. Get over yourself, you aren’t going to eradicate Pit Bull’s so find something useful to do with your bitterness.
Are you that stupid you can’t think for yourself? If you watch the program faithfully like you say, you should have also seen episodes in which they had to make the decision to euthanize several dog’s they rescued because they were aggressive. Do you blame GM or Ford for car accidents because people saw an ad on television and bought their vehicles? Same comparison to you blaming Tia. You’re absolutely ridiculous and pathetic. Instead of thinking you’re going to be superwoman and go on a crusade to eradicate a dog breed why don’t you educate stupid people like yourself to always supervise your children around animals and the danger signs to look for when a dog is agitated. It is likely something was done to the dog by one of your children to set the tragedy in motion. Children attempt to ride dogs like ponies, pull their fur, hit them or poke them thinking they are playing but the dog doesn’t see it that way.
Don’t tell us what programs should or shouldn’t be on television. If you don’t like the program turn it off but you aren’t dictating to me what I can or can’t watch. Tia is an inspiration and knows more about the breed than you will ever know. I fully support her and her efforts, now why don’t you do something useful.
Tia Torres didn’t do anything to contribute to your daughters death , I was attacked by a golden retriever who showed no signs of aggressive behavior and nobody did anything and he soon after attacked my friends daughter she was 4 and had to get 32 stitches . Any breed is capable of doing harm . I have 3 pits and do transport rescues for the NYBC NEW YORKBULLY CREW. People throw more attention when it’s a pitbull . Tia keep up the good work you are truly amazing and a God send to many . If you can’t handle a dog with children than you should not own a dog ever
I have also researched. The American Staffordshire Terrier is like any other dog. You get what you get. Yes some are interbred to increase drive.
And a lot of them are raised to be bait dogs.
Tia herself said she cannot teach every dog and the dog is then put to sleep.
Yes originally they were bred to protect families. And no they are rarely treated kindly.
If you received that kind of perpetual cruetly you would fight for your life. A lot of pit bulls have the dog version of PTSD. And there are signicifcantly more breeds that have mauled people children included. They are not reported and are not on TV and the internet. And it is nice when the few good stories are noted. My brother was attacked by a Great Dane. My parents years later rescued Great Danes, not one out of 13 attacked anyone. Some dogs brains are not wired right, just like people. Some attacks are out of pain or fear. And yes there are signs for any animal,yes they were all once wild animals, as I noticed through my life growing up with, people ses,15 cats, Pigs, goats,chickens and ducks, a ornery pony and a donkey. And around other owners animals. Some times you feel there were no signs, shame that so many miss them, or the trigger was too quick.
Not all animals are perfect, some are not able to be family pets. Another truth Tia Torres did said several times. They have Lifers there. Some put down.
Its never OK for a animal to kill a child or anyone. There are enough wars in the world to start another that cannot be won.
Irradication of groups of people is happening, now there are those who want to do the same to a varied group of dogs. I feel horrible for that poor baby and her family. I was riding horses at that age, if I had been thrown, rolled on, hit ground wrong or stepped on I could have died. Would you want all Arabian horses to be killed? Deem them evil? A tiger mauled a, well you know the performer, man that he had been friendly with said tiger. Shall we kill, oh that’s right we are.
Its easy to blame when scared or mourning. Actually dogs and others are targeted to heap blame on, its better to do that than people or yourself.
Everyone should take a step back and see who did this to the dogs first ,humans the dogs are victims also not every human can be left with children.I would trust my dogs before most humans.Not every dog or every person should be destroyed because of a few bad apples.If you didn’t trust the dogs where were you. SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS, BUT WE AS HUMANS DID THIS TO THE DOGS.
I don’t care what people say about pitbull dog I grew up with them I have five kids and they grew up with pitbull my family will only get pitbull my grandchildren have them never had a problem with them
Im so sorry for your loss but please dont blame it on the breed. I’ve worked with and owned many different breeds of dogs and they all have and can be dangerous as dogs are dogs and they have their own rules and language they abide by. Problems arise when people lack the ability to interpret dog behaviour and how to correct issues such as these. I have had and currently own a Pit bull whom have been the most sweetest and gentle dogs I’ve ever had. My Pittie not only loves my 22 month old son but loves all animals of all sizes. There is not a mean bone in her body. I see other dogs getting in fights, biting and showing aggressive behaviour meanwhile my pittie wants to only give kisses and love to anyone whom is not ignorant and willing to receive it. Please dont let your anger be misguided and I wish you nothing but love and healing.
As far as blame goes..there is noone but yourself to put blame on. You see so much on tv these days and to say that a show is the reason you trusted a dog because of its breed is just ludicrous. I watch the show myself and know that if I want to adopt a grown dog I would have to know the history of that animal. I don’t count on anyone’s opinion but on facts.
This is most definitely a terrible loss but looking at most of these comments all I can do is shake my head at the utter ignorance of it all. I advocate for adoption of children, but guess what, a teenager adopted by a loving family murdered her mother when she didn’t get her way. I wouldn’t tell people to stop adopting. We make terrible life changing mistakes but we need to take responsibility for them. They world is full of sadness and loss and disappointment and we need to move on from them but we can’t do that if we pass blame. Don’t adopt an animal you know nothing about..yhat is just stupid. Sorry for your loss.
Couldn’t have said it any better myself. That anyone would trust a TV show to make any decision for their family without doing extensive research is beyond me. The reality of it is sad and unfortunate, there is no one to blame here but the naive mother.
What a callous idiot.
I, as well, want to say I am so sorry for your loss and it is only natural to want to lay blame at some ones door. I, too, wanted to to lash out when my daughter was stomped and killed by her horse. Then I realized, I brought the animal into her life. I encouraged her to love an ‘animal’ that did not give birth to her and had zero obligation to protect her. That was my job, no one elses. Not Tia’s, not The American Quarter Horses Association…. IT WAS MINE. My comfort comes not in laying blame at someone elses door but knowing she left this world doing what she loved and at her young age would have undersood that her best friend was just being a horse and didn’t mean to get scared and knock her down. He is truly lost with out our precious Remy.
I just spent the last hour reading all of these comments and im at a total loss for words! First i would like to say Tia did not give or approve this dog for this family IT WAS NOT A VILLALOBOS DOG THAT KILLED THIS INNOCENT CHILD WHOM MY HEART GOES OUT TO! Tia is EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS IN PLACING HER DOGS, she has lifer dogs that will NEVER leave her facility. Second Tia has driven over 12hrs to an adoption and not let the dog stay because the environment is not safe for family, neighborhood and dog. Tia is NOT TO BLAME! Third I have 4 kids ranging in age from 12 down to 3 our PROUD PITBULL OWNERS, have been for past 13yrs. My dogs have been pulled, poked, rode like a horse, dressed up for dress-up time AND NEVER HAVE THEY SNAPPED, GROWLED OR ANY OTHER SIGN OF DANGER, because I have put them through extensive training and know what to look for. This is not a bad breed but you do need to know who and where your dog is coming from I live in Philadelphia and constantly see people trying to sell pits but they don’t have papers on mom or dad because mom and dad are brother and sister so of course their pups aren’t going to be wired right just like if any of us had a kid with our brother or sister. Tia has also PUT DOGS DOWN BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT BE FIXED SHE BETTER THEN MOST KNOWS THE SIGNS AND DANGERS THESE DOGS SHOW! Lastly I would like to say my 12yr old was hospitalized for 33days at age 5 when she was viciously attacked by a maltipoo (toy poodle and Maltese mix) walking past a yard. The dog was chained up and slipped the collar ran down to side walk and attached herself to my daughters calf I pulled, kicked and punched at the dog and it would not let go i finally poked it in its eye it then turned and bit me causing me to get 68 stitches in my arm my daughter lost so much blood and lost consciousness. She needed 5 surgeries and is still not fully healed. So maybe any dog can snap maybe people should do their homework before purchasing a dog.
I’m so sorry for your loss, that’s a horrible thing to go through. But bashing Tia is wrong. I’ve owned pitbulls and still have 1, she is the most sweet and loyal dog. Yes some dogs aren’t meant to be around kids. We raised a pitbull puppy til he was 1, he started nipping and biting at my siblings and here we come to find out he was inbred and it was wrong that the people we got him from breeder these puppies like this. There is this bone in the head of pitbulls, sadly, when they’re inbred these bones push into their brain, causing pain and that’s what can make them snap sometimes for no reason if they’re being hurt in some type of way. Pitbulls are the breed that’s most sensitive to pain that’s why when they’re abused by owners or when they’re inbred they get mean. Every pitbull besides the inbred one we had has been the best dog. They’re the most loyal dogs and I’m sorry you got a dog like that. I hope you find peace and won’t forever hate this breed
The American Pit Bull Terrier has a history and bloodline deep rooted in the blood sports of animal baiting and dogfighting. As with all breeds, they retain their original traits. https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
Wow, I’m sorry for the baby. I’m not sure that you understand this breed. Actually they are usually mixed. Warrior dogs you say. Which branch of service do you now hate? Army Aiforce, Navy, Marines,National Guard? They were all trained to defend and kill.
Or did you forget People are animals as well.
I really appreciate everything you all have been doing, and I wish that more people would take their time to see that these pit bulls are a loving and caring amazing breed and all of you are angles thank you all for everything God bless you all keep up the amazing job that you all do. My name is Tammy and I watch your show all the time and thank you again
Hello I am sorry about the your lost in both situations but every dog is different. To come out here and bash Tea for what she is wrong on your part. I own a female pit she very sweet and protective of my two daughters. Have you actually seen the amount of abuse that the American Pitbull goes for humans entertainment I think not, because if you did you would not blame Tia. I think it was more than likely a Press Canario. If was an
American Pitbull did you do your homework not just watching the show. People like need also parenting 101. All dogs have teeth so guess what they bite. For your information my dog was she is Pitbull but when she was 8 weeks old she was used as a bait dog, and her mother was killed.
This was a terrible thing, but how can you blame Tia Torres for this? She does NOT condone un altered dogs, for one thing. Testosterone, hormones, 2 un neutered males and a female sounds like an issue. Maybe they did just snap, but you can’t blame Tia. That’s like blaming the bullets for killings. …
Just because your dog snapped doesn’t mean every dog is gonna snap. I’m truly sorry for the death of your daughter, but your message is totally irrelevant to Tia and what she does.
How is a horrific and unfortunate accidental death of your child the responsibility of a television personality? Are you going to blame Animal Planet too? How about your service provider that allowed you to watch a show that influenced you to bring a dog in your home? I cannot imagine the grieve you are going through, but blaming an innocent person for your child’s death is a sign of denial. I pray that you can find peace in your daughters death, but it’s not the fault of a breed or advocate of that breed that your daughter was attacked. Tia advocates for a breed that people abuse, neglect, and kill just for being a pit. She is trying to make a difference and start education about dog fighting, adoption, and rescues. It is not her fault that your misfortune happened. She did not hold your hand when you got your dog. She did not tell you it would never harm your girls. She did not tell you anything. As you stated, you did not witness your daughter’s death. You cannot speak to what transpired, other than the outcome. I am very sorry for your loss, but you should think about your actions before you carelessly accuse other people of deceit and an entire breed of malice in grieve and denial.
That’s ONE breed that should be taken off this planet!
People like you should be taken off of this planet!! Dont like pits, don’t get one! Idiot, do more research. There are more people that gets killed by golden retrievers and other breeds of dogs than pits.
Fuck u Patty
She’s upset because her poor son Dax got killed by 2 random dogs and she wasn’t able to protect him. Unfortunate to say the least but you clearly need God lady. The more you blame a freak accident on an animal that doesn’t understand behavior as in depth as we do the more you just slowly kill yourself too. What about Rottweilers or Dobermans? Those are attack/watch dogs and most people don’t know that Rottweilers were actually bred to herd because society turned them into that stereo type. You need an actual reality check and many visits to church on Sunday. I can say pit bulls definitely aren’t my go-to breed whatsoever but for you to have the audacity to act so belligerently upon your emotions and opinions like this is absolutely astounding. I have 4 Australian shepherds and one of them can’t be around kids at all and strangers if they aren’t introduced properly and you can blame an extremely ignorant neighbor who felt it was ok to shoot my 6 month old puppy with a shotgun.
What AN ASSHOLE. You have a lot of nerve saying” her poor son got killed, and she clearly needs God in the same sentence”. You are a fucking asshole who obviously DO NOT have a clue what it is like to lose a child and if ANYONE needs God, it’s you you frigging jerk asshole.
You are crazy, that’s not going to solve the problems because as some one else said all dogs have teeth, attack and bite…. As well as cats do, what are you going to do get rid of all the cats too ???? Do you know how ignorant you sound right now dumb ass !!!!!
I have admired Tia and her dedication to Pitbulls. I have respect for the breed. I witnessed a Pitbull attack a pony. I hit the Pitbull on the back of the head as hard as I could 2 X. It did not phase him. I grabbed the hose and blasted him in the face! The owners stepped in and grabbed him. The pony lived after being stitched up. So, I recently rescued a Pitbull that was in the Shelter 5 mo. He is housebroken, crate trained. He loves people and I have had him around small children. He does love to hunt gophers and lizards. He has a high prey drive. He is not good with cats. When I find his forever home. He will be the only dog. I am sorry this precious child lost her life. I also have had Cairn Terriers for years and they hunt and if they attack they mean business! Yes, Toto was a Cairn. I have a great respect for the breed Pitbull Terrier and they are mighty powerful but also can be very gentle.
I’m wondering if a dog is found and picked up by animal rescue or any other rescue how all you smat intelligent people expect anyone to find out anything about there back ground grow a Brain please if a dog is a stray or dumped he or she is not going g to give us there life’s history so it dose not matter how much you read or check anything you are not going to find out that dog’s history dumb dumb and dumer people
What’s dumb is cold hearted people that think pits make a family pet.
Even more dumb are internet trolls who blame an entire breed for one tragic event. Learn to make an intelligent argument if you want anyone to take you seriously.
Fuck u Patty
Another stupid comment by A$$hole Patty
Dumbass. My son has been bitten 3 times by the same dog. My mother’s Maltese poodle mix. Yet in our home full of “dangerous” dogs German shepherd/pitt mix, two full blooded pitts never even growled at. My pitts live in a home with my son, three other dogs including a 5lb terrier mix, and four cats. It is all about responsible pet ownership period.
there? It’s ‘their’ dumbass – you don’t even know how to spell!!!
You need to take your own advice learn to spell dumerass lmao!! It’s dumb by the way and use commas and periods
I am a humane investigator as well as volunteering with a pibble exclusive rescue. I have raided dog fighting rings and secured the babies that were used for both fighting and bait. I have personally brought 2 of them into my home one was a bait dog (a pitbull) that had his legs duct taped together and left in a Rubbermaid container to die he had scars and bite wounds all over him. According to your theory pitbulls “get off” on fighting yet my Jacob was used as bait because he would not fight. I also have a former fighting dog that has been rehabilitated. I have 3 kids at home as well as 3 grandsons that visit. There are also 2 other dogs. A yorkie and chow mix with 6 cats. I trust my furbabies but I also know they are animals and even tho my animals are not aggressive and will let any of us do anything to them, I do not allow anyone to do that. I also do not leave my younger child or grandkids unsupervised around any of my furbabies. I know my babies will defend us to their death. If you want to ban a breed ( i dont believe or support any BSL)think about chihuahuas they are land sharks and majority of my scars are from them and cats. Yes it is tragic you lost your 4yr old but where was the adult I read that a 4 &2 yr old was there but no adult was mentioned. Also blaming someone from a TV show for her death is ludicrous. I watch her show all the time and have actually been to her rescue. She has done so much to bring this misunderstood breed to light. You appear to so full of guilt you want to blame everyone and the dog when it is you that is at fault. Did your daughter do something to the other one that the dog could have thought was threatening and he was protecting the younger one? Something sounds highly suspect from your description of the event.
You are ridiculous. You don’t watch a TV program and decide to take in a pit bull. You obviously didn’t get any knowledge on the dog before you went against what tia and both girls say daily NO SMALL CHILDREN OR SMALL DOGS should be in the home with a pit. If you raise it from a puppy maybe. Did you bother to pull up all this info you are putting out here BEFORR you brought an older pit into the home for two babies? If do or not that makes you the irresponsible one. Take your own responsibility and stop getting advice from TV shows. Do the real homework to do what is right for your family. You sound like an idiot saying you went out and got a pit for two young children cause tia said they were loveable and misunderstood. She would’ve told you it was a bad idea but it was your choice alone to bring in a dog you knew nothing about. Nor were knowledgeable about. Smh the irresponsibility of some parents!!!!!!
Your comment reeks of pit nonsense. These dogs don’t belong in homes with children non-pitbull dogs, cats, adults, ekderaly , the list can go on anon anon it’s a nasty breed with the worst reputation in the world. Their research done . #banthebreedforthedeed
Pathetic really. You blame an entire breed for how and by whom they are raised. I wish you would be educated enough to spell correctly, because you really come off as ignorant. Animals, like people, are influenced by the conditions in which they are raised. You never depend on a tv show to teach you about a breed. There are many different types of pits, and they are very different. Please spread your ignorance elsewhere, preferably not to children. And on and on and on…correction to your inability to argue when you just come off as stupid. They have a nifty little thing called spell-check…you may want to look into that, Patty.
I also meant to say that all families need to carefully study the dogs instinct and breeding purpose before bringing any dog into the home. Terriers are by nature more aloof toward animals. They’re all bred to be critter getters. They’re usually always going to be more people dogs and will have the most dog on dog aggression. That’s a very general term. I’m sure people can tell you 100s of stories with 100s of terriers together. With the popularity of movies or cartoons we see certain breeds bought because they’re cute and they end up being terrible family dogs, like the Dalmation. I know of tons of Yorkies that get tossed aside because families get the cute little things and they’re a bugger to potty train. They get tossed aside because families with small kids don’t have the time it takes to potty train them corretly. I got a 10 year old from a puppy mill. She weight 4 lbs once they cute 3 lbs of hair, feces and urine out of her hair. She pottied where she lives in her cage with an open bottom. She was never really potty trained, but, if I sat an alarm and took her out every 2 hours she never pottied in the house and I made her room in the mudroom for when I had to be away. She always pottied in same area ans super clean to clean up. She’d NEVER use a pad. Just research research research. Or get a golden lol
I’m not commenting on the woman’s letter. There is nothing to say, she has 100% right to her feelings. I’m commenting on the expert’s blog, or whatever they’re calling it.
I’m on my 2nd APBT I was over 50 and had no children in the home. However, I have a granddaughter. Both were very good with her. I don’t leave them alone, because this new rescue is hyper. What bothers me in the article, is the reference to mastiffs, without any explanation. I had an English Mastiff for 12 years. Once this APBT is in a better place, I’ll have another. I didn’t want to ever be without one. It so happened that my brother and Mastiff died in the same week and I took him his AMAZING APBT that was carefully bred for temperament. This breeder, humanly euthanizes, any dog that shows aggression and doesn’t keep that animal in his gene pool, and so have those that preceeded him in this endeavor. I lived in a town that wanted to add my Old English Massif in their BSL! I don’t know of a mastiff that moves fast enough to viciously attack anyone? Bull mastiff? Maybe different! I’m not sure of the behaviors of other mastiff breeds such as French or Neos, et al, but… mastiff is a generic term in a lot of ways and can have unintended consequences, unless you’re intentions are any mastiff breed is dangerous. I, personally, haven’t seen a vicious pitbull that’s not been chained or trained. Chaining really seems to do a number on their psyche.
We think the information you’re looking for is here: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/identification-of-danger/
You would also like to read these stories: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/victims-stories/
I just stumbled across this post and I have to put in my two cents. For one, I am very sorry for the loss of your daughter. No one should have I experience that. I’m grasping that you’re looking for someone to blame; it’s not Tia’s fault and it’s most certainly not the dogs fault. I’m not saying that it’s yours or your daughters either, but you weren’t there to witness what happened. Dogs do not “attack” unprovoked. There must have been SOMETHING that caused your usually well behaved dog to snap. I recently had a baby, and even though my dog is so good with him, sometimes he has bad days and wants nothing to do with our baby. I can recognize the signs so I know not to let my child bother him. Dogs are animals, and because they can’t communicate with us the way we are used to, it’s up to us to figure out what they are feeling. If you can’t do that, then please don’t bring a dog into your home with a child. Because of people like you, this breed will go extinct for absolutely no reason. Everything you have written about this breed is false. ALL dogs bite, ALL dogs are capebe of killing a child. This is why no dog should be left alone with a child, regardless of how well behaved he is. This is a tragedy that could have been prevented.
Unpredictable Aggression
Some dogs may have aggression that does not occur on a consistent or predictable basis. There may be no reason or trigger for the aggression. Some dogs are simply not “wired” correctly. Many fighting breeds have been purposely bred for hundreds of years NOT to give any signal or prior warning prior to launching an attack. Many dogs of these breeds can have a high tolerance for annoyance, but a sub-set eventually reach a breaking point and lash out with no warning. Every week, another owner sobs that their dog had “never shown a sign of aggression in its life” until it mauled a child, visitor, or the owner himself/herself.
Read more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/identifying-dangerous-behavior/types-of-dog-aggression/
Expert not surprised
Benjamin Hart, professor emeritus at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and an animal behaviorist, said he wasn’t surprised by Iona Keanaaina’s assessment of Kava.
“It’s quite common for a pit bull to show no signs of aggression,” Hart said Wednesday. “People will call it a nice dog, a sweet dog, even the neighbors – and then all of a sudden something triggers the dog, and it attacks a human in a characteristic way of biting and hanging on until a lot of damage is done.”
Read more: http://m.sfgate.com/crime/article/Often-no-warning-signs-in-pit-bull-attacks-4611027.php
“Most of the bites are inflicted by pets that belong to family and friends – and they are often warning nips. (Children’s behaviour often simulates that of dogs, they tend not to twig to warning signs like growling and they are less able to defend themselves than adults.)
But pit bulls and related breeds – and let’s not be distracted by picayune debates about precise definition – are different. They often attack without warning and relentlessly.”
Read more: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/columnists/dog-attacks-are-a-public-health-issue-and-should-be-treated-as-one/article30516631/
Finally, most dogs warn you before they attack, growling or barking to tell you how angry they are—”so they don’t have to fight,” ASPCA advisor and animal geneticist Stephen Zawistowski stresses. Not the pit bull, which attacks without warning. Most dogs, too, will bow to signal that they want to frolic. Again, not the pit bull, which may follow an apparently playful bow with a lethal assault.
