2-mo-old, Brayden Lamar Wilson – Killed by the family pit bull when dad went outside to turn on sprinkler (4/20/15)

2-Month-Old Boy Killed, Mauled by Family’s Pit Bull

Police said a man left his son — later identified as Brayden Wilson — alone with the dog as he went outside to turn on their sprinkler system at their home on the 6800 block of Beechnut Street.

When the man walked back into the house, the dog was attacking the child as he sat in a bouncing chair, police said.

The dog then attacked the boy’s mother, biting her twice.

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As family mourns, propaganda hides danger of pit bull attacks

A tragic deception has been perpetrated on the American public, says Colleen Lynn of Austin.

And the gruesome consequences were seen in Dallas last weekend.

In a scene almost too sickening to imagine, a 2-month-old baby in a bouncy seat was attacked and fatally mutilated by the family’s pit bull.

The baby’s grandmother expressed the family’s complete shock. The dog had been in the family and around other children for eight years without problems, she said.

But it’s no surprise at all for Lynn. In fact, it’s disgustingly familiar.

“It’s what they always say. They’re always shocked,” she said.

Lynn is founder of Dogsbite.org, an advocacy group working to reduce serious dog attacks, particularly by pit bulls.

“People buy into this idea that it’s all in how you raise them. That’s the bottom-line propaganda,” she said. “But it’s just not honest. It denies all the heritage of the breed. For centuries, these dogs were bred to attack and to kill.

“We all do breed research before we buy a dog. That’s just normal. We understand breed traits. But there’s this big cover-up about pit bulls.

“If people had more complete information about these dogs, they would make better decisions — parents especially,” she said.

Read more: http://www.dallasnews.com/news/columnists/steve-blow/20150422-as-family-mourns-propaganda-hides-danger-of-pit-bull-attacks.ece

Pit Bull Attacks, Kills 2-Year-Old Dallas Boy


DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – A pit bull attacked and killed a Dallas toddler Sunday afternoon, after the dog was left along with the child for a few minutes, according to the parents.

Police say the father grabbed the dog by the neck, took it outside and shot it twice.

No word on the mother’s condition.

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Who’s to blame? Brayden Wilson, baby killed by family pit bull


Brayden Wilson a two month old baby boy has died after being mauled to death by the family pit bull at home in Dallas, Texas, Sunday afternoon.

Police say the boy died when the child’s father went outside to turn on a sprinkler system.

At present it is not necessarily understood why the family chose to harbor a pit bull dog given the volatile nature of the breed and their observed ability to turn on children. Others meanwhile have argued on the web that no dog’s behavior can ever be fully understood and that no vulnerable child should ever be left alone in their company.

Read more: http://scallywagandvagabond.com/2015/04/brayden-wilson-baby-boy-killed-family-pit-bull/#ixzz3XyrP8igF

Dallas baby killed by family’s pet pitbull

StoryWFAA – 11:11 a.m. CDT April 20, 2015

The pitbull attacked the boy, who was in a bouncing seat, while the father was outside.

Police say the boy’s mother was bitten twice by the dog while trying to pull the child away.

The father dragged the dog off of the boy and shot the dog twice outside. Police say the baby was pronounced dead at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas.

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Infant Killed In Pit Bull Attack In Dallas

Elizabeth DinhElizabeth Dinh – 4/20/15

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) — A 10-week-old baby was attacked and killed by the family’s pit bull on Sunday afternoon in the Red Bird area of Dallas.

Police say the father stepped outside briefly to turn on the water sprinklers. It was then that the dog attacked the infant, identified as Brayden Lamar Wilson, who was sitting in a bouncing seat inside the home.

Brayden was rushed to Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, where he was pronounced dead.

There is no indication on whether any charges will be filed.

Child Protective Services says it received a report and will investigate. At this time, no other children have been removed from the home and there is no CPS history on the family.

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Dallas police say 2-month-old boy dies after attack by his family’s pet pit bull

DALLAS — Dallas police say a 2-month-old boy has died after being attacked by his family’s pet pit bull at their home.

