Pamela Devitt (5/9/13) DBRF #13 1

Pamela Devitt pamela-devitt-2013-fatal-pit-bull-attack-photos


Alax Jackson

Pamela Devitt

63-years old | Littlerock, CA

Pamela Devitt, 63-years old, was viciously mauled by four pit bulls while taking her morning walk. A passing motorist saw the woman on the ground being attacked and called 911. Authorities said her injuries included being “scalped” and one arm removed. The woman died en route to the hospital. Deputies began house-to-house ground and air searches to capture the dangerous dogs. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to the “capture of the four killer pit bulls.” Detectives later received information that led to the service of a search warrant in a home near the site of the mauling. Authorities seized 8 dogs from the property — 6 were pit bulls. During the search, detectives uncovered a “marijuana grow” operation. Alex Jackson, 29-years old, was arrested on suspicion of cultivating marijuana. On May 29, after conducting DNA tests on the dogs, authorities charged Jackson with second-degree murder in connection to Devitt’s death. [source citations]


-Alex Jackson, owner of the four pit bulls that killed Pamela Devitt, was charged with murder Thursday after DNA tests on the dogs revealed the victim’s blood on their muzzles and coats

California Man Charged in Fatal Pit Bull Mauling

-Pictured: The female jogger mauled to death by pack of pit bulls in Los Angeles 




American Pit Bull Terrier

*The American Pit Bull Terrier needs early socialization and training. Since they are active dogs, they can become unmanageable quickly. They need a firm and consistent handler that can maintain control at all times. They are eager to please and can learn tricks if trained patiently. They are very active both indoors and outdoors. Despite proper training and socialization, many dogs may be hard to manage and can still have unwanted behaviors. The American Pit Bull Terrier has a history and bloodline deep rooted in the blood sports of animal baiting and dogfighting. As with all breeds, they retain their original traits. They often to do not accept other animals, especially dogs, and can be extremely aggressive towards them. They may accept animals they are raised with, but have been known to kill other family pets even after years of living together happily.

In North America, from 1982-2013, Pit Bull breeds and mixes have seriously attacked 2,990 humans that resulted in 1,777 maimings and 275 deaths.




This is a list of dog breeds that have a history of being potentially dangerous to people, especially children. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness understands that any dog has the ability to bite or inflict serious harm to humans. This list consists of several dog breeds that have a higher than average number of recorded human fatalities. Please use extreme caution if you choose to bring one of these breeds into your home. Rental communities and homeowners insurance may restrict many of the dog breeds on this list due to the likelihood of a serious incident. Pit Bulls, Mastiff, and Rottweiler lead in fatalities and are listed first. The rest of the breeds are listed in alphabetical order: Pit Bull Terrier Family





Alaskan Malamute

Chow Chow

Doberman Pinscher

German Shepherd

Shar Pei

Siberian Husky

Wolf Hybrid

One thought on “Pamela Devitt (5/9/13) DBRF #13

  • Professor Howard Lytton

    The British Medical Journal points out that a dog that has been obedience trained is a suppressed, ticking time bomb. The Save the Children from the Dogs – and the Dogs from the Needle Institute on the other hand are already curing dogs of aggression, including pit bulls, through understanding the dogs’ instincts rather than by ordering dogs around, punishing them and being an aggressive role model, which, as the medical journal points out simply leads to retaliation – which is the cause of over 98% of all out of the blue attacks. Unless these dynamics are understood there is no hope of stemming the dog aggression epidemic. Anyone who would like more information on this essential life saving research can email our institute at [email protected]

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