Read more: http://www.city-journal.org/html/scared-pit-bulls-you’d-better-be-11995.html
What’s missing is you explaining exactly how this tragedy is somehow Tia’s fault? Or are you too high up on that morality horse of yours to care about trivial things like facts and details?
Actually yes it is because Tias fault. Her pit bullshit self is promoting a dangerous breed as a family pet ,it is her fault and I’m sure this parent won’t stop until justice is served. If you people once spoke facts ,about this killer breed, maybe you would show compassion and concerned for all the children’s lives this one and only dangerous breed have taken. It’s one thing to sit here and lie to pit push. But really show some class for ALL the victims!
Obviously you are an angry person. Maybe you should be put down to sleep and the world would be a better place. Don’t hate o, tia because she has a passion and is actually do something positive in this world. 99% of people who owns or owned a lot would tell you they are the best pets ever. So shut up and no watch the show and do something with your life. Stop blaming tia and pit bulls, idiot!
Oh please just stop. Tia doesn’t advocate for these dogs to go just anywhere..she proves that by doing the home checks. Every animal is put through many trials before they allow anyone to adopt. The only thing anyone can blame Tia for, is caring and wanting people to understand the breeds. No aggressive dogs in her care have ever been adopted out they are ” lifers” in her care. Do yourself and everyone else a huge favor and blame the one dog that mauled this child. Blame the lack of supervision. Where was the adults..a toddler was the only one mentioned as a witness. Give your high horse a rest, I’m sure it’s pretty tired by now!!!
I wanted to address some of your comments. I feel it is beyond ridiculous for you to spew such hate. I have owned APBTs my whole life. You keep saying “pits” but I wonder if you are aware of the fact that this is a generalized term meaning any dog with a muscular breed and large head and jaw. This term includes everything from french bull dogs to mastiffs as well as APBT and Staffordshires. The American Temperament Society has the APBT ranked as excellent with people with a rating of 87.4% ranking them above many breeds including Golden Retrievers. I have worked with thousands of dogs(I was a vet tech and have helped with training) and the large majority was with pit bull type dogs. The only dog I was ever bitten by was a Labrador Retriever. Any educated person knows that when it comes to dog aggression it is often related to how the dog is being treated or poor breeding. I have 6 kids and the only breed I will own will be the APBT. I adopted my first APBT when I was 12 and for 14 years she was by my side. She was protective but never aggressive. I would lay out in the yard with her for hours using her as a pillow and she never once bit me or even growled. When my first daughter was born she would not leave my daughters side. You need to do your research and have some solid facts before you spew such hatred and nonsense out of your mouth. The reason you hear such bad things about “pit bulls” is because it is sensational news. It gets more views and sadly all the media cares about is how many views they can get. If you want to try to change peoples views you need hard facts to back up your statements.
Ma’am, you are not speaking facts either! Please do bathe us in pit (as you say, bullshit) education.
I’d be interested in Ceasar Milan’s input. The latest research (meaning 21st century) proves there is nothing inherently dangerous about any one breed in general. Having that said, every single breed has exceptions. I suppose when a Corgi attacks, it must be the Queen’s fault, because millions have chosen that breed specifically because the Queen has them. Love them or hate them, pitbulls or mastiffs, or rotweilers or poodles or yorkies… none are inherently dangerous. I understand your pain, Patty, and your need to find blame somewhere – anywhere. But tell me… how would eradicating my dog lessen your pain?
I am truly saddened to hear about your loss.
I too have been the victim of a dog attack, in fact I was the second person in a six month time period that had been attacked by this dog. The first was the owners own child and myself being the second and totally unprovoked, minding my own business taking a walk with four adult friends.
All I can say is Shame on the owner for allowing this not once but twice due to their own lack of being a responsible pet owner and training or having the dog trained. This WAS NOT a pitbull it was a YELLOW LABRADOR RETRIEVER. And shame on the system for not doing anything.
My attorney actually showed me the Statistics indicating that statistically Labs at the time had a significantly higher bite rate.
Regardless, Bottom line is owner error in most cases.
I am the proud owner of my third ever pit bull or pit bull mix and NEVER have had a problem or complaint however I heavily train my dogs.
Proud pit owner? Please knock off the lies about labs. Truth is labs are the #1 most adopted popular breed. Doubt if you walk into any shelters and see 90% labs needing homes. Can’t say that about pit bulls.
The truth hurts Patty. Actually labs can attack people and it did happen. The same can be said with any breed known. The term Pitbull type is a generic term. These breeds are what are considered and they are the American Bulldog, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Staffordshire Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier aka (the Yankee Terrier, the American Pitbull Terrier). That being said the breed could have been an American Bulldog that killed the lady’s daughter since it looks quite similar in everything including generic make up. This was a tragedy all around including the people in the community that may own this particular type of breed. At a point this breed was America’s dog. Due to former president Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt both owned the American Pitbull Terrier, also Humphrey Bogart owned one as well. Do even own a dog cause if you did you be on here bashing Tia. I own one myself. I had saved her. She being used as a bait dog. She is better now but 6 years ago she would literally cry if anyone got near her and she was only 8 weeks old at the time. Now I can only speak for my dog, but to literally sit here and say kill this breed, does not solve anything at all. Then what is next pet to exterminate any animal that we can own. It is not Tia’s fault first of all she runs a rescue, she is not a breeder. Anybody will tell you to start when dogs are puppies not full grown. That way you know what they been through. I have bit by a Cocker Spaniel when I was 8 and chased by lab. Labs and Golden Retrievers are supposed to friendly by nature, but the owners are not necessarily. Rottweilers and Pitbull Terrier are right at the top of the list to be put down when they attack another dog or people. How about we start punishing people who are abusing any dog by being more strict on them by restricting their rights to pet ownership. Because gang members use them for dog fighting which is cruel to them and will do a year behind bars but the dog is put down, that is not fair at all.Then many of them will do it again.
Please visit our page: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/why-do-we-call-them-pit-bull-type-dogs/
You really are uneducated. The reason there are so many “pits” in shelters is no fault of their own. It is due to back yard breeders and people getting dogs and then not being able to care for them. It has nothing at all to do with the dogs being vicious. If they were as bad as you say they are than the shelters wouldn’t give them a chance to be adopted and would instantly euthanize them.
Don’t mind patty. She’s pretty angry most of the time. She just doesn’t know how to communicate like an actual adult. Insults are her forte
Very sorry for the loss of her child but it’s not Tia’s fault. She didnt chhose the dog fir this family…It is important to pick a dog suitable for the age of the child and do the research on the different breeds and their characteristics. A friends child was mauled in the face by their dog who they had for 7 years because the child woke the dog from a sound sleep. It startled it and it impulsively attacked. People forget dogs are animals and behave as such. I have 5 mixed breeds but the are all small but I have broken up plenty of fights between them. Dogs get mad too. I think if someone is considering a bully breed they need to be sure they know the dogs history. I see these cutie pictures of infants crawling all over some huge dog and I cringe…. people just use common sense. My sister was attacked by a poodle..yeah a standard poodle totally unprovoked. Don’t pin a bum rap on Tia and her pits. Any dog can go postal at any time.
Hi my name is Therese i just read most of the comments left as always everyone wants to blame someone stop blaming the mother and tia and open tour eye’s you are all equity at fault
You are the ones who have allowed your country to get into the state its in.And I gather some of you blaming the mother must be dog fighter’s running scared or even gang members your dog fighting days might be numbered your way of life is to blame not the mother’s or Tia’s these dogs have problems because of people like you and if you love these dogs so much get of your back side and get out there and help people like tia and the girls mother instead of hiding behind your computers
Hi my name is Therese if the dog fighting laws were policed more and the government put a restrictions on owning these dog’s it may help and much stiffer sentence’s for people caught dog fighting every state in America should adopt a new dog ownership law and have a register for all owners so you can weed out the people who should not have a dog.But like always everyone stands on there Right well just like some people are not fit to have Kids a lot of people are not fit to own animal’s and get more help for the officers from the animal welfare leagues to come down on these trouble makers stiffer sentances for dog fighting but to work everyone must work together and stop laying the blame game like the gun law’s you the people have to fix things and Change the way your country is
Hi my name is Therese this is one of many heart breaking stories about this little girl. But please don’t blame tia she dose not have a crystal ball and could never have for seen this happening.IF you really want someone to blame get angry with the court system in your country and the gang’s and the people like Michael Vick who treat these dogs and others so badly and then good people like tia and her family try and pick up the peaces to heal these dog’s and some time’s looks can be deceiving.Many of them are and make wonderful family pets its like all thing’s you Will always get a bad Apple but that does not mean there all bad.Maybe its time to tighten the law’s of ownership with these dog’s just as its time to do something about your gun laws licencing for ownership of these dog’s would stop a lot of dog fighters and young people having them cause there the flavour of the month.
I’m sorry but ANY dog can attack at anytime period. Watch your fucking kids if they are around a dog. Come on “tea parties?” They are not dolls but living animals. Maybe no one should rest until parents like you are put to sleep
I agree. No dog should be trusted around kids..they pinch, poke and pull at animals…don’t blame someone for teaching about a dog breed (which tia talks in detail about animal behavior and how it varies per dog). I’m also so sick of humans placing blame on anyone and everyone (including animals) when it comes to an animal attack. No animal just attacks out of no where for no reason. Makes me sick that someone just basis “trusting a dog or placing blame” on a TV show. Grow up
Stop sticking fucking tu tu s and flowers on your ugly piles of shit pits. They still stink, and are dangerous
Hey Patty, have you thought about shutting the fuck up? Just a thought.
I really don’t feel like Dax would appreciate the way you treat other people and animals. You should reconsider this characteristic you have developed ASAP.
Lady, you should be in mean and ugly prison. Wow, bitter much? And, really and seriously, the only dangerous thing in this is your misguided, undoubtedly ignorant, humanistic stance against a dog breed.
Hi my name is Therese and all I’m going to say is to each and every man woman and child No matter were they are how sorry I am to hear about all the deaths and wounding that has happened from all breeds of dog’s I have staffys and no children are allowed to play with them.I no only to well how strong they are and how easy they get excited they are beautiful dog’s like all dogs but some times we need to remember they are pets and little children may be not the best to be Left alone with them always supper vise no matter what
While i am extremely sorry for the loss of your4yr old daughter.. You got a dog that you had zero clue as 2 how or why or what the pitt bull you had was bred for.. You should do your homework far better before bringing home a pitt bull.. You cant say all pitts are the same way… You shouldve never had your 4year old unsupervised near your pitt
My heart aches for Kara and her family. I always thought it was the height of ignorance to say that pit bulls and rottweilers were just misunderstood breeds and, if treated lovingly, would be wonderful family pets. The facts prove differently. There are breeds more prone to attack and docile breeds better suited to family life. Have you ever heard of a dachshund ripping apart a toddler? And yet I read many newspaper accounts of pit bulls, alone or in groups, bringing down vulnerable humans. Yes, I love Tia’s compassion for pit bulls, but she is selling the uninformed public a bill of goods. These dogs should be banned in a all counties and, hopefully, eventually be ‘unbred’ out of existence. It’s not happenstance that these dogs are popular among gangs and among those who are in the illicit business of dog fighting.
It is NOT the mother’s fault in the least. She simply believed a well-respected dog ‘expert’ and I can assure you that many parents buy this myth of the gentle pit bull, which Tia perpetuates every day on Pit Bulls and Parolees. People who own pit bulls are naive and those who breed them have a vested interested in blaming the mother for her child being attacked. That is pure nonsense, not to mention outrageous. All the people who commented as much should be ashamed of themselves.
My late husband & I had a male & a female Rottweiler and they were sweet loving dogs, my 4 children were raised around them & they went out of their way to protect our kids. Sadly we lost them at 15 & 16 respectively. I now have a lovable mixed breed & a sweet gentle pure pitbull. He loves my granddaughters and is extremely sweet & playful. You teach your children what not to do to dogs & all will be great. Tia is a hero & to be appreciated & applauded for her work.
Actually, yes there was report of a yorkie snapping a child’s neck who was sitting in the car seat. Yes, a tiny cute fluffy little yorkie. Know what they were bred for? To go into small rodent holes and kill them for their owners. ALL DOGS BITE.
The purpose of a breed-specific ordinance, nearly always targeting pit bulls, was never to “prevent all dog bites,” as the AVMA/CDC states in the 2000 study. Such laws are designed to significantly reduce the 5% (serious injuries) and eliminate the 2% (mauling and maiming injuries and deaths) inflicted by well-documented dangerous dog breeds.
Read more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/2014/07/non-profits-urge-cdc-resume-collecting-richer-data-set-for-dog-bite-fatalities/
Briefly, the joint study, and the last issued by the CDC on this subject, “Special Report: Breeds of Dogs Involved in Fatal Human Attacks in the United States Between 1979 and 1998,” was published in September 2000. The study was comprised of two human medical doctors and three animal “experts,” specifically, two veterinarians from the AVMA and one animal behaviorist.
The 2000 study was a culmination of three studies before it, which added 27 new deaths (from 1997 and 1998) to human fatalities examined in previous studies (from 1979 to 1996). The focal point of the 2000 study is clearly identified in its conclusions, which issued a policy statement unfavorable to breed-specific laws, despite no investigation of its effectiveness, along with using misleading vernacular about the purpose of breed-specific ordinances, which was and still is to dramatically reduce serious injuries and to eliminate mauling and maiming injuries and deaths.
Our other primary concern is the heavily weighted role of the AVMA in a United States government study examining human fatalities. Not only did the AVMA manage to ensure animal “experts” were represented on a study about health and human safety, they managed to ensure they were the majority of the study authors.
Additionally, when the study was released in 2000, it was not directly released to the American public. Instead, it was published in an AVMA journal (JAVMA), a private technical journal for veterinarians. This confused the U.S. media at that time, which initially called the study, “by the American Veterinary Medical Association.”
The AVMA even had to release a statement, along with a copyright notice to press members who requested a copy (attached). The “Special Report” to the American people could not even be freely distributed due to the AVMA copyright.
Now 14-years later, the AVMA/CDC study has been abruptly elevated into the public eye once again, this time by the White House, for political purposes or simply lack of knowledge. It is possible that the White House is even unaware that all three military divisions, the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force, have adopted uniform pet policies that ban this same handful of dog breeds from all privatized housing, domestic and abroad. Col. Richard P. Flatau Jr., commanding officer of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, stated the reason why most aptly in April 2009 following Camp Lejeune’s policy shift:
“These specific breeds present an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of our residents and are therefore prohibited.”
The CDC will tell you that they already did examine this issue. They will point you to the “policy” results of the dated 2000 study.
Yet, in the 2000 study, the CDC made the following statement, which diametrically opposes their rabies initiative of a large-scale apparatus to “prevent just one death,” as well as the very foundation of public health.
“Fatal attacks represent a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans and, therefore, should not be the primary factor driving public policy concerning dangerous dogs. Many practical alternatives to breed-specific ordinances exist and hold promise for prevention of dog bites.”
Click here to read full CDC remedy document: https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dogsbiteorg-cdc-remedies-dog-maulings-and-fatalities.pdf
I happened to own both a dachshund and a pit bull. I no longer have the dachshund due to the following reason: My stepson ended up having a 4 hour surgery on his leg from the DACHSHUND biting. The dog was accidentally stepped on by my 11 year old stepson. The dog latched onto his calf and managed to tear a large portion of muscle off. So yes, dachshunds can maul a person, too. I have owned 3 other dachshunds that never had any history of biting no matter the circumstance. My pit bull is the fourth I have owned and I’ve never had a problem with any of them. But I always tell people even though there have never been any issues, he is a large, muscular dog and my husband and I do not allow anyone other than our immediate family to enter into his territory and when we take him for walks, we do not allow strangers to walk up to him and pet him. We also will muzzle him if we are in an area with a lot of people and/or distractions. He never goes out without his training collar, as well.He is by far the sweetest dog I’ve ever seen, but we do not take chances. We have taken him through extensive obedience training as we have with all of our previous pits. Education, training, and preparation is key in owning these dogs, for everyone involved. We also use obedience training and some of the other rules listed for our dachshunds we have owned. The moral of the story is, all dogs can cause harm to a person regardless of size, breed, temperament, etc. If you’re concerned with the harm a larger dog can do, then don’t own one, no matter the breed. My stepson has a very large scar and part of his muscle missing from a 15lb dachshund bite, so every breed needs consideration when choosing the one for you and your family.
If you get any breed based on a respected show like Tia’s and Cesar’s, then you need help. This not the dog’s fault nor Tia’s fault. The story read that the daughter was left at home with grandmother. The fault is Kara’s mother’s, because at some point she went out and got the dog. First why on the world would she get any breed without doing her homework and why not let your baby sitter know to monitor the dog or put it in the yard. You sound as crazy as the man that was devoured by bears. That’s right he was so convinced that the bears would not attack him but it was a tragedy for him and his girlfriend.
Roxanne, I am so sorry for your loss. There are many factors that surround this incedent. One unknown is-you bought the dog from someone who bred the mother. Who knows what the young dog learned as behavior before he became your dog. Another factor–and I think a large one–is that YOU weren’t there to save your daughter. Underneath all this anger at Tia is un-admitted anger at yourself. If you were there when it happened, you might have been able to stop it. That anger has to be redirected somewhere and Tia is convenient. The dog did not attack for no reason. It had a reason–we just don’t know what it is. You only have the grandmother’s story of what took place, and she has guilt feelings of her own to deal with in not being able to stop the attack. There may have been several happenings that were not percieved or understood by the poeple who were there. Blaming the dog is easy and convenient. Another idea may be, as Cesar Milan teaches, that too much love, cuddling, and child play–without the balance of correct “rules, boundries and limitations” creates an unbalanced dog. All breeds can be balanced or unbalanced. Any dog can ‘snap’ if triggered. I am very sorry for the life of Kara. But to condemn an entire breed, and to personally hold Tia responsible, is totally unreasonable.
Sorry for your loss, but don’t blame Tia Torres for the dead of your child. Blame yourself….because it is never the fault of the dog either. The dog is an innocent being and can not be held responsible for any mistakes.
Never less I love pitbull terriers, but would be careful to leave them with a child.
I would suggest the same with a pug, with any dog.
“Would be careful to leave them with a child” means you do not trust them. These dogs are dangerous and I know this from experience. They are bred to fight and fight to the death. They are ALL unpredictable and they all need to be outlawed.
Unfortunately and most often when we are hurt, we point fingers. The truth is you made the choice to bring a pit bull into your home. You are responsible, as all parents for the well being of your children. Pools can’t be outlawed because a toddler wonders into one and drowns. These are accidents. And as previously stated, this does happens with all breeds of dogs. No one made you get the dog and to put the blame on Tia, or anyone else is wrong. I hope you find forgiveness and work thru your anger. It was an accident…and a tragedy, God Bless you.
All dogs may bite under the certain conditions…but MOST dogs are not known for unprovoked attacks which KILL, as pit bulls are. They should be banned. And Tia should have a disclaimer at the top of her show saying that this breed has the proclivity or propensity for unprovoked attacks and should not be around children. She needs to stop portraying pit bulls as sweet little lovable puppies. They are not. They are similar to lions and wolves…born with an innate ability to kill; never truly domesticated. Would you bring a wolf into your household…or a lion?
You apologists for pit bulls need to take a reality pill.
Very sad u lost your baby that way. But it’s not fair that you point the finger to tia. You said you followed her word by word. What’s wrong with you? You’re using a television show as your Bible u said?! Cmon. That’s ridiculous. You seem to want to put the blame on someone.it’s no ones fault. But the dog. Any dog could have done that. You made the decision to get that dog, with two small children at home. I’m sorry but you should have been more thoughtful about the decisions u made,starting from getting the dog a small child asked u for,and putting all your faith in a TV show.
You’re an idiot.
Thank you Debbie! The voice of reason! They are not only butt ugly dogs…but they are UNPREDICTABLE. I wouldn’t trust one around MY children…and Tia needs to caution others on their propensity to attack, UNPROVOKED. All dogs can be dangerous. I am sure you can find cases of just about every breed going bonkers. But some breeds are more inclined towards violence than others. In my condo community, pit bulls, chow chows and rotweillers are not allowed. Wonder why?? Because they are more dangerous than other breeds. Why, dear pit bull lovers, do you think pit bulls are the preferred breed of drug dealers and dog fighters???? Duh. Dogs are bred for, among other things, TEMPERAMENT. If you study the history of the pit bull…you will discover that they sure were not bred for docility. I honestly don’t think pit bull lovers are very educated. Can you people even READ?? I used to teach in the inner city in Chicago and Buffalo. Pit bulls were the preferred breed among gang bangers. Why didn’t they have poodles, dachshunds or Irish Setters instead? LMAO!
Christine – seems you are also an Idiot! Maybe you are not old enough to know that NOT just Pitt Bulls were considered the “dog of choice” for Drug dealers etc. For a LONG Time it was Doberman’s, Rottweilers, Mastiffs etc…. the reason it is MORE common that Pitt’s are now in the forefront is because there are MANY more people with these dogs. The law of averages! If you study the history of a Ptittbull you will discover that they were bread to be caring, loving animals and if you KNOW THE BLOOD LINE of the family, there is just a big a chance as a Dachshund or a Poodle will bite and attack a child as a Pitt Bull. Dachshunds are Quite nasty – even if they are NOT BREAD to attack! Please don’t post information just for the sake of commenting.
“Pit bull advocates often allege that the popularity of “bully” breeds is why they inflict upward of 80% of all fatal and disfiguring dog attacks on humans and 95%-plus of fatal attacks on other animals.
The 2016 ANIMALS 24-7 survey of classified ads offering dogs for sale or adoption, however, shows the pit bull category slipping from market share of 6.7% and 6.6% in 2014 and 2015, to 4.9% in 2016, consistent with a seven-year average of 5.2%.
The pit bull group as logged byANIMALS 24-7 includes any dog advertised as a pit bull, an American bulldog, an American bully, an Ambull, a Staffordshire, a bull terrier, or other bulldogs exclusive of English and French bulldogs. (Olde English Bulldogges, however, are pit bulls.)”
Read more: https://www.animals24-7.org/2016/07/29/2016-survey-list-of-top-5-u-s-dog-breed-types-ousts-pit-bulls/
The purpose of a breed-specific ordinance, nearly always targeting pit bulls, was never to “prevent all dog bites,” as the AVMA/CDC states in the 2000 study. Such laws are designed to significantly reduce the 5% (serious injuries) and eliminate the 2% (mauling and maiming injuries and deaths) inflicted by well-documented dangerous dog breeds.
