New Video Surfaces Showing New Jersey Cops Siccing Dog on Non-Resisting Man, Who Ended Up Dying
Posted by: Carlos Miller – Citizen Journalism – 4/8/15
A third video has surfaced from New Jersey, showing a Vineland cop straddling a non-resisting man while punching him repeatedly, ordering a police dog to join in the attack, which resulted in the man’s death last week.
“Get him! get him,” the cop orders the dog, who then begins mauling Philip White.
After several seconds, the cop then tries to pull the dog off the White, but the dog continues his attack.
White, who is on his back, has his arms in the air as the dog continues to chomp on him.
“Roll over, put your hands behind your back, do it now!” the cop orders as the dog refuses to let go of him.
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Jersey Cops Let K9 Maul Man to Death, Then Try to Steal the Video
– James Joiner – WTF – 04.07.156:00 PM ET
A police dog tears apart an unarmed black man’s face while officers watch.
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Clip Shows NJ Cops Ordered Attack Dog To Maul Black Man [VIDEO]
by D.L. Chandler (@dlchandler123) Apr 9 2015, 5:06pm
On March 31, police in Vineland, N.J. approached 32-year-old Black man Philip White after responding to a call that morning about a disorderly person. Conflicting reports stated that White reached for an officer’s weapon, prompting one of the officers to straddle and beat White while an attack dog mauled the man’s face.
There is now video evidence that supports claims that the officers allowed the attack to go on despite White being down. White later died from his injuries while en route to a local hospital for treatment. Witnesses videotaped the incident with one clip showing an officer trying to confiscate one of the phones from a bystander.
The website Photography Is Not A Crime posted the clearest video yet, which shows the harrowing details of what happened that day.
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Viral video of NJ suspect attacked by police dog sparks outrage
A pair of police officers in southern New Jersey are reportedly under investigation over an in-custody death after a video of the suspect being attacked by a K-9 dog while being subdued was posted online.
Phillip G. White, 32, of Vineland, died in an ambulance enroute to the hospital shortly after his arrest on March 31.
A video posted on YouTube shows that White was attacked by the K-9 while he was pinned to the ground. While the video does not show what preceded the incident, it has sparked outrage, with some claiming that excessive police brutality led to White’s death.
Both officers, identified as Louis Platania and Richard Janasiak, have been placed on administrative leave pending a mandatory investigation of the incident by the Cumberland County Prosecutors office and the New Jersey State Police.
“Come! Get ’em! Get ’em!” Platania is heard saying on the video, while he has White pinned to the ground. The dog then latches his jaws onto the suspect’s arm for several minutes until he is eventually pulled off.
The attorney representing Platania and Janasiak said that his clients operated within the means of standard police procedure and that White’s cause of death was likely due to the fact that he was on a combination of heavy drugs.
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The German Shepherd’s history as a farm dog disposes them to be very protective of their territory or yard. They are guardians by nature and this may cause them to behave in a confrontational manner. It is wise to exercise extreme caution when approaching or visiting homes with a German Shepherd. They have been known to act aggressively in order to protect.
Because they are so often used for police work, some lines of GSDs have developed behavior that makes them unsuitable as household pets. Police lines often suffer an ADHD-like excitability and lack of impulse control. Some have developed what looks like ‘impulsive aggression’ – sudden, unprovoked, disproportionately savage attacks on another dog or on a human. If you are considering a German Shepherd Dog as a household companion, it is important to be sure you choose a dog from a working guide dog line or a companion dog line, and avoid breeders who supply police trainers and/or shutzhund clubs. This is particularly important if you expect the dog to interact safely with children and with other animals.
The German Shepherd Dog is a large canine, weighing between 75-90 pounds when full grown. The GSD’s coat needs brushing daily and will shed usually twice a year. Hereditary diseases to be aware of include elbow dysplasia, blood disorders, digestive problems, chronic eczema, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), and skin allergies. Show lines can have hip dysplasia so serious that it cripples the dog at a young age. The GSD has a life expectancy of approximately 13 years.
Click here to read more about the German Shepherd
This is a list of dog breeds that have a history of being potentially dangerous to people, especially children. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness understands that any dog has the ability to bite or inflict serious harm to humans. This list consists of several dog breeds that have a higher than average number of recorded human fatalities. Please use extreme caution if you choose to bring one of these breeds into your home. Rental communities and homeowners insurance may restrict many of the dog breeds on this list due to the likelihood of a serious incident.
Pit Bulls, Mastiff, and Rottweiler lead in fatalities and are listed first. The rest of the breeds are listed in alphabetical order:
- American Bulldog
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- English/Standard Bull Terrier
- Miniature Bull Terrier
- Olde English Bulldog
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Bullmastiff
- Cane Corso/Italian Mastiff
- Dogo Argentino
- English Mastiff
- Fila Brasileiro
- Dogue de Bordeaux/French Mastiff
- Great Dane/German Mastiff
- Presa Canario
- St. Bernard/Alpine Mastiff