10-year-old boy mauled by two “Rottweiler/Lab-mixes” on his way home from school in Glen Burnie, MD (4/14/15) 5

2 dogs maul boy near school in Glen Burnie

5 thoughts on “10-year-old boy mauled by two “Rottweiler/Lab-mixes” on his way home from school in Glen Burnie, MD (4/14/15)

  • Bobbi

    I hope that somebody with dog knowledge is looking at this article and images of these attacking dogs. They look like Pit Bull type dogs to me. Neither Rottweilers nor Labradors show this type, and never occur in that blue gray color. These are no Rott-Lab crosses! Wake up, people!

  • Joanie

    link TO “watch more” under second headline story written by Lowell someone takes you to a story about Madonna.
    story must of moved.

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