Read more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/2014/07/non-profits-urge-cdc-resume-collecting-richer-data-set-for-dog-bite-fatalities/
Briefly, the joint study, and the last issued by the CDC on this subject, “Special Report: Breeds of Dogs Involved in Fatal Human Attacks in the United States Between 1979 and 1998,” was published in September 2000. The study was comprised of two human medical doctors and three animal “experts,” specifically, two veterinarians from the AVMA and one animal behaviorist.
The 2000 study was a culmination of three studies before it, which added 27 new deaths (from 1997 and 1998) to human fatalities examined in previous studies (from 1979 to 1996). The focal point of the 2000 study is clearly identified in its conclusions, which issued a policy statement unfavorable to breed-specific laws, despite no investigation of its effectiveness, along with using misleading vernacular about the purpose of breed-specific ordinances, which was and still is to dramatically reduce serious injuries and to eliminate mauling and maiming injuries and deaths.
Our other primary concern is the heavily weighted role of the AVMA in a United States government study examining human fatalities. Not only did the AVMA manage to ensure animal “experts” were represented on a study about health and human safety, they managed to ensure they were the majority of the study authors.
Additionally, when the study was released in 2000, it was not directly released to the American public. Instead, it was published in an AVMA journal (JAVMA), a private technical journal for veterinarians. This confused the U.S. media at that time, which initially called the study, “by the American Veterinary Medical Association.”
The AVMA even had to release a statement, along with a copyright notice to press members who requested a copy (attached). The “Special Report” to the American people could not even be freely distributed due to the AVMA copyright.
Now 14-years later, the AVMA/CDC study has been abruptly elevated into the public eye once again, this time by the White House, for political purposes or simply lack of knowledge. It is possible that the White House is even unaware that all three military divisions, the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force, have adopted uniform pet policies that ban this same handful of dog breeds from all privatized housing, domestic and abroad. Col. Richard P. Flatau Jr., commanding officer of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, stated the reason why most aptly in April 2009 following Camp Lejeune’s policy shift:
“These specific breeds present an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of our residents and are therefore prohibited.”
The CDC will tell you that they already did examine this issue. They will point you to the “policy” results of the dated 2000 study.
Yet, in the 2000 study, the CDC made the following statement, which diametrically opposes their rabies initiative of a large-scale apparatus to “prevent just one death,” as well as the very foundation of public health.
“Fatal attacks represent a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans and, therefore, should not be the primary factor driving public policy concerning dangerous dogs. Many practical alternatives to breed-specific ordinances exist and hold promise for prevention of dog bites.”
Click here to read full CDC remedy document: https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dogsbiteorg-cdc-remedies-dog-maulings-and-fatalities.pdf
What can a person do to make a difference? Each of you can do what Jeff Borchardt did. Contact your U.S. Representative or Senator and bring this issue to their attention. The CDC is fully aware that they are not providing sufficient information to the American public about this issue, and the CDC, whose mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, is turning a blind eye to a known danger that victimizes children the most.
Read more: https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/07/nonprofits-urge-cdc-track-richer-data-for-dog-bite-fatalities.html
“Bites” vs. “Maulings”
We are not talking about the 4,632,839 “bites” in a calendar year, we are talking about the 357,629 emergency visits and the 9,532 hospitalizations and deaths.
Click here to read the DogsBite.org 26 page recommendations document submitted to the CDC through my congressman’s office: https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dogsbiteorg-cdc-remedies-dog-maulings-and-fatalities.pdf
The issue is not “bites”
The issue is not “bites,” and never was. The issue is the very small subset of bites, about one in 10,000 dog bites of humans, which inflict fatal and disfiguring injuries. These attacks, because they are distinguished by severity, are relatively easily tracked and recorded.
From almost half a world away I have managed to log attacks by 211 dogs occurring in the U.K. since 2005, resulting in 26 human deaths and 175 disfigurements.
94 children, 117 adults
Some have been attacks by multiple dogs on a single human; some attacks on multiple humans by one dog. By coincidence, these factors have equaled each other in the U.K. since 2005, producing 94 child victims and 117 adult victims.
Dogs who would in the U.S. all be categorized as pit bulls accounted for 61% of the total attacks, 61% of the child victims, 68% of the adult victims, 58% of the fatalities, and 66% of the disfigurements.
The molosser dog category, including Rottweilers, bull mastiffs, and other mixes of pit bull and mastiff, in the U.K. accounted for 85% of the total attacks, 88% of the child victims, 87% of the adult victims, 73% of the fatalities, and 83% of the disfigurements.
RSPCA ignores 35% of total attacks
Merely by ignoring that Staffordshires are pit bulls everywhere but in the RSPCA-weakened Dangerous Dogs Act list of proscribed breeds, the RSPCA is ignoring 35% of the total fatal and disfiguring attacks, including 39% of the attacks on children, 39% of the attacks on adults, 15% of the fatalities, and 42% of the disfigurements.
A bona fide scientific analysis does not begin by discarding more than a third of the evidence because it does not suit a politically pre-ordained conclusion.
Breed Specific Legislation: A Dog’s Dinner makes no bones about the RSPCA wanting to “ultimately repeal the breed specific part of the legislation,” which would in effect repeal the legislation entirely.
A dog is for life?
Meanwhile, the RSPCA would also like to see elimination of the Dangerous Dogs Exemption Scheme Order 2015, which allows owners to keep pit bulls and other dogs of proscribed breed, but “imposes severe restrictions on change of keepership of the exempted dog,” meaning that pit bulls who have been allowed to remain in the U.K. despite being contraband may not be passed along from home to home without at least creating a paper trail documenting the pit bulls’ history.
“The only circumstances in which a new person may apply to the court to be substituted as the person in charge of the dog is in the event of the death or serious illness of the current keeper,” complains the RSPCA, in implied dissent from the Dogs Trust motto that “A dog is for life, not just Christmas.”
Pit bulls offered for adoption by Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.
Dogs Trust is, like the RSPCA, vehemently opposed to the Dangerous Dogs Act––and all sixteen Dogs Trust shelters, along with the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and most other U.K. shelters, are stuffed to bursting with pit bulls because of the exemptions of Staffordshires and other pit bulls by other names.
Read more: https://www.animals24-7.org/2016/08/11/the-rspca-recommends-you-your-pets-for-a-pit-bulls-dinner/
“Others believe that pit bulls are uniquely dangerous, including Jeff Borchardt, founder of the non-profit Daxton’s Friends, a breed-education website. Borchardt, who is based in Wisconsin, established the organization after his son was attacked and killed by two pit bulls in 2013. The dogs, who belonged to his son’s babysitter, “never showed any signs of aggression” before that day, he said. But he noted now that “they’re the only breed that it’s recommended owners carry a break stick with. They’re used to break their jaws loose once it’s gripped onto a victim.”
But pit bull advocates say that despite breed-specific legislation, the number of dog bites has not significantly decreased. A 2010 Toronto Humane Society survey found no change in the number of dog bites during the years before and after the Ontario breed-specific law was put into effect.
But a decrease in the overall number of bites was never the intent of the legislation, said Borchardt, who has followed the debate in Ontario. Rather, he says, there should be a drop in “serious maimings, maulings and fatalities.”
Read more: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health/would-a-pit-bull-ban-have-prevented-montreal-womans-death-after-attack/article30392552/
“Dachshunds are more aggressive than pit bulls.”
The back story on this claim is “research” done by James Serpell at the University of Pennsylvania. This was an internet questionnaire that was sent from dog owner to dog owner, no scientific sample and no effort to make a scientific sample. A friend of mine got it from someone at her dog training club. The questions had more to do with how the owner of the dog feels about their dog’s temperament. No documentation was required. You could fill it out about your own dog, the neighbor’s dog, or an imaginary dog. She thought it was so dumb that she took it again (you can take it as many times as you want) and gave the most outrageous answers she could think of. Her imaginary dog became a statistic here.
Since pit bull owners never feel that their dogs are a problem, the survey did not find them to be a problem.
Here is a link. You can do this yourself. http://vetapps.vet.upenn.edu/cbarq/
Maiming and death due to dog bites are uncommon but preventable tragedies. We postulated that patients admitted to a level I trauma center with dog bites would have severe injuries and that the gravest injuries would be those caused by pit bulls.
We reviewed the medical records of patients admitted to our level I trauma center with dog bites during a 15-year period. We determined the demographic characteristics of the patients, their outcomes, and the breed and characteristics of the dogs that caused the injuries.
Our Trauma and Emergency Surgery Services treated 228 patients with dog bite injuries; for 82 of those patients, the breed of dog involved was recorded (29 were injured by pit bulls). Compared with attacks by other breeds of dogs, attacks by pit bulls were associated with a higher median Injury Severity Scale score (4 vs. 1; P = 0.002), a higher risk of an admission Glasgow Coma Scale score of 8 or lower (17.2% vs. 0%; P = 0.006), higher median hospital charges ($10,500 vs. $7200; P = 0.003), and a higher risk of death (10.3% vs. 0%; P = 0.041).
Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites.
Christine you are as dumb as a bag of rocks if that’s the way you think. Here in the States the American Pitbull Terrier is the dog of choice, but if that breed is not available then they will take any breed they can get their hands on. It fact that they are involved in dog fights but is it their fault. I think not. Also not all Pitbull will fight so guess what they will be used punching bags, that is used as bait dogs
It is illegal in all 50 states for people to take their kids to them, people pay and watch the event and to take part in it. I guess people like you just opens your mouth without thinking. If you don’t believe google what happened to Michael Vick
very recently, very close to where i live, someone’s Chihuahua was mauled to death by a pit bull. the poor chihuahua, named Cotton, had her insides actually ripped out. i am a pit bull advocate but this is one of the most messed up things. pit bulls are just like every other dog, there can be bad, there can be good. in the case to the mauling of Cotton, the pit was a rescue (he was badly abused) and was never trained properly around other dogs, so he attacked. this and the story of your daughter is NOT okay, i will never say it is no matter how much i love dogs, pits especially. it is the pits fault in both cases. did your daughter do anything your dog wouldn’t like or get upset over? **AGAIN, SHE DID NOT DESERVE THIS, JUST A QUESTION.** was he a rescue? did you know if he got proper training? i hope you still like pits because not all of them are bad. what i learned is, while there are A LOT of stray dogs, especialy pits, its better to 1) raise them since they’re babies around children and other dogs. 2) get ALL of their history if possible. and finally 3) NEVER leave your children alone, with any dog. i am so SO sorry about your daughter, i am not apologizing for the pits actions nor am i blaming you or your daughter. i hope things are well now.
These stories are true about any breed. You only hear about them if a pit is involved. I have owned many pits throughout my life, one of them I rescued after her being trained to fight. With these dogs and any dog I have owned, I went through extensive training before allowing them around children or friends that matter. My dogs, male and female, have been extremely loving, protective and extremely appreciated the boundaries I set before them I am deeply saddened for the loss of any life much less a childs. But please dont blame a breed as a whole due to a very unfortunate incident.
I’m very sorry for your loss. RIP Baby Kara. That’s unforgettable & unforgivable. But any dog, of any breed can visiously attack anybody. I think it’s very unfair for you to blame Tia. You wanted a dog and you got your dog. After that, it’s no longer her responsibility. You had the dog at a party, that could have stressed the dog and maybe that’s was caused the dog to snap. I’m no expert so it could have been anything. It’s NOT Tia’s fault what happened tho. That’s for dang sure. Your trying to blame somebody because your hurt. Understandable… Who doesn’t. But that’s not fair for you to attack a woman who gave you what you asked for. tragedies happen, incidents, accidents happen… But ,Tia is not the reason this happened. So you attacking HER…. that’s very unnecessary and that makes YOU wrong. Sorry for your loss again. Hopefully you find peice in your heart.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Just because my red-headed uncle raped me doesn’t make all red headed men rapists. Your a douché and shouldn’t a dog. I’m sorry your innocent baby girl paid the price for your stupidity.
You’re a fucking idiot! Tia’s only mistake was allowing you to adopt the dog.
REALLY? At 3 years old, my brother was mauled by a Collie. Good old ” Lassie ” dog! No provocation by my brother or warning from the dog. Put 500 stitches above his neck. Missed the juggler vein by 1/4 of an inch. If it wasn’t for the nurse in the ambulance, he would have bleed to death.
At 1 year old , my youngest daughter was bit in the face by a 6 month old Chow chow. Almost took her eye out!
Maybe we should get rid of ALL dogs! Don’t blame someone else for what happened. Tia Marie is only trying to help a breed that has gotten a bad name do to the idiots that train them to fight in rings.
ALL dogs can be dangerous. They bite, that is there defense. I’m sorry for your loss, but don’t blame someone else. No one forced you to buy that breed! Next time do better research!
Hello again first of all you know nothing about military business.2 military members can have these breeds on post just not in housing while station stateside however if it they are stationed then then different rules apply based on the country of stationed. It is not the breed but the deed done to it. They will treat the breeds at all veterinary clinics on post. Also there are exceptions to policy. That means if they passed the temperament test.
Well well said!!
These comments just go to prove how disturbing pit owners are. Ugly people who worship an ugly dog breed to the point of almost sounding like they have some unnatural sexual attraction to the creatures.
While I dont like seeing any loose dog in my yard I’ll usually check their tags and take them home…unless its a pit. I’ve shot a few in the past ten years and will continue to do so as long as their idiot owners let them roam.
All I can say is if you are considering one of these beasts as a pet read this article and look at these comments. Your well loved and well trained pit could turn on your family in an instant & the psychotic pit community will throw you under the bus.
pits are very great dogs. yes some can get mean but that goes for any other dog. Debbie u need help!!!
The tone of your posting takes any credibility you possibily could have ever had. No personal knowledge, no specific training, honestly nothing at all to offer of any value.
I won’t even give you the honor of saying what you are. I will say no matter how viscous the dog it compares not to you!
Hey ASSHOLE! Yeah, you!!!! I have been training Pitbulls to be service dogs for our wounded veterans. It’s not the breed. For all any of us know, the dog might have snapped due to a parasite eating it brain. Was the dog vaccinated? Distemper or rabies, or even a brain tumor could have been the cause to why the dog snapped.
Pitbulls are very strong dogs…. both in muscle and in mind, that being said….if your not a strong owner, it’s not the breed for you.
And yes….I leave my 8 year old with my pitty all the time. And I’m not worried at All! My daughter is safer with my dog than she is with the neighbor down the road.
Your horrible. Hahahaha. God bless you…
Debbie the Liberal WHACKO!!!!!
may god have mercy on your soul, cause i certainly wont.
Debbie, you’re a scuzzbucket and don’t know what you’re talking about, EVERY DOG IS ONLY A PRODUCT OF ITS ENVIRONMENT! Grow the hell up! Any dog breed can attack without notice. God people like you piss me off! I have NEVER IN MY LIFE, MET A MEAN OR DANGEROUS PITBULL. I’ve been a very big animal lover and rescuer all my life, and it’s people like you that make me want to help them. Humans are turning into bigger morons and just jumping from opinion to opinion, you need to do some research and shut your face quite frankly.
To turn a Child dying into some rant about things you obviously know nothing of, is stupid. Obviously a child dying is no joke, and I am saddened by it, but you can’t blame the breed, because every breed is guilty.
I agree with you Debbie, they SNAP period!!! This article and many others prove it. Why don’t these people have that much passion and love toward HUMAN BEINGS not a breed of dog! Its ridiculous, and yes im a dog owner but people have NO common sense anymore! PITIFUL!
Seriously..have you not heard these people..itso not just pits, any dog is capable of doing this, but because of the pitbull rep everyone lashes out over them..don’t get me wrong that’s a very sad situation..in your case your shooting dogs because of their breed..how does that make you a better person
Well said.
Debbie you’re lucky that a lot of people who own pits or just flat out animal lovers don’t know where you live… Because I’d feel sorry for you, that’s all I have to say about it !!!!!!
Absolutely disgusting.
YOU are.
I was reading this and it accoured to me that pitbulls protect the youngest family member . so may be the older child might have pushed her sister or hit her cause they were fighting and if you have kids you know they fight .and the dog went for her to protect her sister .thats the only thing I can think of .
First and foremost no one is denying that the loss of your child was tragic. No one should see there child die especially so brutally .
However you have no right to blame someone else for what happened. Especially a TV show.
You posted that you made the decision to get a pit based on Tia Torres and therefore she is responsible. You claimed that you watched the show regularly you hung on her every word and followed her advise as if it were the Bible. Well you must have missed the Multiple episodes where she states that pits of opposite sex should not be in the same home. Especially if they are not spayed/neutered.
You decided to pick and choose what information to listen to.
I give Tia Torres alot of credit. But I still know it is a reality TV show. Reality TV is not always real.
Before getting any animal you should do your homework. You don’t just accept what you see on TV.
Had you done your homework you would have found that yes pitbulls are wonderful dogs and make great pets. But they are alot of work and there are specific situations you must avoid. Such as YOU never leave a child alone with them . Yes I understand the child’s grandmother was there . Your child should never have been around the dog unless you personally or your husband were right there.
Pitbulls do not always respond well to strangers. By strangers I mean anyone outside of what they perceive as there core family. The fact that the grandmother was there alone with the kids and the dogs may have been the very trigger to the attack. Any reputable site about pitbulls will tell you that they can become anxious and aggressive when someone new or someone outside the immediate family is around.
I own a pit. And I would never allow a member of my extended family or a friend supervise a small child and the dog at the same time .Supervison of my dog is my responsibility and mine alone. I know my dog I know her temperament and I know the subtle clues she gives off when she is anxious. My extended family know my dog and she knows them but they don’t know her the way I do.
This was a terrible and tragic accident but it was just that an accident. It was not the dogs fault and it was definitely not Tia Torres fault. It was a lack of education and understanding.
You wouldn’t choose a babysitter based on a TV show or without checking the background of the sitter. Why would you get a dog (let alone 3) without doing the same background check.
Ignorance is not an excuse.
From the way you write, I can tell you are a very ignorant and narrow-minded person. Yes, your Daughter may have been attacked by a Pitbull. And yes, you’ve definitely suffered trauma because of it. But that does not mean you could blame Tia Torress for saying pitbulls are misunderstood because of that one incident and claiming that you wish all pitbulls would be extinct. That is downright selfish and horrible of what you said. Probably no one ever told you that not all dogs mix well with children, your Daughter probably did something to trigger the dog. These dogs aren’t mean and vicious, it probably did what it did because it was on Defence mode.
Lastly, Pitbulls and Parolees is an awesome show as it shows dogs just needs to have a second chance by us. And I hope YOU can give these dogs a second chance as well, despite your loss.
You are all fucking idiots who shouldn’t be allowed any pets or children. Acting like all pit bulls are lions just waiting to kill. Maybe you are shitty pet owners and parents. A whole site just to spew hate and lies because you can’t acknowledge your own fault. Fuck you. Bigots.
I agree!
Were all 3 dogs in the same room with Kara? Neutered/spayed? Did the dogs come from a trusted breeder? Inbreeding is a serious problem with pit bulls. And it could have occurred in these dogs parents or grandparents. I have heard inbreeding is quite prevalent in blues.
First and foremost, I want to let you know that I’m sorry for your loss; losing a child is the worst pain that a parent will know, especially when it is done by someone or something that was thought to be safe and trusted. I know this post was from a year back, but I don’t want people to read this and get uninformed ideas. With that being said, I do not agree with you placing the blame on Tia Torres and the Pit Bull breed.
In speaking of Tia, she has worked with the breed and done research on them for years, and she’s even had experience working with wolves. However, that is not to say that it is okay to take one persons advise in any way. There should be a lot of research going into purchasing a dog, and if there isn’t, I don’t recommend someone purchasing or adopting one. This is one of the many reasons why Tia does home checks, research, and has requirements before letting someone adopt one of her dogs. When she said that Pit Bulls used to be the ‘nanny dogs’, she was not wrong. These dogs were family dogs and used heavily in depicting the United States before the 80’s with little to no attacks in the news; however, they soon gained a bad reputation due to the underground fighting that they were forced into, and soon into being trained to be guard dogs for drug lords and criminals because of their heavy loyalty. There are many breeds that have been filtered in and out of being the ‘most dangerous breed’; it was Rotweillers, then German Shepherds, and now Pit Bulls.
I read that your daughter’s grandmother was in the room when your daughter was attacked; however, I also read that there was more than one dog, neither neutered or fixed, present in the house. If the second observation is true, that can be a dangerous mistake. Often, if someone were breeding, they’d have the unaltered dogs in different areas to avoid conflict. Also, unaltered dogs, other than Pit Bulls too, are more dangerous and primal, especially when there is competition or when another dog is in heat. Even if a child is being supervised, accidents like this still do happen with large dogs, and even small dogs sometimes. In all, no child should be left unsupervised with any dog, and there should still be caution even when being supervised.
You also said that there were no warning signs, yet dogs will usually show some form of unusual behavior before any attack; it doesn’t just have to be growling or hackles raised, it can be a change in their usual behavior that day or their movement. It also could be the way your dog was playing or acting before entering the room your daughter was in. If your daughter’s grandmother was not accustomed to your dog’s natural behavior, there is no way she’d pick up slight changes like that. Prey drive is also a significant factor for dog attacks, so your daughter may have been doing something that triggered his/her prey drive into affect. Pit Bulls are often distrusted due to their unwillingness to back down, which although admired in humans is loathed in Pit Bulls. They have a strong jaw and will not give up until they feel it necessary for whatever reason.
In reference to Pit Bulls being just savage, dangerous dogs, that is an incorrect statement. As you made clear, you picked out the dog as a family from puppyhood; if you don’t believe the training was a problem, that’s fine. On the contrary, did you do your research on the ancestry of the dog before purchasing? In all dogs, the family history is important, as the temperament is passed on from parent to puppy. If one of the parent dogs had a history of aggression, it was likely passed on to your dog, but it may have taken a while to come out. This is imperative for owners of any dog to do, since all dogs can inherit aggression from a parent.
I don’t think Tia nor the Pit Bull breed should be blamed for this incident. I’m not saying you’re an awful and unresponsible parent in any way, I’m just saying there may have been some uninformed choices made that caused this problem. I hope that I’ve helped at least one person in their understanding of the breed and how to prevent this from happening to others, not only with Pit Bulls but with any dog breed. I disagree with you advocating hate and distrust on the breed. Your Pit Bull(s) are not the definition of the breed, they are an exception. Once again, I’m so sorry for your loss.