Police say the baby was attacked Sunday while in a bouncing seat. Police say the child’s father had gone outside to turn on a sprinkler system and when he returned, the dog was attacking the child.

As the father tried to stop the attack, the mother walked in. She was bitten twice by the dog.

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2015 Dog Bite Fatality: Family Pit Bull Kills Baby Boy in Dallas, Texas

family-pit-bull-kills-dallas-babyDogsBite.org reports

Images of the Dog
UPDATE 04/29/15: On the day this fatal pit bull attack was reported, we located the mother’s Facebook page in Google Cache. At least temporarily after the baby’s horrific death, it had been deactivated from Facebook. Upon checking again last night, the page had been reactivated. As recently as January 11, 2015, the mother posted two consecutive photographs to her Timeline of a male pit bull with a graying muzzle that she lovingly refers to as a “big baby” in both public posts.1

In the two posts, it appears she is referring to the 8-year old dog’s tapering ability to hop up on the couch, “Well….he made it up here…”

The deceptive propaganda about the breed, “It’s all how you raise them,” promoted by pit bull owners, breeders, animal groups, television programs and more, is clearly evoked in these two photographs. This false narrative wholly denies the heritage of the breed, involving centuries of selection for bull baiting then dogfighting. The purposely-bred form and function of a fighting dog is to attack without warning signs, to execute the killing bite and to relentlessly attack until death.

The aging family pit bull that lumbered onto the couch in January, with no history of aggression, had no problem suddenly executing the killing bite a few months later. Latching on to the baby’s head, killing it, was just part of the deadly attack. When the father succeeded in getting the dog to release the baby, the pit bull next attacked the mother who intervened. At some point, the father was able to drag the 8-year old pit bull outside where he shot it to death, ending the attack.

Family Pit Bull was 8-Years Old

CBS 11 News reported Monday that the family pit bull, named Grady, was 8-years old. The dog had been with the family for nearly a decade and had played with other children before. CBS spoke with the child’s grandmother who said that family members are “in shock” that the pit bull would suddenly turn on the child. The grandmother also told CBS 11 that other children were at the home at the time of the savage attack, but were playing outside and did not see the violence.

“It’s just unexplainable. You just don’t get it when you’ve had the dog so long, I don’t know what could have happened. I don’t know.” – Willetta Tate

Tate said the other children are 8 and 11 years old and had grown up with the dog. “Those kids, they sleep with him and everything,” she said. A similar case occurred in 2013 in Georgia, when a family pit bull of 8-years, named Kissy Face, savagely killed a 2-year old boy. The female, spayed pit bull had known the boy since his birth and his older sister who was 6-years old when the attack occurred. The boy’s mother, Angela Rutledge, later told her painful story to a state legislator.

The video shows Brayden’s mother emotional after returning home from the hospital. “Like I said, kids play with him every day, littler kids, nieces and nephews and I just… I don’t know,” Tate echoed. Then the video cuts to neighbor Chanel Villarreal who also owns a pit bull that she dragged for out the cameras. Because by all means, just after the violent mauling death of a baby by a family pit bull is certainly a ripe time to showcase anecdotal nonsense by a pit bull owner.

Child Protective Services interviewed the family twice. CPS has no prior history with the family.

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American Pit Bull Terrier

bullpit1-300x198The American Pit Bull Terrier is, like all the ‘bully’ breeds, one of this group of descendants of the British ‘bull and terrier’ type fighting bulldogs. Once imported into the United States, it was bred up to be bigger again, and again used in baiting animals and in dogfighting. The American Kennel Club (founded 1884) was unwilling to register these fighting dogs, so in 1898 the United Kennel Club was founded specifically to register working pit-fighting dogs and to promote dogfighting. In order to be registered, a dog had to first win three pit fights7,8,9. The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) became a ‘breed’. As dogfighting declined in popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, Colby (the most famous and prolific breeder of these dogs) began to search for a new market and began promoting the APBT as family pets10,11. This despite the fact that his breeding lines included child killers12.

