Pit bull attacks leave lasting wounds, devastate families


Adara Johnson, left, and her father, Bill. Adara had her face sewn back together with more than 75 stitches after a pit bull attack. She will face scar minimization surgery in a few years.

Pit bull attacks leave lasting wounds, devastate families

In Wisconsin, a 14-month-old was left with a crushed skull, severed spine, hundreds of cuts and a dangling eyeball before he died from his injuries.

It took more than 1,000 stitches and facial reconstruction surgery to set a 7-year-old on the path to recovery in Tennessee. He has four more surgeries to look forward to before his treatment ends.

A 10-year-old’s face was sewn together with more than 75 stitches in Philadelphia in 2012, and she will face scar minimization surgery in a few years.

An 82-year-old Palmyra man suffered a broken femur and pelvis, a head injury, and multiple injuries to his arm last month.

The one thing these horrific injuries have in common: They all were inflicted by pit bulls, which were responsible for 25 of the 32 dog bite-related deaths in the United States in 2013, according to www.dogsbite.org, a nonprofit public education website that focuses on “dangerous dog breeds, chiefly pit bulls.”

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This is a list of dog breeds that have a history of being potentially dangerous to people, especially children. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness understands that any dog has the ability to bite or inflict serious harm to humans. This list consists of several dog breeds that have a higher than average number of recorded human fatalities. Please use extreme caution if you choose to bring one of these breeds into your home. Rental communities and homeowners insurance may restrict many of the dog breeds on this list due to the likelihood of a serious incident.

Pit Bulls, Mastiff, and Rottweiler lead in fatalities and are listed first. The rest of the breeds are listed in alphabetical order:

Pit Bull Terrier Family





Alaskan Malamute

Chow Chow

Doberman Pinscher

German Shepherd

Shar Pei

Siberian Husky

Wolf Hybrid