Very well stated comment!
These nutters don’t get it!
Oh whatever. You never leave a child by themselves with an animal. Maybe the little girl did something to the dog and got upset. Don’t blame Tia for your dog killing your child. Not all pitbulls are mean and ticking time bombs just like other dogs. People like you give pit bulls a bad name and reputation.
“My daughter had been brutally and viciously mauled to death, she died from massive blood loss , her arms, legs, skull, face, and major arteries savagely damaged. the coroner said she didn’t feel the pain as they went straight for the jugular and continued to shred until she was lifeless and unrecognizable……..These were her family pit bulls that we raised from puppies . She picked them out herself. They were treated as members of the family, loved, exercised, fed well, and respected ……… they savagely murdered the little girl who loved and cared for them the most in this world without a second thought, directly following they acted as if nothing happened , she hadn’t riled them up, she hadn’t abused them, she was happily playing in the other room, they came after her and pulled her out of my mothers arms to attack , maul, and kill her. Her 2 year old sister was also there, my mother was able to save her and told her to run upstairs and hide, while she tried to get the dogs to release Kara… My two year old little girl witnessed this mauling, the final sounds of her hero best friend sister being mauled by the family pit bulls…..The dogs she also loved and cherished……yes any dog can and will bite—- but any dog is not capable of this devastation—— please do not let your children anywhere near this breed of dog,,,something has gone horribly and inexplicably wrong with them—- it is not worth losing them, please i beg, i couldn’t stand if one more parent had to live the hell that we are living now.
PS. My brother had raised many pit bulls and one particularly captured our hearts…He was the sweetest well mannered gentle dog I had ever seen…I was always told the aggressive ones were because they were trained to fight and it was all in how they were raised….and if u got them from puppies that was the best way to raise any dog…Both of the dogs who attacked were brought home as puppies and picked out by Kara…These dogs never displayed any people aggression. ..always sat dutifully by her side ..watched her have tea parties, sat by her side when she was sick, thought they were lap dogs and liked to snuggle…..no warnings…no snapping..no growling…….just snapped!”
Read full story: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/kara-hartrich-bloomington-illinois-pit-bull/
Did you not read the entire story or are you just stupid? She was supervised by her grandmother! Kara never did anything to provoke them yet it still happened! She never hyped them up either! People like you are getting pets and kids killed! People like Tia and Cesar should be accountable like you! Yes. They were fed that “nanny dog” garbage! When will you nutters get the picture?
There is nothing in the article about the grandmother being there.
Did you not read the entire story or are you just stupid?
no are you stupid just because one pitbull made a major mistake doesnt mean that they all do.
“Not all pit bulls are bad”
If anything, the fact ‘They aren’t all bad’ is what makes the situation even more dangerous than if they were ‘All BAD”. It is this unpredictability, the inability to tell a dangerous from a non-dangerous pit bull that sees pit bulls as an unsuitable breed for society. If they were simply ‘all bad’, society would simply take strong measures to protect themselves from the breed. Nobody is arguing that all pit bulls are bad, the argument is based on the fact that more than enough pit bulls regularly maim, maul and kill to result in an unacceptable actuarial risk, just like drunk driving. Just like all drunk drivers won’t cause harm or kill anybody, doesn’t mean they aren’t participating in high risk behavior.
People aren’t seeking legislative protection based on the belief all pit bulls are bad, but based on the reality they carry far more risk to innocent people than non fighting breeds of dog. Just as the average person doesn’t want to take the risk of being killed by a drunk driver, the average person also doesn’t want to risk being maimed, mauled or killed by a fighting breed of dog. If they are incapable of understanding such basic self preservation, then there is little hope for them. It must be noted that these people are either risk takers or poor assessors of risk, and quite often have no idea they are putting themselves and others in harms way. It is a battle against stupidity as much as it is dangerous breeds of dog.
Excuse me? There have been many stories where the pit bulls were well trained, well disciplined, and well loved. None of that stopped them from doing what they were predesigned to do!
You can’t blame others for your loss you can’t judge a breed just on the actions of what your dog did to your daughter. If a person was the one to have murdered ur daughter will you feel as humanity needs to cease to exist? Only one to blame is yourself for living in hatred and trying to pin it on someone or something. Take it as a life lesson and move on, next time you want a pet make sure to educate little ones about a pet before you get one, because look at the outcome of your poor pet owner education skills, probably could of been prevented if you had proper education instead of a tv show.
Excuse me? What kind of breed kills more than any other breed combined? Pit bulls! They simply can’t be trusted! Period!
Pit bull attacks affect everybody including the victims and the entire community! Not to mention their families and friends! They will never get over it!
You need help
Jerome have you heard of the Press Canario. This breed attacked and killed Diane Whipple in the hallway of an apartment complex in San Francisco, and also it killed a woman in Florida after she gave it a bath and it was raised by her as a puppy. This incident that involved the woman’s daughter a sad thing and not just to her. That is just it jack added like you live and love bashing this breed. Not all Pitbullls are bad. This could have happened to any breed.
A horrible tragedy for sure….but it’s not Tia’s fault that this happened….after reading the newspaper account of what happened there were a few things that stood out to me….there were 3 dogs…2 males who were not neutered as well as a female….Tia always says its best to spay and neuter….male dogs of any breed show more aggression when they haven’t been neutered….and she also pairs dogs of the opposite sex if there are to be 2 dogs in the house…those things alone could be the main cause of this horrible tragedy happening…..but Tia is not to blame….if that were the case then all pitbull lovers would be to blame….not just her…..one needs to do their research into where the dogs came from and what was the temperament of the dogs mom and dad before buying or adopting any large dog.
Did Tia Torres go on the Jon Stewart show and say “pit bulls used to be nanny dogs” or did she not?
The question was rhetorical. She did. She has proved herself to know absolutely nothing about the history and purpose of pit bulls and closely related fighting breeds. She is partly responsible for this and many other deaths with her contribution of the insane pit bull proliferation that continues today.
I suggest you scroll around the comments section of the post to learn more.
Very well said!
Look I have been reading all of these comments from back in may and its making me sick to my stomach!!!! I was bit by a pit bull when I was 17 on the side of my leg and I spent 8 days in the hospital due to infection and I today own a pit bull that I trust with my life and my kids lives!!! At 17 I was able to understand that the dirt bike I was on scared the pit bull and she was trying to get to the motor not to me my leg just happened to be in the way but that didn’t matter she got put down anyway!! If that was any other breed that bit me they wouldn’t have been killed I feel that should have been my choice but unfortunately it wasn’t!!! My pit is a big baby and wouldn’t hurt a fly we always joke about him not being a very good watch dog. I am truly sorry for the loss of that little precious girl but there should not have been three pits in that house that were not fixed!!! I got my pit fixed when he was a puppy and I did research on his parents as I talked to the owners of his parents. They of course had a male and a female and had little children including a newborn baby and they never had any problems that was 3 years ago!! Anyone who knows the breed should never have two males that are not neutered in the same house hold its not the best idea to have two males at all and Tia does explain that so it turns my stomach to hear she is being blamed for that horrible accident!! I watch her show faithfully and I agree with everything she says!! My pit is full of love and would never hurt anyone like I said he is a big baby when he gets scared he jumps up into my lap lol yeah that sound like a vicious dog doesn’t it? I think all you pit bull haters really should do your research! My mother’s Bassett hound is meaner and more likely to bite than my pit so all of you please do your research bee owning or judging all pit bulls one being bad does not mean all are!!!
Your comment(s) show your ignorance. One woman’s views are not to blame for the death of someone’s child.
And the “nanny dog” thing is true! It comes from England. Why are you out to “kill” these poor dogs!?
“Pit bulls were bred to be nanny dogs.”
The “nanny dog” myth is foolish and dangerous. No dog was ever bred to babysit children, least of all the breed that kills more children than all other breeds combined every year. This quote comes from awebsite called “Animal Welfarists”
What About Nanny Dogs?
“Nanny dogs are wonderful creatures – like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and chupacabra, they bring excitement and wonder into our lives. The thing that they all have in common is that they’re fake. Made up. Never existed.
Pit Bulls through their entire existence have never been bred as “nanny dogs”; there is absolutely no history to support this claim either. The only mention of nanny dogs ever was in 1971 by the author of the book “Staffordshire Bull Terriers: Owner’s Companion” and devoted Staffordshire Bull Terrier fan, Mrs. Lillian V. Rant. Mrs. Rant made a statement that coined the term “nanny dog.” – Animal Welfarists
The nanny dog myth is insane and the repetition of this myth continues to get children killed.
Chère madame Torrés je regarde en France tous les épisodes de votre travail je vous dit bravo et un trés grand merci pour ces chiens que vous sauvez et qui repartent dans de bonnes conditions dans des familles trés bien .Quel courage vous et les personnes qui vous entourent vous avez continuez encore merci . Pascal.
How is this Tia’s fault?? Lady something smells like crap here, sounds like your trying to make a name off the GOOD Tia does! Go hug your kid, stop trying to blame the breed, it sounds like you didn’t know what you were doing, with a dog who needs lots of training and lastly who leaves a dog unattended with a child? ANY BREED OF DOG, or ANY ANIMAL SHOULD NOT BE LEFT WITH A KID!!!! I got attacked by a bunny when I was 4 years old and it didn’t give off a warning or any Indication it was going to attack, should we kill all the bunnies and start a campaign to ban bunnies??? This was an accident but your trying to defame someone who is doing something AMAZING its sick! I’ve had plenty of pitbulls and malamutes in my life but as a REAL dog owner I don’t EVER leave them unsupervised with kids EVER! Your only posting the negative facts how can you pass this as a legitimate argument when your not being honest? People like you make me sick, run to the Internet looking for sympathy when your daughter is the real person who deserves it! You say you hung on every word Tia said? What PARENT listens to ONE person and doesn’t do their homework first, this goes back to the age old question if Tia told you to jump off a bridge would you? Probably not so why wouldn’t you get a second opinion? This your daughters life right … Then you probably should’ve made sure you were educated enough to know the risks of owning ANY ANIMAL. I do recall Tia saying ” some dogs are just dangerous they can’t be saved”. You failed to mention where you got this dog what its history was and how you treated/ trained it and lastly what led up to this tragic accident. If your going to blame someone blame yourself, just by this post I can tell you go into things 1/2 cocked and do not think things through… Good luck hope you find the sympathy YOUR looking for, I pray your daughters okay.
I agree with LISA. A four year old child should never be left alone with any animal. My name is actually Kara as well and I am 22. When I was 8, I was attacked and mauled in the face by an Australian Shepherd. I was approaching him when he ran at me, knocked me to the ground, grabbed my face and shook his head violently. However, it was my fault because I did not tell the owners I was going around back to pet the dog. The dog bit me within an inch and a half of my jugular. Thankfully, after about 20 seconds he let go and trotted off. My point is, all animals are unpredictable, no matter how long you have had them and bonded with them. That attacked left permanent scars on my left cheek, a part of my lip is missing, and part of my bottom right chin. People are attacked by dogs every day. I heard of a small boy whose nose was taken clean off by a Dalmatian, and another boy whose was killed by 2 Akitas. I’m sorry for your loss, but you are terribly blinded sighted by distraught and have pointed an undeserving finger at a wonderful trainer and a wonderful breed. I myself have a Pitbull right now, he is a mush. All dogs have boundaries, that is why you respect them. You just never know what can happen. Pit bulls get bad raps because they are strong…but you know, that’s also why military used to train them for combat.. I will stand by dog psychology and temperament education and also by the Pitbull.
You are very lucky but I’d the Austrian Shepherd was a our bull. You would be dead. They wouldn’t have let go. Have some compassion for these children and their families. Until you have lived through a pitbull attack, shut your mouth and have some respect for those that have. It’s a nightmare.
Ok. I apologize. You are right Stephanie, no need to tell me to shut my mouth. All I was doing was giving was my opinion. I have very much compassion for the children and their families, please do not assume that. It is terrifying to be attacked by a dog of any sort, I was very near death from the Australian Shepherd, so I can sympathize in a different manner. My biggest point was, if you have a family dog, any breed, small children should usually be supervised as they have a tendency to be a bit rambunctious. I’m not attacking the family or defending this particular pit bull in any way. I just don’t think every pit bull is aggressive, nor do I think Mrs. Torres is a bad trainer. And actually, can you retype what you said at the beginning? I can’t quite piece it together. And also, were you, yourself, attacked by a Pit? You don’t have to answer if it is too personal, I am only curious. Thanks, Kara Michele
Did you even read the story? The child was NEVER alone with the dog.
DAXTONS FRIEND- post author: I have not. Each time I click the link to the ‘read more about Kara Hartrtich’ the screen comes up blank. Have I missed several details about the story? If so, I sincerely apologize and will immediately remove my comments.
You can find her story and several others on our “Victims’ stories” page.
Wow. I had no idea. Please delete my previous comments. I am very embarrassed and regretful for what I said.. That made me cry and I feel like such a jerk
My daughter was mauled by our family pit bull raised from birth without warning. There were 6 people in the room. It took all of us to beat the dog to let her go. And the dog released to grab a different part of her body and I had to put her on the kitchen island because the dog came back three times.
Kara — You’re one of the few people in this argument who has admitted they were wrong after learning the facts. That takes courage. Thank you.
You tell them! Amen!
Hi, my name is Jamie and your comment really pissed me off!!! I have lived threw a pit bull attack when I was 17, the dog got ahold of my leg and I spent 8 days in the hospital!!! So when you tell people to shut their mouths til they have lived threw a pit bull attack, well lady I have so you don’t have shit to say to me!! Also I own a pit bull and he is a big baby wouldn’t hurt a fly he gets scared of tons of things and jumps in my lap and I have to hold and pet him til he isn’t scared anymore!!!!! Wow that sound like a vicious dog doesn’t it???? All dogs fucking bite my son was bit by a rott but I don’t see all this crap being said about that breed!!! My sister was bit by a springer spaniel and nothing said about that breed either, I mean come on enough is enough! It’s all about learning the facts doing your research and being responsible end of story!!!
How dare you lack the emotional intelligence and maturity to damn a species where the MAJORITY prove to be decent, safe pets, including those who are rescued and rehabilitated for the better.
I am incredibly sorry for your loss of an incredibly beautiful amazing young daughter.
I would strongly advise you to more accurately do your homework, not have the audacity to cherry pick from the Internet and your own painful horrible experience and lambast an entire species of animal due to your own pain and suffering.
Bottom line, it is inexcusable in what you have chosen to do due to your individual experience. Your and others ignorance, fear, anger and hurt is unacceptable and you in no way have the right to damn two different breeds of dogs because of, ever.
I used to defend pit bulls by saying “it’s all how you raise them”, until I started following dangerous dog attacks. You cannot dispute the facts of all the people and animals that have been severely mauled and/or killed by pit bulls. If you want to play Russian Roulette with you pet choice, I can’t stop you but I can warn others who are not naïve like you.
Correct there are nice pit bulls. The problem is that you can’t tell them apart from the pit bulls that decide to kill. Maybe the odds don’t bother you but the general public has the right to know how many people and pets they have maimed and/or killed. Most of us think it is not worth the risk.
Pit-bull type dogs are responsible for 95% of severe attacks on people pets and livestock:
From 2005-2016, 237 people killed by pit bull type dogs. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities.php
50,000 + animals killed by pit bulls every year: https://www.animals24-7.org/2015/01/27/how-many-other-animals-did-pit-bulls-kill-in-
and https://www.animals24-7.org/2016/01/31/pit-bulls-killed-24000-other-dogs-13000-cats-in-2015/
459 disfigurements in 2015 by pit bulls. https://www.animals24-7.org/2016/01/04/record-33-fatal-pit-bull-attacks-459-disfigurements-in-2015/
I hope you will read the entire breed bio for the American Pit Bull Terrier on our website to have a better understanding of why pit bulls disproportionately kill more humans and animals than all breeds combined.: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
Just as a technicality damning the species would involve condemnation of all dogs in the genus. This is actually breed specific. There can be no logical argument based upon the rules of animal husbandry that justify the continuation of breeds of dogs that are targeted towards blood sports in which defensive warnings are suppressed and deadly attack is self-rewarding behavior rather than defense or survival.
I think the only person who lacks emotional intelligence is you.
The fact that you’re blaming one single problem and anybody else disgusts me. Im pretty sure that Tia knows more about pit bulls then you do since she has over 250 of them. Do your own research, in the 19th century they were called “nanny dogs” because they were so kind and loving and never left the child’s side. Never blame the dog because most of the time it’s the person behind the leash. Hate on me for this but at least I know i’m right and have actually done my homework on it and not just listen to at TV show.
Please don’t come to a website named after a child killed by pit bulls, repeat the dangerous nanny dog MYTH, and tell US to “do our homework.”
Please visit this page to read more canine myths: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/canine-myths-2/
The Myth:
To explain vintage black and white photographs that depicted children and pit bulls together, a story was created that back in the Victorian age the pit bull was the “nanny dog”. These so-called nanny dogs were said to be so good with children parents relied on them to babysit and protect them.
The Reality:
One fighting breed advocate created this “legend” in 1971 to distance her breed from its fighting origins. This mention was picked up by a newspaper in 1987 and has since been promoted as historical “fact.”
At no point in history were pit bulls ever “nanny dogs”. There has not been any proof ever given to make this myth a reality. The pit bull advocacy group “BADRAP” (Bay Area Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls) recently admitted that pit bulls were never nanny dogs and that this myth was dangerous to children. The retraction of the “nanny dog myth” has been highly publicized. Despite the retraction, the myth has lived on and pit bull advocates still repeat it regularly
“Did you know that there was never such thing as a ‘Nanny’s Dog’? This term was a recent invention created to describe the myriad of vintage photos of children enjoying their family pit bulls (click this link for details about vintage photos). While the intention behind the term was innocent, using it may mislead parents into being careless with their children around their family dog – A recipe for dog bites!”
“Come on Cofounder of BF how can you not know that the nanny myth was created by a pit bull breeder in the 70’s to sell more pit bulls. Even Bad Rap debunked this myth 2 years ago. Most pit bull advocates do agree that pit bulls were never considered nanny dogs.” http://www.democraticunderground.com/10022490515
So, where is the oldest known reference to the Staffie Bull being some sort of nanny dog? In a New York Times article. In 1971, Walter R. Fletcher wrote an article entitled, “A Breed That Came Up the Hard Way” in which he interviewed William R. Daniels and Mrs. Lilian Rant, President and magazine editor for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America on the eve of the Staffie Bull’s being granted permission to be shown in the American Kennel Club’s miscellaneous class. It’s the first step to AKC recognition and the club wanted to polish their dog’s image.
Daniels brings up Dickens’ villainous Bull’s-Eye again and Mrs. Rant acknowledges that the Stafford “had an unsavory reputation for fighting and violence and his name became associated with ruffians, who cared little for him as a dog but only for his ability in the pit. The Stafford we know today quickly becomes a member of the family circle. He loves children and is often referred to as a ‘nursemaid dog.'”
Well, there it is. Mrs. Rant, lover and promoter of the Stafford, is clearly speaking in the present tense about the dog of today (1971) currently being referred to as a ‘nursemaid dog’ in the United States. She is using a variation of the argument that Mr. Lee used 77 years before about the Bull Terrier, suggesting that the Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s unsavory reputation as a fighting dog has been left in the far distant past. She harkens back to Dickens again, before the Staffordshire Bull Terrier even existed as a distinct breed. Her contention that Staffordshire Bull Terriers are OFTEN referred to as nursmaid dogs is a little bit of a stretch, too. In 1971, there were 99 registered Staffordshire Bull Terriers in the United States. As editor of the club’s magazine, she must have been at the center of all conversation about the breed. It is likely that she either coined the nickname or promulgated it through the magazine, and the term may have gained popularity among those few Stafford enthusiasts who subscribed to her magazine.
A timeline search does not turn up a mention of the exact term “nanny dog” until 1987 in an archived Toronto Stararticle entitled, Move to Outlaw Pit Bulls Under Study in Several Cities.
“Breeder Kathy Thomas, president of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Association said, ‘We’re aware of the fighting – there’s a lot of it in the Hamilton area. We only sell to family homes.'”
“Thomas, mother of two young children, said her eight Staffordshires are ‘wonderful with children. In England, our Staffies were called the nanny-dog because they were gentle with kids.'”
Here’s where the lie begins to get twisted into its most bizarre and current form and the Nanny Dog myth jumps on the crazy train. The Nanny Dog argument is no longer valid in the way that Mrs. Rant used it in 1971 when the general public was not aware of contemporary dog fighting. By the 1980s, dog fighting had become a generally recognized problem and initiatives to ban pit bulls were beginning. Kathy Thomas acknowledges that there is dog fighting going on all around her in 1987 near Toronto. She can no longer say that the Staffie was once, long ago, in Dickensian England a fighting dog, but has been transformed by many years of selective breeding to be a gentle nanny dog. The dogs are fighting all around her. So, the lie becomes that Staffordshire Bull Terriers were ALWAYS known as nanny dogs. They snuggled with the babies by day, ripped out throats and gutted each other by night and, returning from the fight, snuggled once again with the baby in the pram, this time ripped to shreds and soaked in blood.
It took about 16 years for the story to mutate into the Nanny dog of England – historic fighter and lover of children. But, the myth did not really take off for another 4 years, when Mrs. Rant published her book in 1991,Staffordshire Bull Terriers: Owner’s Companion. She uses the term “nursemaid dog” three times and significantly says, ” He has a great affection for children, having earned the title ‘nursemaid dog’ many years ago.” (p.117) In this instance, “many years ago” means about 20 years previous, when she first coined or adopted the term.
And how about the history of the term “America’s Nanny Dog” referring to the American Pit Bull Terrier or the American Staffordshire Terrier? 5,570 results come up for that query. Again, you cannot find one single citation, source or reference to a text from the 1940s that confirms this assertion. A google timeline search for “America’s Nanny Dog” shows the earliest online publication date is September 25, 2007 as an opinion piece in the online publication, Times-Standard entitled “America’s Nanny Dog” by Tyla Hafstrom. It is a complete fabrication and an utter lie.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, not with a single primary source, but with a preponderance of evidence that demonstrates the incredible existence of the baby loving fighting dog that was so beloved and so popular in times gone by that it was commonly called the nanny dog.