The APBT is of medium intelligence, and it is athletic. They have plenty of energy and exuberance for life. They are affectionate companions are often referred to as a “nanny dog”, which leads many families to believe that they are suitable companions for children. Many can live happily with children and never have an issue, but there are many cases of the family pit bull suddenly attacking or killing a child in the household. The Pit Bull advocacy group BADRAP recently retracted their original “nanny dog” statements (https://www.facebook.com/BADRAP.org/posts/10151460774472399 )13. In 2013, in the United States, 16 children were killed by Pit Bulls and their mixes. Most of these children were killed by family pet pit bulls that had never been neglected or abused and had always loved the child. As with all breeds, the traits needed for their original tasks remain in the dogs – in this case, the sudden explosive aggression that was necessary to survive in the fighting pit. An APBT may never show this aggression, but if it does there will be no warning and the attack will not be easy to stop. Extreme caution should always be taken when this breed interacts with children. They are fun loving dogs that have “clownish” behaviors. Despite, their many positive qualities, this breed may not be suitable for everyone. Their high energy requires a family that can accommodate and appreciate this aspect of their personality. They usually do best with active families. Many American Pit Bull Terriers get calmer as they age and an older dog may work for a more reserved family.

In North America, from 1982-2014, Pit Bull breeds and mixes have seriously attacked 3,595 humans that resulted in 2,233 maimings and 307 deaths

Click here to read more about the American Pit Bull Terrier


This is a list of dog breeds that have a history of being potentially dangerous to people, especially children. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness understands that any dog has the ability to bite or inflict serious harm to humans. This list consists of several dog breeds that have a higher than average number of recorded human fatalities. Please use extreme caution if you choose to bring one of these breeds into your home. Rental communities and homeowners insurance may restrict many of the dog breeds on this list due to the likelihood of a serious incident.

Pit Bulls, Mastiff, and Rottweiler lead in fatalities and are listed first. The rest of the breeds are listed in alphabetical order:

potentially-dangerous-dog-300x300Pit Bull Terrier Family





Alaskan Malamute

Chow Chow

Doberman Pinscher

German Shepherd

Shar Pei

Siberian Husky

Wolf Hybrid

2015 Dog Bite Related Fatalities in the U.S.
Updated after each fatality following fact finding research

13 Dog Bite Related Fatality
by Breed.
9 by Pit Bull/Pit Bull Mix
1 by Rottweiler
3 Unknown

By Age :
04 Children
09 Adult

By State :

NM – 1 death
MD – 1 death
FL – 1 death
IA – 1 death
AR – 1 death
PA – 1 death
W. VA – 1 death
TX – 2 death
SD – 1 death
AR – 1 death
GA – 1 death
NV – 1 death

Names and ages of the deceased:

Unidentified Native American – about 40 y,o. – Gallup, NM – Pack of Feral Dogs [1.2.15]

Eugene W. Smith – 87- Frederick, MD – 1 Pit Bull [1.7.15]

Declin Moss – 18 months – Brooksville, FL – 2 Pit Bulls [1.19.15]

Malaki Mildward – 7yrs old – College Springs, IA – 2 Pit Bull/Bull Dog Mix [1.22.15]

Fredrick Crutchfield – 63 yrs old – Johnson county, AR – Pit Bull [ 2.4.15]

TayLynn DeVaughn – 2 yrs old – Pittsburgh, PA – Pit Bull [2.22.15]

Roy Higgenbotham – 62 yrs old – WHEELING, W.Va. – Pit Bull [3.8.15]

Betty Wood – 78 yrs old – SULPHUR SPRINGS, TX – Rottweiler [3.12.15]

Julia Charging Whirlwind – 49 yrs old – WHITE RIVER, SD – Pending [3.14.15]

Detrick Johnson – 36 yrs old – JEFFERSON COUNTY, AR – 7 Pit Bulls [3.21.15]

Neta Lee Adams – 81 yrs old – WASHINGTON, GA – Pending [3.31.15]

Kenneth Ford – 79 yrs old – NYE COUNTY, NV – Pit Bulls [4.14.15]

Brayden Wilson – 2 months old – Dallas, TX – Pit Bull [4.19.15]

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