Read more: https://thetruthaboutpitbulls.blogspot.com/2010/08/nanny-dog-myth-revealed.html
The only time bully breeds were ever referred to as Nanny dogs was in 1971. In an article written by Lillian Rant, a British born staffy owner who ran the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society of America, as well as a breeder of Staffies and in an attempt to erase their dogfighting past, she invented this Dickensian protector, which would lie in bed with a child, then jump out, save a child from threats and then jump back in bed with the child, ripped to shreds and she referred to it as “the nursemaid’s dog”
The second such instance of the term Nanny Dog, came from the Toronto star in 1987. Kathy Thomas, who was also a staffy owner and breeder spoke about dog fighting in her area and pit bulls/staffies being used. She willingly lied and said that they can’t be used for fighting as Staffordshire bull terriers are nanny dogs because her 4 staffies are great with her kids.
Look through any breeders almanac or any other pre-1970 source and you’ll NOT find any reference to the pit bulldog or the the bull terrier being used for nanny purposes, only for fighting and killing. The earliest I could find but didn’t last long, was the staged turn of the century pictures of pits and children. However, the thinly veiled link was Nanna from Peter Pan, as the stage show was out, but nanna in the story has been a labrador, a st. Bernard and a newfoundland, not a bully.
“Pit bulls used to be nanny dogs”
In 2013, the pit bull advocacy group Bad Rap debunked the myth. This admission came right after a two-year-old was horrifically decapitated by his trusted family pit bull of eight years. It also came in the wake of over 100 children being torturously mauled to death by pit bulls since 2000. Despite their well-publicized announcement, the term nanny dog is still used incessantly, and children continue to be needlessly killed and mutilated.
Read more: https://blogs.theprovince.com/2016/01/07/the-nanny-dog-strikes-again/#st_refDomain=m.facebook.com&st_refQuery=/
What proof do you have then that is even a myth…you don’t so, all I’m saying is that you blamed Tia for your own problem. She’s been around more pit bulls then know if you tell you’ve been around over 250 pit bulls then I won’t have a problem. THATS ONE PIT BULL OUT OF MILLIONS!!! That’s a bitch ass move to blame millions of dogs for just ones action that happened with your daughter I’m sorry and everything but I don’t think that’s right.
As if we haven’t given you enough proof?
Here’s 200 children (and counting) from 1980-present that will call the “nanny dog” myth pretty dangerous. (If they could): https://www.fatalpitbullattacks.com/children-killed-by-pit-bulls.php
Here’s another relative link to your comment. “Sorry For Your Loss, BUT….” https://maultalk.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/so-sorry-for-your-loss-but/
I would not waste time with Courtney. It seems to me that she is willing to risk lives with these canine terrorists.
OK and what about little dogs that actually attack people more times than the big breeds. Not to mention cats that scratch people let me guess innocent.
Are you blind and ignorant to the danger or are you just stupid? I do research. Pit bulls kill. Period! Tell that to Daxton Borchardt and all the victims of dog attacks, primarily pit bulls. What did they say to you?
Courtney….have you ever heard the saying, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”? My guess is no, because you have completely removed all doubt with your following uneducated statement:
Do your own research, in the 19th century they were called “nanny dogs” because they were so kind and loving and never left the child’s side. Never blame the dog because most of the time it’s the person behind the leash.
Their is three things scary about your response:
1. You are pro pitbull but are completely uneducated about these breeds, evidently from your above statement.
2. Uneducated owners of pitbulls increase the likelihood of their pitbull attacking, again due to ignorance and lack of education on how to handle/care for such a potential killer. I pray to God you do not own one ever, but have a feeling you do. SMDH
3. You would have the odacity to post such statements on the post of a mother whom lost her child to the very beast you try, poorly I might add, to defend. A child was killed…..where the hell is your compassion. Sometimes you just need to agree to disagree in silence and keep respect intact and not expose your ignorance.
Why is it pitbull supporters chose an animal’s life over that of a human life…a child’s life at that? What the heck is wrong with you people. Is having compassion really that difficult? I don’t get the hate you all spew at these victims. It is disgusting, absolutely disgusting.
Courtney….have you ever heard the saying, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”? My guess is no, because you have completely removed all doubt with your following uneducated statement:
Do your own research, in the 19th century they were called “nanny dogs” because they were so kind and loving and never left the child’s side. Never blame the dog because most of the time it’s the person behind the leash.
Their is three things scary about your response:
1. You are pro pitbull but are completely uneducated about these breeds, evidently from your above statement.
2. Uneducated owners of pitbulls increase the likelihood of their pitbull attacking, again due to ignorance and lack of education on how to handle/care for such a potential killer. I pray to God you do not own one ever, but have a feeling you do. SMDH
3. You would have the audacity to post such statements on the post of a mother whom lost her child to the very beast you try, poorly I might add, to defend. A child was killed…..where the hell is your compassion. Sometimes you just need to agree to disagree in silence and keep respect intact and not expose your ignorance.
Why is it pitbull supporters chose an animal’s life over that of a human life…a child’s life at that? What the heck is wrong with you people. Is having compassion really that difficult? I don’t get the hate you all spew at these victims. It is disgusting, absolutely disgusting.
I have compassion it’s just I love the breed and hate people dissing the breed. I have written 2 papers on pit bulls both got A’s and know I’m doing a speech, so I’m educated I’ve done my research
Well, you need to do some more research from a non-invested, truthful organizations like ours that are trying to save yours or someone you love’s life: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
I can do that myself thank you very much
Last word troll: https://sites.google.com/site/reddittrolls/what-is-a-troll
A good start would be the stories written by the victims: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/victims-stories/
Learn from the mistakes of others. They too, believed as you. Don’t suffer from willful ignorance. Dead is forever.
Actually my teacher read my speech and he said that he loved and not to change it but whatever
Stay in school Courtney.
What if you or your family or friends or even both were attacked by a pit bull that was once friendly? A pit bull whom you’ve known for years. How would you feel?
Courtney, You have lost credibility by repeating a myth that has been clearly debunked and it is getting children killed. Please stop spreading disinformation.
There are bad owners of poodles, beagles, greyhounds and I could name 300 dog breeds that will not lead to severely maimed or dead neighbors, pets and children. It shouldn’t be a death sentence for any of us to depend on all pit owners to raise their pit right. That’s impossible. If you think it’s how they are raised, then they should be banned.
Would you deliberately choose a crib, car, or helmet with the highest record of fatalities and the worst safety rating? Most animal shelters and rescues fail to disclose to potential adopters that pit bull type dogs are the number one canine killer of people, pets and livestock of all breeds combined.
Temperament is not the problem with pit bulls; they are generally pleasant to be around when raised well. The danger is the unprovoked aggression, gameness, and physical ability, that has been bred into them from day one. This cannot be trained or loved away, and you never know when it will appear until it’s too late. Not all pit bulls will attack or kill but predicting which ones will is impossible. They pass shelter behavior tests, then go on to kill or maim people and beloved pets. They “never show any sign of aggression” then one day kill their owner. This is why they are so dangerous. Who wants to bet their kids or other pets that the pit bull they adopt won’t be one of the ones who “goes all pit” one day?
No other dog breeds even come close to the carnage pit bulls cause. By taking time to read these tragedies, you’ll discover most of the killing pit bulls came from loving homes.
From 2005-2016, 237 people killed by pit bull type dogs. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities.php
50,000 + animals killed by pit bulls every year: https://www.animals24-7.org/2015/01/27/how-many-other-animals-did-pit-bulls-kill-in- and https://www.animals24-7.org/2016/01/31/pit-bulls-killed-24000-other-dogs-13000-cats-in-2015/
459 disfigurements in 2015 by pit bulls. https://www.animals24-7.org/2016/01/04/record-33-fatal-pit-bull-attacks-459-disfigurements-in-2015/
This is very telling: Pit bulls are banned on 300 military bases because they present an unreasonable risk to health and public safety: https://www.dogsbite.org/legislating-dangerous-dogs-military-bases.php
I hope you will read the entire breed bio for the American Pit Bull Terrier on our website to have a better understanding of why pit bulls disproportionately kill more humans and animals than all breeds combined.: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
Very well said!
Courtney, I don’t know who taught you about dogs but whomever is responsible did you a disservice. As a professional dog handler (14+ years USAF K-9) I can tell you flat our that you are positing theory based upon a fallacy which, because it is a core fallacy, upsets every single thing you THINK you believe about dogs. I am not even going to discuss the pros and cons of a particular breed, I’ll keep those opinions to myself beyond an undying faith that the best breed of dog I have ever worked and lived with is a Belgian Malanois.
You single biggest error, the single most fundamental and one common to all amateurs is that you are anthropomorphising. Perhaps you may not have learned that word yet (I have a Master’s Degree in the subject area) so I will explain it. In reading over your rudely worded rebuttal, I add rude because it really is wise to hold your tongue when dealing with people that have lost a child rather than defend the cause of that loss and that would be the case even were you correct, I notice you have a tendency to refer to dogs and how you handle them as if they are subject to the same motivations as people are and that they will respond to a given stimulus in the same manner a human will in similar circumstance. This, of course, overlooks the simple fact that every single dog on the planet today is the result of over 50,000 years of selective breeding for specific traits we value in the animal. The things that give people pleasure do so by the release of endorphins into our bloodstream. Dogs, being higher order mammals, also experience pleasure in the same manner. Over the last 5,000 centuries, that’s in excess of 17,000 generations, humans have deliberately engineered dogs to fit into certain roles. Retrievers retrieve, bloodhounds follow scent trails, shepards herd and terriers hunt. We need to train the dogs to excel in these skills and ALL dogs are capable to some extent in performing all these skills. But it is harder and less effective to train a shepard to fetch than it is a Golden Retriever. Despite what you may wish to believe a canine’s brain is not as complex as ours and too much mythos regarding them is based on misplaced studies of wolves and foxes which is completely inappropriate. In a nutshell dogs brains, to date, have shown no ability to actually acknowlege the concept of Alpha dogs, pack leaders if you will, in a consistent manner. Their ability to be faithful and allowing of themselves to be led, even into combat, is an instinct based on automatic recognition of a human as the Alpha. But this relationship requires continuous contact and contrary to popular belief a trained K-9 can change handlers. Depending on the job this type of change is actually expected. But the dogs have no ability to recognise human concepts such as I will “pay you later for the work you do now” A dog requires instant gratification to perform. So I would dearly love for you to go back out there and do some more research. Use the sites these people on this site are recommending, go to the CDC. Then I want you to think about what motivates a dog to do an action it was bred to do and understand that the training we do with our various breeds is only to demonstrate one thing to that dog, you do what you were bred for and you will feel good, you will feel like you just had the best sex of your life. You will want to experience that euphoric feeling over and over and over, it is its own reward. Now think, and think REAL hard, about what the various breeds of dogs MUST do to feel an orgasm. When you have honestly done this you are welcome to come back to this site and tell me why you think Tia was NOT wrong (she is and I have 14 years and THOUSANDS OF DOGS) to back up what I say. I only lack a TV contract to be far more informative but since I deal in science rather than emotion I fear I would not get the ratings. Hence you basing your opinion of sloppy pseudo-science. Part of your research assignment is to honestly look at the history of terrier and Molosser breeds, discover their internal ‘happy button’ and determine what you think the effect is when a terrier/Molosser ‘accidentally finds that pleasure trigger. You may have to venture into some college level psych books but they will give you great guidance. This is actually exactly how we work too so you can consider this challenge as a journey of personal discovery.
Take care of yourself, I hope you actually grow up someday, hopefully before your lack of knowlege causes you to end up on a victim page.
I find it odd that you choose to categorize the death of a child as “a single problem.” It’s not a problem, it’s a damaging loss. A problem is forgetting your car keys. This is a tragedy.
It is also fair play to educate the public, especially when someone with a public forum may be spreading disinformation. The creator of this forum has the right to challenge publicly stated beliefs that may be the source of largely-believed misconceptions, especially when those misconceptions lead to perilous results.
I am truly sorry for your loss. I was to a disbeliever in the breed. I am not the kind of person to put down dogs, unless there was cause. Just like humans we trust turn – dogs can be the same. You are in pain. You cannot condemn Tia for the work she does. It makes our lives feel better when we can pin point something that has caused out pain.
Please in your grief keep in mind not one breed of dog is the best. My vet was scared of cocker spaniels because of being bit by their inbreeding. I have learned through this big baby of a dog I was left with; that we cannot judge every dog. I know that this is not what you want to hear and we can argue and find facts that back our stance; but in the long run; no breed is 100% faithfully and true. Man has made these animals the way they are with inbreeding, torture, neglect, and etc.
I hope one day that you will not attack someone who has saved so many dogs, not just pit bulls. This breed is truly attacked daily, just as Hispanics and African Americans.
We, in the United States, discriminate daily and have hatred in our hearts. Prime example is the popular vote for Donald Trump.
Hopefully in a few years you can reflect and forgive.
How is speaking on the behalf of all the people, pets and livestock that have been severely mauled and/or killed mostly by pit bulls being hateful. That is your choice if you do not want to learn from other people’s tragedies. But I will keep speaking up for all the people and pets that have been severely mauled and for the families who have lost a loved one or a beloved pet to a pit bull attack.
Correct there are nice pit bulls.T he problem is that you can’t tell them apart from the pit bulls that decide to kill. Maybe the odds don’t brother you but the general public has the right to know how many people and pets they have killed. Most of us think it is not worth the risk.
Pit bulls have been selectively bred for extreme aggression for hundreds of years for violent blood sports with a deadly bite. They are not safe or appropriate pets and should never be considered as such. Not all pit bulls will maim or kill but predicting which ones will is impossible.
Pit bull type dogs make-up 6% of the U.S. dog population but they kill more than 95% of the 50,000 people, pets and livestock killed every year in the U.S. By taking time to read these tragedies, you’ll discover most of the killing pit bulls came from loving homes. No other dog breeds even come close to the carnage pit bulls cause.
From 2005-2016, 237 people killed by pit bull type dogs. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities.php
50,000 + animals killed by pit bulls every year: https://www.animals24-7.org/2015/01/27/how-many-other-animals-did-pit-bulls-kill-in-
and https://www.animals24-7.org/2016/01/31/pit-bulls-killed-24000-other-dogs-13000-cats-in-2015/
459 disfigurements in 2015 by pit bulls.
Groups of human races are not genetically bred to kill, as the breed of pit bulls was created. All dog breeds are man made creations, the result of unnatural selection to achieve desired traits/ characteristics for certain jobs to serve humans and considered property by the law. You can’t compare human beings to dogs. We can stop breeding whatever breed we want to. Many breeds go extinct https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_extinct_dog_
As a person of “Hispanic” descent, I find your analogy insulting, but I find your staggering lack of logic to be even more insulting. Your comment is rife with false equivalencies, not the least of which is your casual comparison of a dog that was bred for bating bulls in England to “hispanics and blacks.”
It’s also notable that you shy away from facts. Why not discuss facts, especially when they’re so readily available.
bonjour tia maria
je trouve que vous faites un travail formidable, avec les pittbulls et les prisonniers . ils ont besoin de vous . Je vous remercie .
I use to be terrified of pit bulls until I got into animal rescue. Pit bulls are NOT the problem, it’s the humans that mistreat them. Any animal you adopt from a shelter you run the risk of the “unknown”! I’m sorry about your daughter’s death, but it could have very well have happened with a small dog as well. Blaming Tia Torres is not the “answer”!
Daxton’s Friends is a organization compromised of not only victims, but animal advocates. The person responding to you is the author of the canine content on the website. I worked in the animal business for 15 years, including 7 1/2 at my local animal control facility. In my career, I never once saw an abused pit bull attack someone. It was always well loved, family pets, just like Roxanne’s dogs. In reality, abused dogs rarely bite, they flee situations that scare them. If they do bite it is because they are cornered and feel they have no choice. Most will inflict a single bite wound in order to get out the situation.
What happened to Kara had nothing to do with abused or mistreated pit bulls, it had to do with genetics. Without warning, this dog attacked Kara. It came into the room and tore Kara from her Grandmother. It was not provoked in any way. Those are the facts. The attack was so brutal, the Grandmother could do nothing to stop it. I am a little concerned that you believe that a small dog could do this to a 4 year old child and no one could stop it. I feel that your critical thinking skills may be a bit flawed. If you really read the story, you would know that Roxanne did not adopt this dog, but raised it since it was a puppy. This dog was Kara’s best friend. I understand that you “run the risk of the unknown” when you adopt shelter animals, but the “unknown” should never be death.
Roxanne has every right to blame Tia Torres. She was a big influence on her choice in a family pet and she did not speak the truth about the breed. T.V. shows are leading families to believe myths and putting people in danger. Roxanne paid the ultimate price for following Tia. I understand that you are what I call a “rescue angel”, but it does the world no good if you only love pit bulls. Stop saying things like “I’m sorry about your daughter” and actually show some sympathy towards this mother. The first step is not replying to her story if your truly have nothing supportive to say. This is not the appropriate place to be a pit bull activist.
I have never owned a pit mix type dog before. I do volunteer at a local county shelter and work for several small rescues. I own a shih tzu, a husky mix and a hound mix. That said, I am sorry for the loss of this small child. However, blaming a television personality for the death of a child is insanity. I would not leave my shih tzu with a small child. Given my forensic background, it is more likely that the grandmother left the child for minutes or even seconds. Given the child was 4 doesn’t mean she was perfect with the dog. Not buying that story even if this wasn’t investigated at all. I cry foul.
Don’t believe a word you are saying. If you indeed worked with dogs as you say, then you are well aware of just how quickly a dog can snap. You could be standing there over the dog and still not be able to stop it quickly enough. I’ve done many investigations and what you are saying is off the wall for a true investigator. Cry foul all you want, you’re the one who is fouling here.
Excuse me ‘Daxton Friends’ You say the brutal attack had nothing to do with being ‘mistreated or neglected’ but blame it’s genetics? how can you say that no dog is brought up being loved to death by its family and owner treated well and looked after to all of a sudden think hey something is about to trigger in my brain and I’m going to attack. like you said they only attack if they feel they are being threatened or have no choice, my family we have had pitbulls and American staffys all our lives grown up with them with no problem at all it is not a genetic thing American staffys are considered dangerous and have been born to be bred for fighting yet they are the most down to earth loving dog you must learn as a child as I was taught growing up you don’t touch them when they are eating food or have a bone in there mouths you do not hang off of them pull there ears there mouths my mother still to this day says that to my younger siblings as they have a dog. Dogs who are treated so well and looked after will not randomly ‘attack’ for no reason you clearly do not know the breed at all in fact you don’t know anything about dog breeds at all this doesn’t just go for American Pitbulls or Staffys this is a general rule COMMON SENSE in fact with all dogs a small dog could do the exact same you cannot say that just because it may be ‘smaller’ a lot of small dogs I have came across have the ‘small dog syndrome’ think they are a lot bigger than what they are. You cannot blame Tia Torres for what she does she and her family have done an amazing job for what they do saving the lives of many pitbulls and other breeds giving them a second chance because people won’t even give them the time of the day ‘ oh it’s a pitbull oh it’s a staffy they are dangerous vicious dogs’ Do you think the pitbulls and the American Staffordshire terries had a choice being brought up made to fight each other? do you think they really deep down would of thought that would happen to them instead of going to a loving home think of them imagine if they had never been brought up to fight? wouldn’t it be so different there is no one to blame except the HUMANS they did this.
Its always terrible to read about any child being attacked, maimed or killed by the “family pet”, but it is happening more often these days as more inexperienced people get dogs that require a higher skill of training.
“Roxanne did not adopt this dog, but raised it since it was a puppy”
A pet adoption includes any puppy either from a breeder, a family member, friend or a dog from an animal shelter. You just don’t know the historical genetics and you sure don’t know a dogs temperament until it is about 2 years old and leaving its puppy stage. Some just get downright moody just like a teenager around this time.
And a small few dogs are a bit like some people – there is a killer lurking underneath and it just takes some small thing for them to snap.
Tia is not to blame for what happened. She won’t adopt a PB to people who do not know how to train and handle the breed because they are so strong. This breed should be crated when the adult owners are not around for the dog’s own safety and the safety of small children, other pets and other people. This is one thing Tia has repeatedly stated over and over again on her show and also as she has about getting your animals desexed which helps greatly reduce their territorial aggressiveness.
My heart bleeds for your loss. I can’t imagine the heartbreak you must feel on a daily basis. Given that, I’m sure nothing anyone says will ever sway your feeling about Pit Bulls and I can’t say that I blame you. The problem is, ANY dog, ANY breed can snap, without warning. I think this is more of a problem with a species than a breed. My Grandfather had Blue Healers on his farm for his entire life to help with his cattle. In all those years, all those dogs, there was one that one day snapped and went after one of the grandkids. Luckily, Grandpa was there to intercede and the child wasn’t killed. He humanely disposed of the dog. I’ve seen other breeds do the same. The peaceful and patient Golden Retriever is currently high on the bite list. Please don’t degrade and breed for something that is unfortunately a species thing- though it doesn’t happen as frequently as it used to. Dogs, like humans, evolve over time and these traits will become less and less prevalent. Again, my heart goes out to you; nothing can replace what you’ve lost, but Ms. Torres does a good thing. I know you’ll never believe this, nor would I expect you to. I hope at some point you can find peace, I really do. I’ll remember you in my prayer.
When the “experts” in animal welfare organizations excuse pit bull attacks by telling us that “any” dog is capable of killing us, what does this mean for the future of our pets? Can we believe these same “experts” who tell us that therapy dogs are perfectly safe to have around children and the elderly? If explosive and unpredictable aggression in dogs is considered a “normal” part of dog behavior, can we expect to see dogs banned from more and more public places? If injury from a dog attack is considered an acceptable risk for dog owners, will dog ownership eventually be banned by all rental properties, homeowners and condo associations as “too risky”? Will our children grow up believing that all dogs are dangerous and unpredictable, and that they can never approach or interact with any dog they don’t know? Will they be robbed of the joy of relationships with various canine friends?
The “experts” have descended upon Chicago to pledge “tougher penalties” for “irresponsible” dog owners. Yet across the country, owners of dangerous dogs are being punished for attacks with prison time, stiff fines, and probation. None of these penalties have served as a deterrent, or have resulted in a reduction of dog attacks. The reality is that most owners of aggressive dogs don’t really believe their animals are capable of killing someone, until it happens. And punishing owners of violent dogs after an attack does nothing to help victims. Such punishments won’t give a mauling victim back her face and it won’t bring a dead child back to life. That’s why it is time for people who love dogs and humans to stand up and say “enough”.
Read more: https://blog.dogsbite.org/2012/01/saving-mans-best-friend.html
In North America, from 1982-2014, Pit Bull breeds and mixes have seriously attacked 3,595 humans that resulted in 2,233 maimings and 307 deaths: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
In North America from 1982-2014, Rottweilers were responsible for 535 attacks on humans, resulting in 85 deaths. Rottweiler mixes were responsible for 30 attacks on humans, resulting in 4 deaths: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/rottweiler/
In North America, from 1982-2014, German Shepherds were responsible for 113 attacks on humans, resulting in 73 maimings and 15 fatalities. German Shepherd mixes have been responsible for 67 attacks, resulting in 40 maimings and 10 fatalities: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/german-shepard/
In North America, from 1982 – 2014, Doberman Pinschers have seriously attacked 23 humans, resulting in 12 maimings and 8 fatalities: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/doberman-pinscher/
Pit bulls should be given the name terrorist instead of terrier! Period! They don’t discriminate! That’s why we should!
So I assume that you feel the same way about Rotts, Labs, Boxers, German Shepherds, every breed that had ever killed a child, yes? So that would make virtually all breeds bad. Blaming the breed for a mauling is pathetic. Where did you get it? Was it inbred? Was it previously abused? I assure you that it did not attack without a reason. It obviously was not a good reason but I’m sure the dog felt threatened at the time by something. Intentionally or not. Blaming TIA is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. You are no better than parents who blame rappers or video games for school shootings and gangs. It’s ridiculous. The place the dog came from is to blame. They made a mistake somewhere. Their judgement was wrong. They missed something. Did Tia adopt the dog to you? No. You just want someone to blame. Publically speaking against the breed is bullshit. Why are you only speaking about pitts? Do you think that the other breeds haven’t killed children as well? Why don’t they count? If people stopped adopting certain breeds when a child gets mauled then no one would have pets anymore. It was an unfortunate accident because someone let you adopt/buy an unstable dog. Blame the people who gave you the dog, not a tv show about pitts. That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. From the sounds of it, it seems like your daughter adored this breed and Tia. You must know that she wouldn’t want you trying to condemn Tia or Pit Bulls on her behalf. If I learned anything at all about her from what you wrote I bet she forgave that dog for it’s mistake and I bet she still loves the breed wherever she is. When it comes down to it, they are ANIMALS. They don’t understand things like humans do. Sometimes they get confused and scared and fear for their lives and the human doesn’t even realize what they did to cause that fear. And you can’t talk to them and assure them that they are okay. This leads to terrible accidents involving MANY breeds. Even small breeds have done MAJOR damage to humans. Dogs that have been your best friend their whole life can do it, many have. Maybe your dog had a mental problem that no one caught. I don’t need to know more about your daughter to know that she wouldn’t want you to keep this hate in your heart. Blaming a television show is not going to help you move on and you know damn well that the show is not to blame.
In North America, from 1982-2014, Pit Bull breeds and mixes have seriously attacked 3,595 humans that resulted in 2,233 maimings and 307 deaths: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
In North America from 1982-2014, Rottweilers were responsible for 535 attacks on humans, resulting in 85 deaths. Rottweiler mixes were responsible for 30 attacks on humans, resulting in 4 deaths: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/rottweiler/
In North America, from 1982-2014, German Shepherds were responsible for 113 attacks on humans, resulting in 73 maimings and 15 fatalities. German Shepherd mixes have been responsible for 67 attacks, resulting in 40 maimings and 10 fatalities: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/german-shepard/
In North America, from 1982 – 2014, Doberman Pinschers have seriously attacked 23 humans, resulting in 12 maimings and 8 fatalities: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/doberman-pinscher/
The American Pit Bull Terrier is, like all the ‘bully’ breeds, one of this group of descendants of the British ‘bull and terrier’ type fighting bulldogs. Once imported into the United States, it was bred up to be bigger again, and again used in baiting animals and in dogfighting. The American Kennel Club (founded 1884) was unwilling to register these fighting dogs, so in 1898 the United Kennel Club was founded specifically to register working pit-fighting dogs and to promote dogfighting. In order to be registered, a dog had to first win three pit fights7,8,9. The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) became a ‘breed’. As dogfighting declined in popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, Colby (the most famous and prolific breeder of these dogs) began to search for a new market and began promoting the APBT as family pets10,11. This despite the fact that his breeding lines included child killers12.
The APBT is of medium intelligence, and it is athletic. They have plenty of energy and exuberance for life. They are affectionate companions are often referred to as a “nanny dog”, which leads many families to believe that they are suitable companions for children. Many can live happily with children and never have an issue, but there are many cases of the family pit bull suddenly attacking or killing a child in the household. The Pit Bull advocacy group BADRAP recently retracted their original “nanny dog” statements (https://www.facebook.com/BADRAP.org/posts/10151460774472399)13. In 2013 and 2014, in the United States, 27 children were killed by Pit Bulls and their mixes. Most of these children were killed by family pet pit bulls that had never been neglected or abused and had always loved the child. As with all breeds, the traits needed for their original tasks remain in the dogs – in this case, the sudden explosive aggression that was necessary to survive in the fighting pit. An APBT may never show this aggression, but if it does there will be no warning and the attack will not be easy to stop. Extreme caution should always be taken when this breed interacts with children. They are fun loving dogs that have “clownish” behaviors. Despite, their many positive qualities, this breed may not be suitable for everyone. Their high energy requires a family that can accommodate and appreciate this aspect of their personality. They usually do best with active families. Many American Pit Bull Terriers get calmer as they age and an older dog may work for a more reserved family.
Learn more about the American Pit Bull Terrier: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
Tia Torres went on to the Jon Stewart show and agreed “pit bulls used to be nanny dogs.” This is a very dangerous myth that has been debunked by major pit bull organizations themselfves. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/2jvy8h/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-tia-torres
You are a very confused and mislead human being. The reason for the very existence of this thread is that a correlation between severe maulings and death is, in fact, directly attributable to the pit bull type dogs. While you are, to a limited extent, correct the deaths and maulings have been attributed to other breeds of dogs over the course of years those numbers have been remarkably small. In the most recent statistics available and only sticking to reports that have solidly identified the breed and eliminating all maulings and death by ‘working dogs’ that have been trained to protect property and people (usually employed by the government) you will find that, despite pit bull types constituting about 6% of all the pet dogs in the US they are responsible for a 6:1 kill ratio. Indeed the single most popular pet dog in the US is the variety of retrievers such as the Labrador and Golden, They made up about 50% of the dog population of the US. Between 1974 and now they have been involved in a total of only 6 confirmed deaths that I have been able to locate using the AVMA and CDC data available. This is not a minor statistical anomaly. For decades the attack rate for molloser breeds was very low due to their almost exclusive ownership by dog fighters. It was the attempt to hide their activities by creating an artificial demand for the breed that has resulted in the problem we now have.
You will almost NEVER have to worry about YOUR pit bull. Most of them will live a long and fruitful dogs life and never cause a problem. But, and this is the big one that everyone actually engaged in real behaviorial research has discovered and pit bull advocates do anything to deny, pit bulls display the following characteristics that make them less than ideal as pets:
1.) They will attack due to the triggering of the pleasure center in the amygdala during an attack. This was bred into them through genetic selection to create a fighting breed that will engage in a fight to the death for the pleasure of the fight itself. This is not a natural characteristic of any dog breed.
2.) They will give no signals as normal dogs will prior to an attack. For a pit bull type the fight is for sport so often other dogs, and even people that are very conversant with normal dog behavioral and commuication will think the dog wants to play. The pit bull will then go for the throat.
3.) Pit bulls are bred to continue an attack until death, they are in an almost constant state of the equivalent of an orgasm during the actual attack and that makes them impervious to pain and external influence. It is a myth that their jaws lock but at approximately 250 ft.Lbs of pressure their bite is extremely difficult to break.
Tia purports herself as an expert on pit bulls and indeed has been noted on her TV series to observe that a pit bull may not be the optimum pet for families with children or for adults not willing to invest in the intense physical stimulation required in order to maintain a decent level of physical and mental health within the dog. The problem is these messages are not consistent, she has permitted the ‘nanny dog myth’ to appear in a show and while later retracting the comment it was done in such a way as to minimize exposure to criticism. The facts that I have listed in this response, and many, many more are well-documented, peer-reviewed research from many various sources. They have been successfully employed repeatedly to keep pit bull bans in place in military housing and a variety of cities, states and even entire countries. By failing to understand and explain these issues to the public through her show she does, indeed, share the responsibility for this attack. That family relied upon Tia for what they assumed was the advice of a professional expert. This particular expert willfully left out critical information that may have influenced the family into a more appropriate breed of dog and that resulted in a death. While you may be unaware of it, people have actually been convicted in civil court for just such ommissions.
Excuse me? Pit bulls are four legged terrorists! Read the whole story, stupid idiot! What a disgrace to the public you are! You should be ashamed of yourself!
1st I’m sorry for your loss. That said, pit bulls were originally breed as nurse maids for kids. It is people that have been breeding fighters, to blame Tia, or the breed for your loss is both wrong, and very ignorant of the breed.
The Myth:
To explain vintage black and white photographs that depicted children and pit bulls together, a story was created that back in the Victorian age the pit bull was the “nanny dog”. These so-called nanny dogs were said to be so good with children parents relied on them to babysit and protect them.
The Reality:
One fighting breed advocate created this “legend” in 1971 to distance her breed from its fighting origins. This mention was picked up by a newspaper in 1987 and has since been promoted as historical “fact.”
At no point in history were pit bulls ever “nanny dogs”. There has not been any proof ever given to make this myth a reality. The pit bull advocacy group “BADRAP” (Bay Area Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls) recently admitted that pit bulls were never nanny dogs and that this myth was dangerous to children. The retraction of the “nanny dog myth” has been highly publicized. Despite the retraction, the myth has lived on and pit bull advocates still repeat it regularly
“Did you know that there was never such thing as a ‘Nanny’s Dog’? This term was a recent invention created to describe the myriad of vintage photos of children enjoying their family pit bulls (click this link for details about vintage photos). While the intention behind the term was innocent, using it may mislead parents into being careless with their children around their family dog – A recipe for dog bites!”
Click here to read more canine myths
I am sorry for your loss. However I do not believe it is just due to the breed. It’s the same as the stereotype my Rottweiler has, and before her I had pits. My kids were around the pit breed however I do know it is never recommend to have two males or two females with a lot of breeds. From all my experience pits, Rottweiler, and a lot of your stronger breeds don’t do well with other dogs of the same Sex it’s a dominant thing. There is always an alpha male and alpha female and when you have two of the same they can have a alpha fight and that alone can carry over to injury on others. As I said I am truly sorry. I am also not saying you don’t have the right to grieve or be angry. However you took to the Internet which means your obviously wanting to hear what others have to say because you had to know you would hear everyone’s opinion. As I aman advocate for Pitt bulls and all breeds that get singled out due to stereotyping. I am fully aware that if my rotti turned she could hurt someone she is 100lbs on pure muscle and that’s why we went through training I did my research on her blood line. However I also know that if anyone walked into my yard or house uninvited she will stand her ground. She will growl and bark. She won’t attack unless you are stupid enough to pursue into our home without our knowledge. I am fully aware she would take a person down if they came in uninvited or if you hurt my kids she would attack. But she also knows I am the alpha bitch in my house if I stand up or get loud she bows down. However as others have said without proper training everyone can’t train there dog that way or even know that. Once again I am sorry for your loss.
2015 U.S. Dog Bite Related Fatalities:
Rottweiler = 2
Unknown = 3
Learn more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/2015-dog-bite-related-fatalities/
Dogs bite don’t get a dog and risk it. I grew up with pitbulls. Honestly they are for people that have a lot of time to train them. They are fighters and hunters and sporty always looking for “action”… I got a pit puppy and I have two kids. I gave it away a few days later because in the pit of my stomach I knew that the dog could potintally kill my kids… Would you get a snake and trust it? No because they have teeth they bite. Sorry for your daughter but ignorance is why these dogs are being put down. Please research on these dogs before you put them in your home with children they have teeth they bite and so does every other dog. I was chased by a boxer and a chihuahua and got bit from the chihuahua. Go figure… Kids should never be left alone with a dog of any breed. Thanks.
“So sorry for your loss … BUT”
This term refers to a branch of Pit Sociopaths. Zealous pit bull advocates (Nutters), who comment on mauling threads or write directly to the parents of children killed by a pit bull. “So sorry for your loss … BUT” commenters care “nothing for social norms and will break them with impunity if it serves their purpose,” which in this case involves defending the pit bull breed. The “BUT” follows the superficial expression of trying to appear socially normal by first stating, “So sorry.” The latter part is used to explain away the destructive injuries inflicted by pit bulls or to place blame on other factors, such as the victim or dog owner.
Read more: https://maultalk.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/so-sorry-for-your-loss-but/
“I got off work a little early that day and decided that she needed a few more presents that just couldnt wait to be bought, and then i headed home, my husband called me and wanted to know why brutus was outside when he got home i said i didnt know i was on my way home and would be there soon……..and then my nightmare began…….I pulled into the entrance of my subdivision, and noticed a red glow over the street corner, i remember wondering what on earth could be going on , on my quiet little subdivision full of daycares and minivans….As I rounded the corner I could see the street was blocked off , full of firetrucks, police, and families standing outside–i still wondered what was going on, I was flagged and told to pull over , I then looked up and saw that it was my house they were all at, my yard was taped in crime scene ribbon, full of police officers, fire personnel, lots of noise and commotion, i was met by police officers, my husband covered in blood, and my mother, all of whom were screaming, and crying , and telling me it was bad, so very bad, i asked for my kids, Kaylee was at the the neighbors, it was my Kara, my Kara had been attacked by our family pit bulls, I was told to go to the neighbors, wasn’t allowed to go anywhere near my house, or my yard, told to wait that they were ” working ” on her. I never got to see her to hold her hand, to let her know i was there and that i loved her.. I screamed , i cried, i prayed, i was dying inside …..”
Read more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/kara-hartrich-bloomington-illinois-pit-bull/
What about humans? They kill without warning and have done far worse then dogs to children. There are bad seeds in all of us… Humans, dogs, chimps… Some are just born that way but most are not. It’s like saying all Mexicans are rapists and sell drugs. I feel aweful for what happened to that mother but there are mothers all over the world who have lost their children because of the hands of others. Whatever species those hands belong to….
I’ve been reading through these comments and notice a disturbing trend: you’re rude. Maybe you would get a more favorable response if you were a little less despicable.
To the family that lost a very beautiful little girl I am sorry. I have raised and rescued pitbulls and German Shepherds. I understand how you can be angry, hurt, and having part of your life ripped away, I myself have 5 children. I was attacked not once but many times by different breeds. Having a dog even though you raised it from a baby still needs to be watched at all times especially around babies and young children. My daughter now 12 was saved by my one pitbull, a chow went to attack her when she was 2, I yanked her up by her arm and my pitbull named Reds came to her defense, and got the dog away. All dogs still must be watched. This breed is actually a very sweet and very good breed, it’s the people that inbreed them that causes this to happen. Please don’t blame someone who is educating, saving and doing what is right by this breed. Try and stop those that are doing what is wrong in today’s world with dogs.
The child was being held by her grandmother in her arms. The pit bull ripped her out of her arms and mauled her to death. https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/victims-stories/
It is unhealthy to hold onto so much anger. Please use your energy to heal yourself and your family that is still with you.
Until you’re able to realize that you need serious psychological help for the tragic and horrifying lose of you daughter, you will continue to take your anger and hatred out on others.
I hope you’re able to find peace and joy in your life once again.
Whatever anyone’s opinion is about this poor girl’s death, the parents should not have to be left with guilt when their dog kills their child. That’s the kind of guilt that would not be humanly bearable. These dogs are raised from little puppies and trust in them is implicit. The guilt should not be borne by the parents, they have suffered enough.
Ok, get your facts straight before you start dissing Tia. Your dog is one of millions of pitbulls. Have you met every pitty (pitbull)? I don’t think you have. Not all pitbulls are like that. Your dog could have had a chemical imbalance, or some medical condition. Your dog could have gotten stung/bit by a mosquito/bee or any insect that was carrying a disease and it could have been transferred to the dog. Things happen, and I know you are angry it happened because you loved your dog and so did your daughter, but things happen, some things you can’t explain. I think you need to do something before your daughter never trusts animals anymore. You can’t let one bad thing change your whole view on dogs/all animals. Have you ever lost something you really wanted? Have you ever loved something but it failed? Probably, but most likely you didn’t give up. Just remember that bad things do happen, but you can’t let one bad thing happen then change your whole view on the one single thing. Most likely the dog got sick without you noticing because dogs don’t just do that for no reason. And you may think, “Well I would have noticed SOMETHING wrong with my dog”. But their is a possibility that you didn’t notice it because dogs do tend to to mask illnesses and pain until it’s to late and that is why you have to take dogs on regular vet checkups. I have a very huge passion for dogs and hearing this hurts because Tia is my idol. I am only 14 and know TONS about dogs and I want to own my own rescue someday, so I do know a lot about dogs. If you do want to learn more about this or if you do have questions or if you want to dis me for any reason just email me at lillyadkins2001@gmail
Thank you for your time,
Lilly Adkins
Any dog can snap with no notice, just like people. Children must always be supervised around animals. Always. No excuses. I’m sorry your daughter died in pain and terror. It could have been prevented with some care. The only one that is responsible is the adult that was supposed to be watching the kids.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is, like all the ‘bully’ breeds, one of this group of descendants of the British ‘bull and terrier’ type fighting bulldogs. Once imported into the United States, it was bred up to be bigger again, and again used in baiting animals and in dogfighting. The American Kennel Club (founded 1884) was unwilling to register these fighting dogs, so in 1898 the United Kennel Club was founded specifically to register working pit-fighting dogs and to promote dogfighting. In order to be registered, a dog had to first win three pit fights7,8,9. The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) became a ‘breed’. As dogfighting declined in popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, Colby (the most famous and prolific breeder of these dogs) began to search for a new market and began promoting the APBT as family pets10,11. This despite the fact that his breeding lines included child killers12.
The APBT is of medium intelligence, and it is athletic. They have plenty of energy and exuberance for life. They are affectionate companions are often referred to as a “nanny dog”, which leads many families to believe that they are suitable companions for children. Many can live happily with children and never have an issue, but there are many cases of the family pit bull suddenly attacking or killing a child in the household. The Pit Bull advocacy group BADRAP recently retracted their original “nanny dog” statements (https://www.facebook.com/BADRAP.org/posts/10151460774472399)13. In 2013 and 2014, in the United States, 27 children were killed by Pit Bulls and their mixes. Most of these children were killed by family pet pit bulls that had never been neglected or abused and had always loved the child. As with all breeds, the traits needed for their original tasks remain in the dogs – in this case, the sudden explosive aggression that was necessary to survive in the fighting pit. An APBT may never show this aggression, but if it does there will be no warning and the attack will not be easy to stop. Extreme caution should always be taken when this breed interacts with children. They are fun loving dogs that have “clownish” behaviors. Despite, their many positive qualities, this breed may not be suitable for everyone. Their high energy requires a family that can accommodate and appreciate this aspect of their personality. They usually do best with active families. Many American Pit Bull Terriers get calmer as they age and an older dog may work for a more reserved family.
Learn more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
“These were her family pit bulls that we raised from puppies . She picked them out herself. They were treated as members of the family, loved, exercised, fed well, and respected ……… they savagely murdered the little girl who loved and cared for them the most in this world without a second thought, directly following they acted as if nothing happened , she hadn’t riled them up, she hadn’t abused them, she was happily playing in the other room, they came after her and pulled her out of my mothers arms to attack , maul, and kill her. Her 2 year old sister was also there, my mother was able to save her and told her to run upstairs and hide, while she tried to get the dogs to release Kara….. My two year old little girl witnessed this mauling, the final sounds of her hero best friend sister being mauled by the family pit bulls…..The dogs she also loved and cherished……yes any dog can and will bite—- but any dog is not capable of this devastation—— please do not let your children anywhere near this breed of dog,,,something has gone horribly and inexplicably wrong with them—- it is not worth losing them, please i beg, i couldn’t stand if one more parent had to live the hell that we are living now.
PS. My brother had raised many pit bulls and one particularly captured our hearts…He was the sweetest well mannered gentle dog I had ever seen…I was always told the aggressive ones were because they were trained to fight and it was all in how they were raised….and if u got them from puppies that was the best way to raise any dog…Both of the dogs who attacked were brought home as puppies and picked out by Kara…These dogs never displayed any people aggression. ..always sat dutifully by her side ..watched her have tea parties, sat by her side when she was sick, thought they were lap dogs and liked to snuggle…..no warnings…no snapping..no growling…….just snapped!”
Read more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/kara-hartrich-bloomington-illinois-pit-bull/
Listen lady. Your kid wasn’t being supervised. There’s always a sign prior to an attack. Little kids tend to slap dogs in the face, kick them, and do things that after a while, dogs will get sick of it.
You watched a show about Pitbulls, YOU with no experience with Pitbulls, have you even had a dog before?
YOU were influenced by a TV SHOW. YOU bought her the dog. You weren’t watching your own kid. Listen, I don’t want to be “That Person” that says these things, to attack you and make you feel bad…
But to put the blame of a death on somebody in a show… That’s low. Cope with it in different ways, but calling Tia Torres a murderer because you were misguided… Please…. Stop it.
I’ve had pitbulls my whole life. For over 30 years. You gotta have heart to have such an emotional breed.
Tired of holding back, quit giving dogs a bad name, because your dog wasn’t taken care of correctly.
From Kara’s story: “they savagely murdered the little girl who loved and cared for them the most in this world without a second thought, directly following they acted as if nothing happened , she hadn’t riled them up, she hadn’t abused them, she was happily playing in the other room, they came after her and pulled her out of my mothers arms to attack , maul, and kill her. Her 2 year old sister was also there, my mother was able to save her and told her to run upstairs and hide, while she tried to get the dogs to release Kara….. My two year old little girl witnessed this mauling, the final sounds of her hero best friend sister being mauled by the family pit bulls”
Click here to read more: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/kara-hartrich-bloomington-illinois-pit-bull/
Death is horrible and the WORST outcome to any situation, ESPECIALLY when it is a child in this vicious manner. I must say that the anger, terror, surprise, disbelief and numbness must have been unfathomably immense, gut wrenching and sickening. To realize this has happened to your own child is absolutely unfathomable. I hear, see and can sympathize with your sadness, loss, and horror of loosing your daughter in such a tragic and vicious manner.
I can also understand what other people are saying. In the state of grief and anger, it is common to look for someone or something to blame (the dog mauled the child), and so lashing out to Tia and the pit-bull supporters I can understand as a part of grieving. I am using this example (yes it is apples and oranges), suing McDonalds for getting burnt on hot coffee–Tia is not responsible for Kara’s dog viciously attracting her, that is fact. What you see on TV is TV, one should never take faith, trust or rely upon a person’s words or actions on TV as it is fictional. Personal discovery, education and information is always needed, do not trust blindly what is being broadcast on TV, if someone else does then that is their fault.
I see lots of discrepancies in the stories—-this post states there was one dog, when clicking on Kara Hatrich’s name that link comes up with a really disheveled post which states that there was more than one dog. And it seems to state there were multiple dogs. I also read some comments that there were two unneutered males in the house (possibly with a female?). It seems as though there was an attachment to Tia and the show when it was convenient to fitting the lifestyle being lived with the dogs, when that horrifically changed, the sentiment changed. I also read that Kara had gotten the dogs from her brother who bred the pitbulls, hopefully there was some education or understanding when dealing with a breeder or her brother.
What would be amazing is the collaboration of sides, not us vs. them or black vs. white, because there are continually going to be advocates for pit-bulls and those who are against pit-bulls—every horrific story there will be a tremendously good story. How about working together to get accurate and brutally honest and truthful information out in the world, such as, if you do adopt or rescue a pit-bull be aware that these are situations that could occur (insert tragic stories, breed information, ideal ways to interact with dogs). I do hear relentlessly on the show that most pit-bulls are single home animals, that they are not good with other pets or other dogs.
Media can distort and create an unwarranted bias aimed at almost anything.
Let us, not let anger blind us from creating solutions, adequate communication and collaboration in making the world a better place and treating ALL life with respect and dignity.
I find it interesting that you never mentioned who was supervising your 4 year old daughter.. you said the dog gave no signs of aggression, yet you admit you were not there. I would be willing to bet there is a lot more to this story that is being left out. Your information on pit bull breeds is obviously biased because the breed was called a nanny dog among other positive things. This is a tragic loss but honestly it is a lot easier to blame a dog breed and someone who does wonderful things for animals than it is to accept responsibility for your role. I would be willing to be anything the dog was stressed by the actions of the child. And obviously you didn’t listen to everything tia said because you bought the dog. I am.sorry for your loss but your figures are misleading as statistics.often are when they are misrepresented….terrible loss but let’s place responsibility where it is due.
The only time bully breeds were ever referred to as Nanny dogs was in 1971. In an article written by Lillian Rant, a British born staffy owner who ran the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society of America, as well as a breeder of Staffies and in an attempt to erase their dogfighting past, she invented this Dickensian protector, which would lie in bed with a child, then jump out, save a child from threats and then jump back in bed with the child, ripped to shreds and she referred to it as “the nursemaid’s dog”
The second such instance of the term Nanny Dog, came from the Toronto star in 1987. Kathy Thomas, who was also a staffy owner and breeder spoke about dog fighting in her area and pit bulls/staffies being used. She willingly lied and said that they can’t be used for fighting as Staffordshire bull terriers are nanny dogs because her 4 staffies are great with her kids.
Look through any breeders almanac or any other pre-1970 source and you’ll NOT find any reference to the pit bulldog or the the bull terrier being used for nanny purposes, only for fighting and killing. The earliest I could find but didn’t last long, was the staged turn of the century pictures of pits and children. However, the thinly veiled link was Nanna from Peter Pan, as the stage show was out, but nanna in the story has been a labrador, a st. Bernard and a newfoundland, not a bully.
Also visit our “Canine Myths” page: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/canine-myths-2/
Are you stupid? Did you read the entire story? No! You didn’t! I am so sick and tired of you pit nutters! It is indeed the breed and people like you who defend them! Read the whole story, stupid idiot!
People are entitled to THEIR opinion! You are the idiot that’s been calling people idiots consistently throughout this entire comment section like a toddler having a temper tantrum. Not cool. You should be embarrassed Jerome Davis.
Personally, I love bully breeds and know many very friendly dogs that most people would judge simply based off their appearance. However, that doesn’t make me have any less sympathy for these parents. This is a very sad story and I feel terrible for them. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain they feel each and every day. The type of breed should not change the amount of sympathy you have for someone who’s had to deal with a loss of their child.
2015 Dog Bite Related Fatalities in the U.S.
Updated after each fatality following fact finding research
31 Dog Bite Related Fatality
by Breed.
23 by Pit Bull/Pit Bull Mix
2 by Rottweiler
1 by Golden/mixed breed
1 by American bulldog,Rhodesian Ridgeback, Labrador mix
4 Unknown/Pending
By Age :
12 Children
19 Adult
By State :
NM – 1 death
MD – 1 death
FL – 2 death
IA – 1 death
AR – 1 death
PA – 1 death
W. VA – 1 death
TX – 5 death
SD – 1 death
AR – 1 death
GA – 1 death
NV – 1 death
IL – 1 death
OK – 3 death
NC – 2 death
OH – 1 death
SC – 1 death
AL – 1 death
CA – 1 death
WV – 1 death
NY – 2 death
TN – 1 death
Names and ages of the deceased:
Unidentified Native American – about 40 y,o. – Gallup, NM – Pack of Feral Dogs [1.2.15]
Eugene W. Smith – 87- Frederick, MD – 1 Pit Bull [1.7.15]
Declin Moss – 18 months – Brooksville, FL – 2 Pit Bulls [1.19.15]
Malaki Mildward – 7yrs old – College Springs, IA – 2 Pit Bull/Bull Dog Mix [1.22.15]
Fredrick Crutchfield – 63 yrs old – Johnson county, AR – Pit Bull [ 2.4.15]
TayLynn DeVaughn – 2 yrs old – Pittsburgh, PA – Pit Bull [2.22.15]
Roy Higgenbotham – 62 yrs old – WHEELING, W.Va. – Pit Bull [3.8.15]
Betty Wood – 78 yrs old – SULPHUR SPRINGS, TX – Rottweiler [3.12.15]
Julia Charging Whirlwind – 49 yrs old – WHITE RIVER, SD – Pending [3.14.15]
Detrick Johnson – 36 yrs old – JEFFERSON COUNTY, AR – 7 Pit Bulls [3.21.15]
Neta Lee Adams – 81 yrs old – WASHINGTON, GA – Pending [3.31.15]
Kenneth Ford – 79 yrs old – NYE COUNTY, NV – Pit Bulls [4.14.15]
Brayden Wilson – 2 months old – Dallas, TX – Pit Bull [4.19.15]
Gaege Anthony Ramirez – 7 yrs old – NEW BRAUNFELS, TX – Pending [5.2.15]
James W. Nevils III – 5 yrs old – Chicago, IL – Pit Bull – [5.25.15]
Jordon Tyson Collins – 3 yrs old – Lawton, OK – Pit Bull – [6.28.15]
Norberto Legarda – 83 yrs old – Pecos, TX – Pit Bulls – [7.2.15]
Joshua Phillip Strother – 6 yrs old – Hendersonville, NC – Pit Bull – [7.7.15]
Annie L. Williams – 71 yrs old – Shaker Heights, OH – Pit Bull – [7.12.15]
Carolyn Lamp – 67 yrs old – COWETA, Ok – 3 Pit Bull/1 Rottweiler – [7.24.15]
Porsche Nicole Cartee – 25 yrs old – SPARTANBURG, SC – Pit Bull – [8.22.15]
Cathy Wheatcraft – 48 yrs old – DAVIE COUNTY, N.C. – Pit Bull – [8.24.15]
Barbara McCormick – 65 yrs old – Autauga County , AL – Golden/Mix – [8.2.15]
Emilio Rios Sr – 65 yrs old – Riverside County, CA. Pit Bulls – [8.8.15]
Carmen Reigada – 91 yrs old – Miami, FL. – American bulldog,Rhodesian Ridgeback, Labrador mix – [9.22.15]
Lamarkus Hakeem Hicks – 2 yrs old – Martinsburg, WV – Pit Bull – [9.28.15]
Edgar Brown – 60 yrs old – OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. – Pit Bulls – [10.16.15]
Tanner Smith – 5 yrs old – Vidor, TX – Pit Bulls – [10.19.15]
Amiyah Dunston – 9 yrs old – Elmont, NY – Pit Bull – [11.8.15]
Anthony Riggs – 57 yrs old – Madison County ,TN – Rottweiler – [11.12.15]
Name Pending – 11 months old – MARSHALL, NY – Pit Bull – [11.15.15]
I have zero sympathy for pit bulls! They kill, period! Circumstances don’t matter!
I can’t believe that people believe the nanny dog myth. This is how pets and kids get killed!
People find out that pit bulls are dangerous the hard way!
Unfortunately people have to learn the hard way about this breed.
Sorry dude but get your facts straight.
1)All dogs are different
2)Some people just bred pitbulls to the point where the Blue Nose Pitbull got the vicious gene ( not all blue noses are like this but it is because of breeders, not the dogs)(And when I say vicious gene is if they a certain dog was linked down a long and horrible breeding line then yes they can get dangerous, but this could happen TO ANY DOG)
3)And honestly, by just listening to you, I believe any pitbull would be nicer than you because you judge them based on BAD stories, how about you look up the bad ones, look up how pitbull look after a breed fight, because I dont think you would stoll be saying that
The American Pit Bull Terrier is, like all the ‘bully’ breeds, one of this group of descendants of the British ‘bull and terrier’ type fighting bulldogs. Once imported into the United States, it was bred up to be bigger again, and again used in baiting animals and in dogfighting. The American Kennel Club (founded 1884) was unwilling to register these fighting dogs, so in 1898 the United Kennel Club was founded specifically to register working pit-fighting dogs and to promote dogfighting. In order to be registered, a dog had to first win three pit fights7,8,9. The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) became a ‘breed’. As dogfighting declined in popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, Colby (the most famous and prolific breeder of these dogs) began to search for a new market and began promoting the APBT as family pets10,11. This despite the fact that his breeding lines included child killers12.
Learn more about the American Pit Bull Terrier: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/american-pit-bull-terrier/
“Nobody advocating for [breed specific legislation] has adopted that position because they were unable to find “one positive story.” Nor did they become BSL advocates because of “one negative story.” One comes to a policy position through exposure to epidemiological trends, not personal anecdotes. Moreover, just about every case in which a family’s pet dog mauled or killed a family member was a “positive story” until the tragedy happened – randomly and suddenly.”
Read more: https://www.animals24-7.org/2015/11/06/pit-bulls-the-personal-is-political/
Posted December 23, 2015
List of News Reports on Heroic Normal Dog Exploits
There have been quite a few news stories about normal dogs saving people’s and animal’s lives in the last few weeks, but they’ve been overshadowed by a single story about a pit bull that attacked a man who was assaulting a woman in a domestic disturbance.
The pit bull saved the woman from attack and was stabbed itself and later died. This story has been picked up by dozens of news outlets and is drowning out the numerous recent reports of gruesome fatal or disfiguring pit bull attacks.
Basically, in a sea of pit bull attacks caused by pit bulls’ inherent propensity to attack, one pit bull managed to attack a bad guy. It is a statistical inevitability with pit bulls attacking all the time, that sometimes they’ll end up attacking the bad guy.
Just to put this in perspective, here is a list of heroic normal dogs (and one cat) that were in the news in the last nine days. It just so happens that these heroic normal dogs saved many lives without attacking anything.
Dec 14
Dog saves owner from house fire
Dec. 17
Keeshond saves owner by barking and alerting to heart attack – doesn’t attack anything
Dec 17
Homeless man’s dog saves him for second time without attacking
Dec 18 Real service dog yellow lab has saved owner 1,200 times by alerting to low blood sugar and without attacking
Dec 20
Small fluffy dog saves her owner from house fire by waking her up
dec 20
shepherd-lab mix saves woman by detecting her lung cancer without attacking
Dec 21
Black lab saves owner from sex attack – doesn’t attack
Dec 22
Dog saves her puppy from floodwaters without attacking
Dec 22
Jack Russell terrier finds and saves lost toddler – doesn’t attack anything
Dec 22
Australian sheepdog stays with lost toddler and keeps her warm and barks to alert rescuers with no attacking
Dec 22
Sheepdog under command of shepherd rescues stranded sheep from river flooding – without attacking
Dec 22
Pet cat rescues teenage owner from epileptic fits without attacking
Make that the American pit bull terrorist!
Read the whole story you dumbass! A lot of families have learned that pit bulls are not pets, period! Breed does matter! It’s about safety! You pit nutters just don’t get it!
Such a sad story. I can’t imagine this families pain. I feel so bad for them. My hearts go out to them. I currently own four pit bulls and have own several in the past. I myself have not had any problems with them at all. I in fact rescue dogs as well and have only been bitten by small dogs, but each dog is different. I don’t break the law (except for a few trafficinfractions) but it doesn’t mean that I couldn’t one day. I think dogs can attack with no warning but I don’t think that that means every pit bull will attack.
That’s just being lucky! Don’t say never! One day, your pits will show their true colors!
Stop with the lies. Pit bulls are sweet dogs & if what you say is true why didn’t your so called story go on the news. You can’t hate something you don’t understand. Pit bulls are amazing dogs.
Are you serious? Are you accusing the mother of lying? Were you there? No! Knock it off! Ask Jeff Borchardt! Pit bulls don’t have to be trained to attack! It’s in their genes! They were never nanny dogs! What if it was your child?
Pit bulls are 4 legged terrorists! That’s the truth! They’re not lying! Families find out the hard way! You are a selfish pit nutter as this attitude of yours clearly shows! Tell that to the families who have had their own beloved family members involved in pit bull attacks!
Why didn’t Kara’s story go national? Why wasn’t it in People Magazine and all over other media publications? Why isn’t Tia Torres and other celebrity “experts” who dare to promote and recommend these dangerous dogs as safe family pets being sued for their reckless use of influence on the general public? Why aren’t all these stories of fatal pit bull attacks getting the massive media attention they deserve? And why on earth do people feel the need to own dogs capable or ripping people to shreds? There are hundreds of breeds available that won’t kill or severely disfigure our loved ones and animals… there is no need for pit bulls. Truths about the breed need to be told and the breeding of them needs to end. Not just for the sake of the public’s safety, but for the sake of the millions of abused and euthanizes pit bulls as well.
I think it’s because pit nutters believe that the media is so bias against pit bulls! When are they going to learn?
I just read comment below friom Daxters friends, ““So sorry for your loss … BUT” commenters care “nothing for social normsand will break them with impunity if it serves their purpose,” which in this case involves defending the pit bull breed. ” so now you are putting anyone with a different view in a category like this? Do I break social norms? You dont know me and how dare you poison peoples minds with ignorant biases like this. I have a different opinion. I have had different experiences….your obvious attempt to lump us all in one group explains how u can also condem an entire breed for the act of a few. Shame on you.
Nancy P responded to your comments quite capably. You really deserve harsh treatment. The nonsense about nanny dogs has been revealed as an utter invention years ago.
Seriously? This is the reality that pit bull victims face every day! Nanny dog? Are you kidding me? This is how pets and kids get killed! Check out dogsbite.org. Pit bulls kill! They are the number one killer unlike any other breed! Pit bulls dismember, maim, maul and kill! They don’t just bite! If you believe that, you’re just minimizing the damage! It has been proven over and over and over again! Stop making excuses!
Excuse me? What did you just say? You should be ashamed of yourself!
To all those who want to spew so much hate you need to realize that your points can not be taken seriously. You can not expect people to listen to your opinions when you continually degrade people and call them names. How do you expect anyone to take what you say and internalize it when you continue to call them idiots, pit nutters, etc.? If you want to be taken seriously and be shown respect than you have to earn that. Using harsh language and name calling does nothing but make you look uneducated. If you read the comments you will notice that the pit bull breed lovers(I am one of them) are mostly being respectful. It appears that the ones who hate the pit bull type breeds are the ones doing the most name calling. Us lovers of the breed get grouped into all being moronic and nutty(by Daxton’s friends and the likes) for our opinions when the majority of us have been nothing but respectful.
I am so sorry for your loss, as a mother myself I can only imagine the pain you have endured. I am also the owner of a pitbull.
1) unnutered dogs of all breeds are unpredictable.
2) Pit Bulls are the original nanny dog.
3) Pit bulls have saved more humans than killed them.
4) the dog, not the breed should be judged, just like people.
5) i am sorry for your loss.
Prayers sent your way
~_~ Lisa you pin headed pea brained moronic CRETIN…..1) The dogs that attacked & killed Daxton were both spayed/neutered well raised American Pitbull Terriers. 2) Pitbulls nor any other breed of domestic dog was ever used as nanny dogs that’s a lie that was made up in the 1970s, to sugar coat pitbulls. 3) If Pitbull breeds have saved more lives than they’ve taken, then show us all of the documented proof of every pitbull that saved a life. Otherwise “KNOCK IT OFF!” >:(
You tell her Nancy!
1) The pit bulls that killed Daxton and MANY others were S/N at the earliest age possible. https://blog.dogsbite.org/2013/07/beyond-the-interview-essay-of-a-fatal-pit-bull-mauling.html
2) Pit bulls were NEVER “nanny dogs.” Despite this myth being highly publicized and even BADRAP debunked this myth, pit bull advocates like yourself STILL repeat this very dangerous myth. If you would’ve read our website closer, you would know this: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/canine-myths-2/
3) This is an outright LIE. I have no idea where you got this info from, but I’m interested in your sources. https://www.fatalpitbullattacks.com/
4) ALL dog breeds were created by humans for a specific purpose. Learn more on our Canine Myths page: https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/canine-myths-2/
5) You may be sorry for her loss, BUT this website was designed for people EXACTLY like you. You should probably read into it some more because it could someday save you or someone you love’s life.
Are you stupid or what? If your children were attacked by your so-called pet, what are you going to do? There is a reason why the breed is judged. It’s because of the fact that they have killed and won’t hesitate to do it again! It’s just a matter of time!
You are a heartless individual! You did not just say that you are a mother with evil, homicidal, bloodthirsty, terrorist shitbulls! What if your children got killed by your pit bulls? Pit bulls are guilty the first time they maul and kill somebody! Put them down immediately! Do you have remorse for this family? Do you have remorse for anybody? No! You’re spreading a bunch of lies! Do you hear me? Lies!
No one has to get a pittbull, or any other dog, No one is forced to keep two unfixed male pittbulls or any other type of dog, (and a third female), with their small children. Parents have a choice, and they can certainly learn from this mother’s story.It is the responsibility of the dog owner to keep their dogs under control, and children safe. Apparently no one was home who could do that.
Shame on you Marlene. You should be embarrassed of what you have said about no one in the home was able to control the situation. You do not know what it is like to see a pitbull that you raised from a baby with children attack your own child. I happen to have had the same thing happen to my 3 year old but we were lucky enough to get her to the hospital in time. You don’t know what it’s like to see your child ripped apart from a fiercy strong dog that you had for years without a bark or a growl. You don’t know what it’s like fight against a killer dog in order to save your child. You are a disgrace and you are terribly disrespectful to the family and to that poor little girl. You should be embarrassed. The last thing this family needs is your Bullshit opinion of something you have no idea about.
No has to get a pittbull, or any other dog, No one is forced to keep two unfixed male pittbulls or any other type of dog, (and a third female), with their small children. Parents have a choice, and they can certainly learn from this mother’s story.It is the responsibility of the dog owner to keep their dogs under control, and children safe. Apparently no one was home who could do that.
Tia Torres went onto the Jon Stewart show and said “pit bulls used to be nanny dogs.” Does that mean nothing to you?
It means nothing to the pit nutters! I don’t give a damn about what they have to say!
While this is obviously a very, very sad and sensitive situation, I think it’s ridiculous to blame Tia Torres for it. I would never, ever get a dog based on what I saw in a television show. Do your research before you allow any dog into your home. I am sure that if that had been done, you would have read a hundred negative things about Pit bulls for every good thing Tia says. It was a tragic accident and as much as you may want to put the blame on someone, there is no person to blame for this. I can’t imagine anything worse than the dog you loved as a family member destroying your family in this way. Unfortunately you can never fully trust any dog, no matter what the breed or how long you have had it. They are animals after all. It is always a risk in some way to bring one into your home, but as a dog owner, especially of such a controversial breed, you should be aware of this already.
And while I can understand why you may want every Pit to be destroyed after this, if it had been a German Shepherd you would probably feel the same way about them after. It is ridiculous for someone to hate an entire breed because of ONE dog.
“Sorry for your loss, BUT… ”
This term refers to a branch of Pit Sociopaths. Zealous pit bull advocates (Nutters), who comment on mauling threads or write directly to the parents of children killed by a pit bull. “So sorry for your loss … BUT” commenters care “nothing for social normsand will break them with impunity if it serves their purpose,” which in this case involves defending the pit bull breed. The “BUT” follows the superficial expression of trying to appear socially normal by first stating, “So sorry.” The latter part is used to explain away the destructive injuries inflicted by pit bulls or to place blame on other factors, such as the victim or dog owner.
Read more: https://maultalk.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/so-sorry-for-your-loss-but/
Jolene, your comment is utter nonsense. If it had been a German Shepherd there is every likelihood that the incident wouldn’t have happened. The numbers, the facts, do not lie. You are hundreds of times more likely to suffer a serious attack by owning a pit bull instead of ANY OTHER BREED OF DOG! Someone that knows little to nothing then relies upon the recommendations of a self-professed ‘expert’ on a television program. That expert is busy putting out the same propaganda and outright lies as is common to so many of the anti-social or fact deniers of the pit bull advocacy movement. Said potential pet owner then brings the recommended breed into her home and has said dog basically turn a child into a chew toy resulting in death. And you wish to trivialize the testimony of the ‘expert’ for being at fault?
Just how does that logic work? I would really like to know. You see I have been a first responder, for many years. I have witnessed everything from bear attacks in Alaska to alligator attacks in Florida (little known fact is that there are more serious and life threatening attacks by Pit Bulls in the Miami area, where they are banned by the way, than by the native population of alligators) and attack and death by pitbull is ALWAYS at the top of the list in the cities and town of the US regarding death by animal. If you factor in attacks on other domestic animals and then consider that the total number of pit bulls in the US still doesn’t exceed 6% of the total canine population you may just begin to understand the problem. A small minority population of a specific dog type cause an enormous majority of dog related injuries and deaths. Pit bulls attack cars! They kill horses! This is not your normal medium-sized schnauzer. This is a dog bred to fight and for whom fighting is its own self-motivating pleasure. It is in their nature as surely as you can count on a Pointer to point, a Retriever to fetch, and a Shepherd to herd.
So yes, it is well within the purview of proper decency to blame an expert that presents lies, myths and half-truths under the guise of mainstream media that then allows this mythos to perpetuate in order to preserve the odd beliefs of a tiny portion of the population that think they can rehab these killers.
A German Shepherd tried to kill one of my dogs. Another German Shepherd did kill another of my dogs 2 weeks ago. It snapped her up by the neck right in front of several people… So fast, no warning.. And she was gone. No, I am in no way comparing a dog to a child. I can’t even imagine such horrific pain. I’m just saying I could easily, and I do fight it, be highly prejudiced against German Shepherds, as they are the only breed that I have experienced aggression from. All dogs must be properly socialized etc. I’m not saying these weren’t. I have no right to assume anything. I only pray for the family. As far as blaming Tia or Cesar, they both stress over and over, spay and neutering your dogs or you run the risk of aggression.
Pay attention to the damn story you antisocial nutter!
Jerome Davis. Talk about flying off the handle. Calm down. Did you forget to take your meds today. Holy Sh**
Excuse me?
What a heartbreaking tragedy. It is not the fault of a TV show or person in that show however, and in fact I wouldn’t fault anybody except to say this; you can get in your car and drive to work and be cut off only to never come home again, but would you blame the Car you died in for your death, or the other car company etc. Maybe someone was driving drunk, maybe they looked down for a nano second at their phone and didn’t see you coming. This is LIFE and accidents happen. I live in Cleveland, and in any given night several people are killed by shotguns and home invasion etc. I certainly can’t live my life in fear of something happening to me and continue to enjoy this LIFE where tragedies do happen. Was the dog TRAINED? Who is going to ask this grieving mother or grill her about the home environment, but as with many things in life some things do not add up to me about the story. There are too many variables and although it is her right to BLAME something other than what was let allowed inside her own home, I would hope that people don’t follow the HATE THE PITBULL bandwagon AGAIN. There does need to be spay and neuter programs and yeah some are too aggressive and should be euthanized, but plenty of other live in peaceful and trained homes as the big lap dogs they think they should be! Most of all THEY DO NEED TO KNOW YOU ARE THE BOSS OF THE HOME AND THAT THERE ARE RULES. Then again, you wouldn’t let your kids run the HOME now would you. You teach them as well. I do not have an answer for such a tragedy as it is not my lesson in life, but I certainly can understand the emotion coming from someone that grieves such horrific loss. I just know not to let it get in the way of what I personally know about dogs and working with them.
I really feel for this lady I do, as i’m sure we all do Tia Torres isn’t going to however. even when I owned my Staffordshire terriers I hated that woman. I grew up around fighting dogs and well after my kids were grown I raised several. the way they should be raised no dog parks, no public interaction unless muzzled, and ABOSLUTETLY no children EVER. no neighbor kids, no young family members never.
I raised 4 dogs this way being crazy vigilant allways. eventually it got old and I got beagles after my terriers had passed. long story short Tia Torres is a horrible person,role model,pitbull owner.
I am very very sorry, this is a horrible situation.
I truly believe that every dog has its own personality. As far as berating Tia Torres and the breed, it is not a solution. Any dog is not a toy and P.B.s are generally stronger than other breeds. I have a pit bull who is not aggressive but is very strong. I also have a chihuahua who IS aggressive but not strong.
It is a TV series and Tia Torres (especially in the first several seasons of her show) does state that some Pitbulls are just too aggressive. You can blame her all you want but it doesn’t help. I am a long time dog owner and have fostered many many dogs….I was attacked by a labrador retriever as a child, but it just wasn’t strong enough to hold on to me. You have to be aware, each dog is different and bad breeding can cause aggressive traits.
you give the same tired chichauchau’ are meaner argument. the only difference when my grandma’s little dog goes on a rampage. she scolds her and puts her in her room, and I may end up with a tiny scratch. I’ve seen pitbulls chew through walls and attack each other. tiny dog= minor inconvience pit bull= death or serious maiming.
This is heart-wrenching…so sorry for your loss. I find the frequent misinformation about this breed troubling…
i just read the sad article about the girl being killed my the pit bull…..so sorry….but as a mother you should know better than to leave a child alone with any dog…..sorry, sadly but the little girl must have done something…..Please don’t blame Tia, as she does wonderful work.
Anna, The grandmother was holding Kara when the pit bulls ripped her out of grandma’s arms. The problem is most people are unable to stop a pit bull once it starts mauling someone. What are you not understanding?
What I don’t hear, is anything about increasing police funding to stop dog fighting. These dogs are bred to illegally fight in most cases. If we start to harshly punish those that fight dogs, breeding slows down and you have significantly less stray and Rescue pitbulls. It doesn’t solve the problem as a whole, but if it doesn’t start there, we will never cure the overpopulation of aggressive Pitbulls. Dog fighting has to stop first.
Tia- there is special place in hell for you and “people” like you. This is all about money- and sociopaths will sell their mothers for a pack of cigarettes.When P.B. became popular some 25-30 yrs ago – I did not hate them but all of a sudden they were on the local news OFTEN (I was living in So CA at the time.) NOW I hate them more each day. Most of us who would love to see them become extinct ( put them in the ZOO- like The Tasmanian Devil) do not want to see them abused in any way. Most people love dogs but TRUST ME P.Bs are not dogs. It is not their fault- they are just doing what they were bred to do- starting hundreds of yrs ago.. And you cannot train that out of them- no way. Many “pitty lovers” can NOT understand why we NORMAL people do not mention the good they do. IT IS SIMPLE- For the little good they do-( it seems like it is about the only time they admit it is a P.B.) it does not BEGIN to make up for all the misery they have caused countless thousands of people all over the world and this has been going on for many, many years. “NUTTERS” will say “your breed is next” GIVE ME A BREAK!!! I am 68 yrs old and never heard of any other breed that is more feared, hated ,and exploited in my life . Those long ads on TV ( I can’t even watch them- they are so sad) and the “no kill shelters” cost BIG TIME and they are getting lots of donations from these ads and often the shelters will lie- lie by omission to “pimp them out” and could not give a rats a__about our safety!!
Barbara…you hit the nail on the hed.
There is also a special place in Hell for Cesar Millan! What kind of psychopath would say that pit bull injuries are just a bite? Are you serious? What did their victims do to deserve it? It is not just a simple pit bull bite! It is sheer danger of attempted murder! Where is outrage for the victims? Where is common sense?
What about the ones that have never hurt anyone or even come close to it? Do you feel they should still be ripped away from their families and put down for doing nothing wrong other than being the same breed that the media LOVES to report on? You can’t be so completely closed minded that you honestly don’t believe there’s a single “pit bull” out there that’s never done any harm to anyone. There’s good dogs and bad dogs of EVERY type of breed…just like there’s good people and bad people.
“Do you feel they should still be ripped away from their families and put down”
That is not true. Nowhere in the history of either USA or Canada has BSL ever been implemented where existing pit bull owners were not grandfathered in and allowed to keep their dogs as long as they were “responsible” dog owners. I always put the word “responsible” in quotations because there is absolutely no way to “responsibly” own and keep a fighting breed as safe family pet.
What about Desiree Arnold from Denver, CO and her dog Coco that was euthanized for simply being a “pit bull”?
Did Desiree Arnold acquire her pit bull before or after the Denver pit bull ban took effect? If you answer AFTER, then Desiree Arnold is a criminal that broke the law.
Actually Desiree Arnold owned her dog prior to the ban. She was offered a hearing which she rejected and rehomed the dog outside of Dnever. Unfortunately the dog was a problem in the new home and they informed Desiree that they couldn’t keep Coco. So Desiree took Coco BACK to Denver and attempted to hide the fact from Denver Law Enforcement. She was caught and due to the attempt to circumvent the law the dog was euthanized. If we are going to try to justify a position by hunting and selecting ONLY the facts that support our argument while disregarding the ones that do not support our view then we are guilty of being disingenuous.
That I’m not sure of – I doubt it since she wont a $5,000 settlement from the city after her dog was killed. But even if she did get it after, that means SHE was the criminal and that’s no reason to euthanize the dog who did nothing wrong. There was a large petition to allow the dog to be adopted out by an out of state family, but the city wouldn’t allow it and still chose to put the innocent dog down.
They’re just lucky. It hasn’t happened “yet!” I put emphasis on the word yet. It will happen sooner or later as it has in many cases.
This lady needs to take a good look in the mirror and look at her own actions before blaming the dog, the breed and a TV personality! 1st a dog is not a toy you buy for a kid for Christmas! A dog is an animal you need to learn how to care for and train properly regardless of breed!! Next you don’t leave a child alone with a dog of any breed! Then she claims he attacked her daughter with no warning, no growl, no sneer, no previous anger, no signs whatsoever? How would she know since 1st she was not even there and 2nd most people don’t understand or know how to properly read dogs! I guess it’s always easier to point the finger at others than taking responsibility for your action! You lady only have yourself and your ignorance about properly caring and training a dog to blame! I guess it’s easier to point the finger at others then taking responsibility for your own bad decisions! Shame on you lady!
2015 Dog Bite Related Fatalities in the U.S.
Updated after each fatality following fact finding research
13 Dog Bite Related Fatality
by Breed.
9 by Pit Bull/Pit Bull Mix
1 by Rottweiler
3 Unknown
By Age :
04 Children
09 Adult
By State :
NM – 1 death
MD – 1 death
FL – 1 death
IA – 1 death
AR – 1 death
PA – 1 death
W. VA – 1 death
TX – 2 death
SD – 1 death
AR – 1 death
GA – 1 death
NV – 1 death
Names and ages of the deceased:
Unidentified Native American – about 40 y,o. – Gallup, NM – Pack of Feral Dogs [1.2.15]
Eugene W. Smith – 87- Frederick, MD – 1 Pit Bull [1.7.15]
Declin Moss – 18 months – Brooksville, FL – 2 Pit Bulls [1.19.15]
Malaki Mildward – 7yrs old – College Springs, IA – 2 Pit Bull/Bull Dog Mix [1.22.15]
Fredrick Crutchfield – 63 yrs old – Johnson county, AR – Pit Bull [ 2.4.15]
TayLynn DeVaughn – 2 yrs old – Pittsburgh, PA – Pit Bull [2.22.15]
Roy Higgenbotham – 62 yrs old – WHEELING, W.Va. – Pit Bull [3.8.15]
Betty Wood – 78 yrs old – SULPHUR SPRINGS, TX – Rottweiler [3.12.15]
Julia Charging Whirlwind – 49 yrs old – WHITE RIVER, SD – Pending [3.14.15]
Detrick Johnson – 36 yrs old – JEFFERSON COUNTY, AR – 7 Pit Bulls [3.21.15]
Neta Lee Adams – 81 yrs old – WASHINGTON, GA – Pending [3.31.15]
Kenneth Ford – 79 yrs old – NYE COUNTY, NV – Pit Bulls [4.14.15]
Brayden Wilson – 2 months old – Dallas, TX – Pit Bull [4.19.15]
Your list is incomplete. A poor elderly lady in Pollock, Grant Parish, LA was attacked by a pack of dogs and died. It was horrific and tragic.
Tia Torres & Jon Stewart have more blood on their hands for promoting pit bulls as ‘nanny dogs’ and are great with kids on the ‘Daily Show.’ All you pit bull advocates need to denounce this myth. You are getting innocent children killed. Another unsuspecting family mislead by the pit bull advocates who state pit bulls are nanny dogs, it is all how you raise them and they are no more dangerous than any other dog breed. This family thought they had safe pit bulls, now has to come to terms that their pit bulls killed their 4-year-old daughter. By the way, grandma was there and the pit bulls ripped Kara out of her arms. BOTTOM LINE: If this family would of picked a safer pet like a beagle their baby would be alive.
Families need to be better educated how to pick a safe family pet. Many are being mislead by the pit-bull lobby claiming they are safe family dogs. Pit bull type dogs are the number one canine killer of children, people, other people’s beloved pets and livestock of all other breeds combined and of all time. From 2005-2015 about 270 people and children killed by pit bull type dogs. You can read their individual tragedies here: https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2014.php POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG BREEDS This is a list of dog breeds that have a history of being potentially dangerous to people, especially children. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness understands that any dog has the ability to bite or inflict serious harm to humans. This list consists of several dog breeds that have a higher than average number of recorded human fatalities. Please use extreme caution if you choose to bring one of these breeds into your home. https://www.daxtonsfriends.com/identification-of-danger/
Red Flag: Most insurance companies have come to the same conclusion and do no cover pit-bull types because they can’t afford the risk. Insurance companies have a calculated actuarial risk of pit bulls of 3,000% compared with other dogs. Pit bulls are seven times more likely to attack their owners. Dog attacks are the third most common claim on homeowner’s insurance. More evidence that people who have pit-bulls and certain other types of breeds are endangering people and other people’s beloved pets in our communities. http://realestate.aol.com/blog/2014/09/15/homeowner-insurance-blacklist-dog-breeds/“
I find it very sad that your condemnation of her actions leading to the death by dog mauling of her 4-year old daughter is, in its entirety, based on arguments grounded in the same logical fallacy you wrongfully accuse her of.
If a snake oil salesman gives you “expert opinion” that ultimately results in damage to yourself, or a loved one, because you believed and trusted the expert you can bet the individual so damaged is right to blame the expert and those that gave the expert a platform.
You made assumptions about the child being left alone with the dog. The child and her sister were under the care of their grandmother. You made assumptions about her testimony regarding the dogs attitude prior to the attack. Those were testimony from eyewitness accounts given by her own mother.
I will grant you the luxury that the testimony could, possibly, be fallacious. I don’t think it is as it matches the normative behaviors of a pit bull attack profile. You are entitled to an opinion at variance with mine but not by the method of elimination of fact or twisting of same.
Your comment amounted to an attack on the mother of a child ripped to pieces by a family pet and as such is about the most inhumane and cruel act I have witnessed in this entire sordid affair. You should be ashamed of yourself… Very ashamed.
Many families pick out family pets as presents. With pit bulls being promoted as loving, family dogs, why wouldn’t one be a perfect choice? I only hear about the need to “train” them not to kill after they have already done it. If you need to “them” not to kill your child, how can they still be the perfect family pet? The information given by pit bull activists is very confusing and a bit mind boggling. By what I can tell, Ms. Hartrich was a great owner and provided a loving environment for her dogs. She is the kind of home that pit bull activists strive to put pit bulls in. She was also very naïve, which pit bull activists love.
Suddenly, after her child was killed, her fellow pit bull friends abandon her. The pit bull activists did under estimate Ms. Hartrich. Turns out she is very different than them, she loves her child more than any dog. Just like the fighting breed dogs she was deceived into owning, she is also a fighter.
No one is blaming the dog. He was only doing what he is bred to do. We are blaming the humans that are tricking families into bringing these dogs into their homes. In my book, there is little difference between pit bull activists and dog fighters. I personally prefer the dog fighters, they aren’t pretending to be something they are not.
Are you stupid? Are you serious? Give me a break!
Unfortunately people have to learn the hard way about this breed.
Rehabilitation is not the answer , euthanasia is.
Roxanne, I broke down in tears as I read the story of your sweet girl. I cannot imagine the grief you and your family are feeling. My heart breaks for you, and the countless other families that sadly have had to deal with this kind of profound tragedy and loss. I will keep you in my prayers for healing and that someday you may find some sort of peace.
I am so sad to hear this, but do not put ANY blame on anyone else. Tia is just like you when it comes to loving a dog. If she has not experienced issues for X amount of years, then this is all she has to go on. Why would YOU bring a put bull into a home that young children that cannot defend themselves? I have known TONS of people that have pit bulls with babies and they are now grown and NONE of them have experienced their pit bulls attack. Would I ever have one when my kids were small NO I WOULD NOT. Why you ask? Simple. I have seen and heard too many other news stories on pit bulls (and other breeds) attacking without any warning, so why even take that .01% chance with babies? Why?
Really, it is not YOUR fault or TIA’s fault. It’s the DOGS fault for what happened. This is a horrible tragic situation that happened to you and my heart breaks for you and the family and other victims of dog attacks; however, they are called ‘animals’ for a reason. People preach what they know of any situation and if you have a dog for X amount of years and has never attacked, then you are going to side with that animal and say they are safe, friendly, etc as ‘this is all you know’ and ‘have seen’ from YOUR dog.
I never post things like this online, as its just as bad a posting about politics and religion. Everyone has their opinion and it’s just that, an opinion. We all have to make decisions each and every day and we learn from them. We cannot blame others if you took someones ‘opinion’ and tried to turn it into fact.
Again, we are so sorry for the loss and how the loss happened, but try and make piece with it..it’s not your fault, its not husbands fault, not a TV shows fault, etc., it was the dogs fault as he/she did this terrible thing to your loving daughter. May she rest and peace.
2015 Dog Bite Related Fatalities in the U.S.
Updated after each fatality following fact finding research
13 Dog Bite Related Fatality
by Breed.
9 by Pit Bull/Pit Bull Mix
1 by Rottweiler
3 Unknown
By Age :
04 Children
09 Adult
By State :
NM – 1 death
MD – 1 death
FL – 1 death
IA – 1 death
AR – 1 death
PA – 1 death
W. VA – 1 death
TX – 2 death
SD – 1 death
AR – 1 death
GA – 1 death
NV – 1 death
Names and ages of the deceased:
Unidentified Native American – about 40 y,o. – Gallup, NM – Pack of Feral Dogs [1.2.15]
Eugene W. Smith – 87- Frederick, MD – 1 Pit Bull [1.7.15]
Declin Moss – 18 months – Brooksville, FL – 2 Pit Bulls [1.19.15]
Malaki Mildward – 7yrs old – College Springs, IA – 2 Pit Bull/Bull Dog Mix [1.22.15]
Fredrick Crutchfield – 63 yrs old – Johnson county, AR – Pit Bull [ 2.4.15]
TayLynn DeVaughn – 2 yrs old – Pittsburgh, PA – Pit Bull [2.22.15]
Roy Higgenbotham – 62 yrs old – WHEELING, W.Va. – Pit Bull [3.8.15]
Betty Wood – 78 yrs old – SULPHUR SPRINGS, TX – Rottweiler [3.12.15]
Julia Charging Whirlwind – 49 yrs old – WHITE RIVER, SD – Pending [3.14.15]
Detrick Johnson – 36 yrs old – JEFFERSON COUNTY, AR – 7 Pit Bulls [3.21.15]
Neta Lee Adams – 81 yrs old – WASHINGTON, GA – Pending [3.31.15]
Kenneth Ford – 79 yrs old – NYE COUNTY, NV – Pit Bulls [4.14.15]
Brayden Wilson – 2 months old – Dallas, TX – Pit Bull [4.19.15]
Looking at another site – you’ll see there are other breeds that also contribute to deaths. ANY large dog that bites can severely maim or kill. T
Dog Attack Deaths and Maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to December 31, 2014
December 31, 2014
By compiling U.S. and Canadian press accounts between 1982 and 2014, Merritt Clifton, editor of Animals 24-7, shows the dog breeds most responsible for disfiguring injuries and deaths.
The combination of molosser breeds, including pit bulls, rottweilers, presa canarios, cane corsos, mastiffs, dogo argentinos, fila brasieros, sharpeis, boxers, and their mixes, inflict:
86% of attacks that induce bodily harm
81% of attacks to children
89% of attack to adults
76% of attacks that result in fatalities
86% that result in maiming
Embody 9.2%+ of the total dog population
Did you just tell a grieving mother to “make peace” with her child’s death? While that is a lovely suggestion, I don’t think you have a realistic view of how difficult is cope with a death of a child or pit bulls in general. You are right about one thing, your response is an opinion. A under researched and heartless opinion. Roxanne has the right to blame Ms. Torres and all the other promoters of pit bulls.
You see Bob, despite what these people say, they are well aware there is a problem with the breed. I worked professionally with dogs, including thousands of pit bulls, for 15 years and have no doubt in my mind that the breed is dangerous and are not family pets. What Ms. Torres, and many other pit bull activists, fail to let the public know is that they keep many secrets. Many pit bull rescuers practice something called “crate and rotate”, which is basically a method of separating pit bulls so they do not fight while being fostered. When folks go to adopt, they let them believe that they can live with other dogs, but secretly the rescuer knows that it is risky venture. Sometimes rescue organizations will go as far as to pretend dogs are in foster care, but really they are housed in boarding facilities to keep them separated to prevent fighting. There is not another breed rescue that has to go to such lengths to prevent their dogs from tearing each other to shreds. Rescuers also spend a great deal of time trying to prevent over stimulation, especially at rescue events. Look closely next time you are at an adoption event and you will see rescuers constantly moving the dogs around are being careful to not let them focus on other dogs too long. They try not to let them play to much or engage in much because they know that anything they gets them stimulated can lead to aggressive behavior.
I guarantee you that Ms. Torres has seen and practices everything I have discussed. I guarantee you that she has dealt with plenty of aggressive pit bull behavior, dog to dog and dog to human. In my 15 years in this business I experience it daily. The difference between me and Miss Torres is that I am being honest. She is liar with little regard for human life, including innocent children. Pit bull activists are not public safety minded. Their goal is to do what it takes to get pit bulls adopted at any cost. Roxanne paid the ultimate price for trusting Miss Torres and viewing her as an “expert”. She is only an expert in deception. I also hold pit bull promoters responsible for Kara’s death, as well as Dax and all the others.
So try again Bob.
Bob, you unraveled your own argument. Tia is presented as an expert authority on this show, I have watched it. But I watched it as a former first responder that wanted to puke as I listened to her outright lies and misinformation. I know better and, going by your testimony, you know better. But how do you blame only the dog when someone that is ignorant of the breed relies on testimony presented as expert opinion? You can’t. Tia still called up the Nanny Dog myth despite it’s retraction by one of the leading pit bull advocacy groups which I believe is mentioned on this page. Enough said. You hung yourself with your own petard.